
I've had worse. One of them is not getting second degree burns from a frying pan, but having to suffer skinless in hellfire with Azazel cheering me up to endure the pain of what was called the 'Sin-Free Bath' procedure. I felt sinless(?) after that shit.

And well, I've got an iceblock on my face with the help of the newly freed chefs of Beacon Academy. I decided to duct-tape my face with it since I got tired of carrying it around. Not my smartest decision, I know.

And I also remembered that you cannot treat second degree burns with ice because it lowers my body temperature and cause further pain and damage. AND I really hate myself right now.

I entered the medical room, or school clinic? Anyways, the nurse was shocked beyond at least. After a multitasking of scolding and treating my wounds, I had a healing pad bandage thing on my face mostly covering my wounds.

And well, it was 7:30 am. Perfect for breakfast.

Surprising, (it wasn't) I was the first customer to be here. I got to the counter and... I forgot I didn't have any money. That meant Lien.

Regardless, a plate of English Breakfast was given to my hands anyways. I glanced up to see the chefs grinning. I gave a small smile and gave a thumbs up for thanks.

So I ate my breakfast normally. One by one, the teams of huntsmen and huntresses came to take their new strangely good breakfast. Team JNPR came and unsuprisingly got the pancakes.

"Where have you been?! We looked for you everywhere in our dorms, and you didn't even left a note!" I heard the half-irritated and half-tired voice of Weiss calling out to me.

"To be fair, I wanted breakfast early. I wasn't trying to escape here." I sighed out as I munched on a sausage. Team RWBY also came to get their breakfast too.

"Well, you should've called us- WHAT IN DUST HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!" Weiss half-shouted as she noticed the second degree burn on my face. They were all shocked to say at least.

"Eh, nothing. Got whacked by a frying pan." I casually replied and pondered the thought if the lunch lady was actually in canon or not. Probably not, since I don't remember her being in Beacon...

"Jeez, that burn looks crispy. How did get those from a frying pan?" Yang asked as she winced at the severe burns on my face. I shrugged.

"It was a VERY hot frying pan." I commented, and tried to ignore the pain from my cheek. Ruby was concerned about my health as the wounds looked very painful. And it was. Then in response, Team JNPR came to sit with Team RWBY.

"Oh hey guys! Uh, who's the new guy?..." Jaune (Best boy? I guess you can think it like that, since most of the fanfiction is based on him...) asked. I chomped on a bacon streak.

"Mark. Name's Mark." I waved a finger salute.

"The name's Jaune Arc! Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue- I should probably stop now, shouldn't I?..." He stopped himself. I gave him an 'eh'.

I glanced at Pyrrha. I felt no grudges against the girl, and I doubted she would too. Well I don't want the Mistral Champion whooping my ass now, should I?

"Pyrrha Nikos." She smiled and introduced herself with a handshake.

"Pyrrha Nikos... Nice to meet you. Sorry about the mess." I shook her hand in apology for the ballistic javalin thing. Her eyes showed surprise as my tone didn't give a shit about her fame, or I didn't know.

"AND I'M NORA VALKYRIE! This is Ren, he's my best friend for sooooo long! Well, not 'together-together', and I LIKE PANCAKES!" Nora exclaimed loudly. Ren facepalmed and gave an apologetic look. One that I returned with a shrug.

"Eh, I like pancakes too. Ever heard of Nutella?" I asked, sharing the secret recipe that nutella goes well with pancakes. Nutella + Pancakes = :)

"What's Nutella? Is it nut? Nutty? OH! IS IT... PEANUT BUTTER?!" She exclaimed confusedly and excitedly. Oh wait. Remnant doesn't have any Nutella. That sucks.

"Uh, Nutella is a chocolate hazelnut spread that you use for spreading bread or any pastries. You don't have that in here?" I said, creating an alibi for Nutella. Don't want them to think that I'm an alien...

"REALLY?! THAT. SOUNDS. DELICIOUS~! Quick question. Are you an alien from outer space? Oh! Nutella sounds great with pancakes! Where can I get them? Please~ I want moar!" Okay, this was ridiculous. I knew that Nora was a bit... open and creative to things, but that couldn't be a concidence.

"Nora... Please stop annoying the new student." Ren advised as he pulled Nora away from me. I gave a sympathetic look to Ren as I knew dealing with children was troublesome.

"So, you're the guy that's on rehabilitation? What did you do?" Jaune asked. I shrugged casually.

"Just some stuff. Disturbing the Peace, Theft of Vehicles, Property Damage, so on. Professor Ozpin gave me a second chance. Or so to speak..." I skeptically glanced at the skies. Damn Author.

"Ow, ow... That hurts...!" A crying girl's voice called out behind us. I turned my face around to see Velvet's bunny ears getting pulled by Cardin Winchester and his goons laughing. I thought that was taken care of... Oh well.

Casually acting like I didn't gave a shit (in which I did), I swiftly took my fork with my fingers swung backwards, as the fork ricocheted off the floor and struck Cardin's hand pin-point accurately without even looking.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHH!" There was the scream. Anywho, I got myself up and picked up my tray and dish to give back the things the chefs owned... Until his hand gripped my shoulder.

"Hey asshole! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He angrily shouted at my face. I glanced at my side acting confused.

"For... what?" I played dumb as my poker face was damn near perfect. Cardin sneered and shoved me back, forcing a few steps from me.

"You threw that fork, didn't you?! I know you did it!" He demanded, gripping on my shirt and shouting at my face.

"Why would I do it?! I'm new here, and I'm trying to get my fookin' breakfast after I got my face burnt from a fucking frying pan!" I retorted back. Cardin gritted his teeth and pointed down on my tray.

"Then why is your fork missing?" I looked down to see my fork was missing. I blinked furiously.

"... Good point." I replied and immediately threw my plate upwards. In that moment, Cardin's focus was on the thrown object due to instincts, and I decked him to the face.

Then I caught the tray and threw away on a random table. Cardin growled as he clutched his nose in pain. Team CRDL (Cardinal) all got up from their seats with scowls.

[AN: Insert some badass fight scene music from Red vs. Blue]

I cracked my neck and my knuckles. I motioned my hand to them.

Dove came to threw a fist, I caught it and twisted the arm. Elbowing the head, and twisting his whole body, I headbutted him.

Then I kicked him on the gut and let him fall with his allies. They weren't happy.

Cardin scowled threw a menacing swing at me, in which dodged and went under struck everymen's weak spot.

He doubled over and I proceeded to discombobulate him by smacking his ears, and in that moment, I blocked a blow from Russel and kicked him.

Sky came rushing at me and I grabbed him by the sides and threw him over my head using the charging momentum and slammed both of us on the ground.

Covering my head from the kicks from Dove and Russel on the ground, I took their shoes off and yeeted them to their faces. They were surprised to say at least as I took their shoes off. They flinched and lifted myself up gripped their shirts and I slammed them to the ground.

"YAAAHH!!" Cardin threw a few punches that forced me to block myself with my arms. I threw both of our arms skywards and proceeded to kick his balls again.

"UURRGH! WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM WITH MY BALLS?!..." He doubled over and clutched his groin.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!" Russel came flying at me intending to do a slamdown and I ducked under and flipped him by his legs. I glanced my side to sense Dove was going to whack me with a plate.

I gripped my hands together and smashed the oncoming plate with my elbow. I headbutted him on the face and he stepped back with shaky steps.

I took a double-check and turned back and smashed my feet into Cardin's balls again as he fell down in agony. Hands gripped down on my legs and I immediately looked down to see Sky Lark intending me to take me down.

He did however, but I used the momentum and fell down used a people's elbow on Cardin's balls again, causing him to shout in pain. I unbuckled my belt and slid it off of my pants.

"Bitch, I'll take you out with the belts! HAYAH!" I whipped Dove's face as he came closer with the belt while I was on the floor. Russel's feet was going to stomp on my face, but I redirected the blow to Cardin's balls again.

"Waitwaiwait- OOOHGH!...." Cardin's agony on his balls were indescribable as Russel muttered a sorry and I tied my belt on his leg and pulled him down again much to his surprise.

"AAAAGHHH!!!" I lifted myself to catch the fist of one standing Sky Lark and twisted his arm and headbutted in the face. I leapt and threw a hook towards his face decked him to the ground.

"AAAAARRGH- URRGH!" Dove went for kick as I grabbed the leg and twisted his body to the floor again. I went down and gripped him in a leglock. I gritted my teeth and caused as much pain as possible.

I turned around to see Russel getting up from the ground with a murderous scowl. I made a ugly frown to taunt him, and he became pissed and charged at me. I let go of Dove and lift myself quickly and blocked a blow.

I shoved him off and grabbed a random dinner plate and threw it to his face. I stepped the tables and leapt and spun and slammed him down with an axe kick to the face.

Both of us went down to the floor, as Russel was now unconscious. Meanwhile, I was panting in exhaustion as I groaned in pain as the pain overwelmed me. I forced myself to get up, ignoring the shocked and awestruck looks from the people who saw the fight.

I felt something drip from my mouth as I sighed and ripped a napkin from a random table. Wiping the blood casually from my mouth, I tucked the napkin on my pocket.

I picked my tray and plate and noticed the fork on the ground. I picked it up, completing the full set and casually walked towards the counter.

"Thanks for the food." I simply replied, as I went towards Team RWBY and JNPR's tables. They had shocked looks, awestruck looks, horrified looks, and excited looks.

"THAT. WAS. SO. COOL!!!! HOW'D YOU DO THAT?! ARE YOU SECRETLY A NINJA?! YOU WERE GOING LIKE, 'POWPOW' and 'WAAAHH~' THAT WAS SO COOL!!!" Ruby, Yang, and Nora's eyes glimmered in excitement after the beatdown. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm glad that you stood up to Cardin. He was still being a jerk after Jaune saved him, and I'm happy that you aren't against fanaus." Blake smiled. I scoffed.

"While I don't particularly care about fanaus and humans, I treat them equal. It all depends on what they do, not their species." I explained. Weiss glanced at the beaten down Team CRDL.

"While I don't approve their actions, they derserved what they were coming for." Weiss replied. I groaned as the pain was stinging.

"You should've broke his legs!" Nora exclaimed as I gave her a deadpan.

"Really? That simple? That's just weak, hit 'em where it hurts where the babymakers are. You've seen my example..." I watched as Cardin groaning in agony as he clutched his nuts.

"Remind me not to set you off..." Jaune whimpered as he feared for his life. I rolled my eyes. Professionals have standards. I ain't destroying Jaune's nuts. He needs 'em for... Nevermind.

Arkos is best ship. I have a habit of shipping people and watch them go 'doki doki' each other for some weird entertainment, and Arkos needs some love.

And I'm you Author, you better study some shitty romance novels or something to make this properly Arkos. Or I'll murder you in your sleep.

[AN: Duly noted. Please review. Comment, Add in some powerstones, stay safe, and good day! Arkos forever. Quick question. Is Eevee based on a fox, or just dog and cats fluffy combined?]