The Most Dangerous Beast in the Entire Multiverse

I still had my pad healing thing on my face. As for why I constantly inform myself that this thing is stuck to my face, is that it ain't doing a good job at nulling the pain!

It still hurts. I hate it. Anyways, I started my 'first' class in Remnant, the first being Professor Port's class of his heroic adventures of being a badass. Though I can tell that most of his classes are boring, but it didn't meant that he wasn't fit for teaching as well...

As for my consequence of beating the shit out of Team CRDL? Weekly detention from both team and myself with... Can't recall it. I forgot which Professor I was with. Cardin suffered brutal vasectomy damage, and the rest of his goons got head injuries or something.

"Ah, yes. As I kept the beast in tow, I ripped the life of the beast as I magnificantly defeated it!" Professor Port exclaimed his 'magnificant adventures' in class as most of us were either acting interested or straight up bored.

Me? I tried to sleep through the class because I was so tired. The pain wouldn't make me sleep! Uuurrghh... I hated this. Professor Port kept explaining his 'adventures' until I groaned audibly that he noticed my procrasination.

"Are my lectures boring you, Mr Underwell?" Yeah, I told these guys my last name a long time ago. Unique name aside that didn't meant any color at all, I raised my head up and gave him a lazy eye.

"Nope. Just tired." I barely replied. Port chuckled humorously as my eyebrow twitched slightly.

"Ah, sleeping problems, I say! You should be more self-controlled and organised if you want to be competent in all of your works. Be mind that you should sleep tightly next time, Mr Underwell!" It was slightly annoying to be called 'Mr Underwell'. It was odd, and foreign. I needed to stretch my arm...

"And the moral of this story is that every huntsman must be vigilant, and adapt to every situations that are dire! Who among you here believes themselves the embodiment of these traits?" Port proclaimed. My arm raised by 'pure accident' as I realised that the Author deliberately intended me to participate this.

"Ah, yes! Mr Underwell, as I am happy that you would like to volunteer, but concerning your health and state, I am not sure you are fit for battling." Port rubbed his chin in curiousity. I mentally facepalmed myself.

You know what? F*ck it, I need to blow off some steam... "It's fine, professor. I can take care of myself." I simply grunted. And I knew more of what I can handle.

Port's eyebrows quirked in interest and curiousity. "Ooh? Well, let us find out. Step forward and face your opponent..." The professor glanced at the rattling cage that two glowing red eyes menacingly shone in the darkness.

I tiredly grunted and got myself out the seat and stood alone in the arena. Blake (somehow) got small flags of encouragement as Ruby cheered on in the seats. Weiss was studying me intensely for reasons of my somewhat fake alibi of being an ex-mercenary. Yang simply smirked as this was going to be interesting.

Port's eyebrows quirked in confusion. "Mr Underwell, why are you not bringing your weapon? I doubt someone of your state would defeat a Grimm with their bare hands single-handedly." The portly professor readied his blunderbuss-axe (Blowhard, yes it's ACTUALLY called that) near the cage.

I cracked my neck in preparation. "You said it before, Professor. Adapt to every situations that are dire. Somehow, you're going to kill a Grimm with or without your weapon in such a dire situation. I'm making an example of it in my school atire." Port acknowledged with an amused 'hmm' and readied to open the cage.

"Remarkable words, Mr Underwell! All right. Let the match begin!" Port cracked open the cage by breaking the lock with his axe. There, the metal cage slammed to the ground revealing the lone Boarbatusk growling darkly.

I let out a disbelieved breath from my lungs. Almost mockingly and tauntingly, that ticked the Boar Grimm as it prepared to rush at me by wiping the ground with his feet.

I taunted the thing by motioning my hand to come closer. 'Come here, you gruesome son of a bitch. Come to me.' I smirked. That was it for the Grimm as it started to spun rapidly and faster like a motor wheel.

As it shot like a rotating missile, I just stood there stationary and straight as it came charging at me. I closed my eyes for a moment to ignore the cries of protest from Team RWBY and Team JNPR.


'What the heck is he doing?! Is he trying to get himself killed?!' Weiss furiously thought as the audacity of the rehab student standing stationary in front of a Grimm, a Boarbatusk for that matter!

"Mark, look out!" Ruby's protest didn't call out to the blazer wearing boy. He was going to get hit and injured! Or worse, very hurt!

'That Grimm's going to hit him. Why is he just standing there?!' Yang thought in disbelief and shock as Mark literally did nothing to defend himself as he tucked his pockets of his blazer.

'What in Oum is he planning to just stand there?! Move!' Blake mentally called as the Boarbatusk was nearly close to Mark's legs. As tension rised up, Mark finally acted. Time slowed down.

Mark sheathed and threw something from the sleeves of his blazer with his left hand towards the Boarbatusk. His other hand, raised up and high as if to slam down the whole Boarbatusk itself.


Mark slammed his fist directly at the eye of the Boarbatusk with a sickening squlech, he moved away before the second as the rolling body could hit him. The Boarbatusk lost momentum and lost its balance and crashed at the wall.

He silently looked back to the wall where the Boarbatusk crashed and turned towards it. The Grimm squealed in agony as everybody (minus Mark) noticed the foreign object sticking on the eye of the Grimm.

A f*cking pencil.

Black gunk bled from the punctured eye of the Grimm as it continued to squeal in pain. Mark suddenly felt a sinister and sadistic emotion from the sight and darkly grinned that caused everyone feel cold.

"How bout a magic trick?... I'm going to make that pencil-" He pointed at the pencil sticking on the eye. "-disappear. Let me show you how I do it." He walked menacingly towards the Grimm. The Boarbatusk let out a last defiant cry but later whimpered.

He grasped tightly on the black fur of the Grimm and smashed the wall again, letting out a sickening squlech and puncturing the pencil through the brain, killing the Grimm as it's eyes were blank.

He let go of the Boarbatusk's body. He blinked and looked at his work. "... Yeah, it's a bit gruesome for a magic trick, isn't it? Whoops." He winced and gave an apologetic look to the crowd.

"..." They were shocked to say atleast. Weiss had dropped her jaw in shock. Blake widened her eyes as the size of baseballs. Yang had already dropped her jaw in shock.

Ruby watched the sight with some disbelief. "Uh... Congrats? I feel bad for the Grimm..." She replied and winced at the Grimm who got a pencil through their eye. It was both horrifying and unbelievable to see that a normal everyday object such as a pencil can be used as something lethal to defeat Grimm.

"Bravo! Bravo for the performance, Mr Underwell!" Professor Port started to clap in respect as the new student defeated a Grimm surprisingly well, using such unorthodox methods and adapting to even school grounds.

"Go Mark! Whoo! It was so badass~" Nora called out excitedly at the act. Ren simply looked impressed. Jaune dropped his jaw in shock. Pyrrha widened her eyes slightly from the fact Mark killed a Boarbatusk with a pencil...

"He... actually killed a Grimm with a pencil. A pencil of all things..." "That's so metal and badass..." "I wonder how he fights with his weapon..." Murmurs called out to Mark's performance of killing a Grimm with a pencil.

Mark simply grunted and readjusted his blazer. He casually went to take a seat to the desks of Team RWBY and unexpectedly slammed his face on the desk with an audible slap.

All of the people who watched this sweatdropped. That would've hurt. And they couldn't take him seriously after he killed a Grimm with a pencil, and then decided to faceplant his face on the desk.

"Mark? Mark? You alright? You kinda slammed your face on the desk, VERY hard buddy." Yang poked Mark's head and stopped when she heard snoring. 'That was fast.' She thought, as the rest of Team RWBY sweatdropped thought the same.

"Wonderful performance from Mr Underwell, let him rest for now. Now!.. Miss Rose, would you be kind and remind Mr Underwell of the upcoming homework when he wakes up?" The portly professor chuckled humorously at the sight of the tired huntsman. Ruby also chuckled when Mark was also tasked with homework later on.

The sound of another cage rattling was heard from the classroom. Professor Port heard to this and immediately became confused, looking at the second small cage in wonder and confusion that he never remembered that he brought up another cage to class.

"Hmm, that's weird. I don't recall bringing a second cage to class... Or something that small..." Professor Port mused himself as the cage started to shake from the rattling. He stared skeptically at the shaking cage.

"... Huh? When did that come from?" Yang soon realised there was a mysteriously placed smaller cage next to the Grimm cage. She also didn't recall the portly professor bring that...

"Wait, why is that there?" Weiss also noticed the cage. It was relatively small, able to contain a small creature, a baby grimm maybe, but no use in bringing it. Baby Grimm were the rarest and the weakest of the Grimm as they were hard to find and they were young and weak. Bringing it to a battle would just be useless. It would be dead on one hit.

"Blake, was that there when we entered to class?... I don't remember a second cage in Professor Port's classes..." Ruby asked confusedly. Blake shook her head.

"No. There wasn't a second cage..." Blake replied as she skeptically stared at the russling cage. There wasn't a second cage in the first place. There wasn't. She sweared to Oum, there wasn't a second cage before she came in. Then why was that there?

"Mmmhf..." Mark suddenly woke up from his slumber and tiredly raised his head. The pain wasn't helping his sleeping. Staring with half-opened eyes, he noticed the second cage and widened them.

He leaned his head towards the cage. "Professor, was there a second cage in the first place?... Not saying that I'm crazy, but I don't think that was there..." He narrowed his eyes skeptically at the rattling cage.

"Mr Underwell, I don't remember bringing a second cage..." The portly professor carefully replied. That caused Mark's eyes to narrow more as he lifted from his desk and walk towards the second cage to everyone's surprise.

Mark glanced at the cage with an confused expression. He flinched when the cage rattling became louder. As if it was going to break out.

"Mr Underwell, I would advice you to move away from the cage...!" Port adviced carefully as he prepared his weapon. As Mark was going to step away, the rattling dropped to a stop.

A confused frown formed on his face as he leaned closer to the cage. He looked inside the cage, confused and intending to know of what could've stopped the rattling.


The metal cage blasted a blur outside, revealing the most terrifying, smallest, and dangerous creature of the entire multiverse at Mark's shocked eyes. As the blur shot in speeds towards that Mark couldn't dodge, it truly caught him off guard.

It was truly dangerous.

"VVVVVVEEEEEEEEE!!!" The creature revealed itself as the speeding brown blur of an Eevee charging towards Mark with the most adorablest expression of welcoming using devasting bone-crushing Quick Attack.

Widening his eyes, he met his bane in the form of a pokemon.

"KKKEEHK!" Contact had made, forcing Mark to spat saliva from the shock, force, and disbelief of the Eevee as both Pokemon and Human crashed into the wall, surprisingly going through it.

Everyone dropped their jaws and widened their eyes at what the hell just happened. As the dust cleared, Eevee was happily nuzzling Mark's 'I'm done' face as everyone was in total pandemonium.

"Eevee! Vee, vee, VEE!" The Eevee was adorably rubbing Mark's face of exhaustion as it was VERY excited to meet him. Everyone was shocked, as they were confused as hell.

[AN: Please review. Eevees are fluff. Please comment. Add in some powerstones as well, stay safe, and see you next chapter! And thanks for all the help!]