Jason Runs Away and Comes Back

Now there was a saying. Sleeping with one eye open. Meaning, be very cautious, even in bed. Why did I say that? It's because it has some nasty consequences if you don't follow that rule, especially when you're sleeping inside an orphanage with naughty children that pull pranks on humans.

And when I opened my eyes, I just happened to see multiple orphans about to draw on my face again. Oh they did not-

"Oh you little-" I immediately lifted myself out of the couch, the kids laughing and running quickly upstairs faster than I could catch them. What did they draw on my face this time...?

I went to the bathroom. Smelt like piss and shit. I checked for any booby traps they put inside the door. Not a thing, since they were so little to reach to the door, but children can be creative in doing what they want... Looking at the mirror, I observed the horrors they did to my face.

"What in..." My whole face was covered in colourful doodles (but no penis, thank god) and makeup. Eyeliners, lipstick, stamps, stickers... it had it all. I was fairly impressed when the whole work (my face) looked like it was done by professionals.

Though, I had to get rid of this mess. Checking the tap water to see it wasn't poisoned, I splashed the cold liquid at my face and wiped my face furiously. I made it even worse when the makeup melted from the water.

Sighing, I decided to get rid of them the hard way. Plugging the sink, I downed a bit of bleach, soap, water, and... leftover alchohol? To create my instant cleaner mixture. Still wasn't tested. Don't use it at all. I just made it up.

Dumping my face inside the mixture, it burnt my face like hellfire. I held the pain back, although much as it stung, I waited until the makeup disappeared from my face.

Gasping for air, I saw my red face, cleaned of any makeup those little devils did. Unplugging the sink, I washed my face with cold water to ease the pain. My face was dripping wet, devoid of any shits and giggles.

I winced when I smelled myself. I was stinky. Today, I was particularly concerned about my personal hygiene and decided to take a shower in the morning. Sighing, I locked the door and did a quick shower.


"Pff... Pff... PPPFFFFHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Eveline howled in laughter when she saw Bob the human (she had to call him something) deadpanning at the fact his hair was dyed neon pink. The brown tips were still intact, but it still made him ridiculous.

"How the fuck are those kids three steps ahead of me...? Well, at least they didn't use blue, because fuck blue..." He grumbled, picking a hair on his eyes. Eveline held her stomach and wiped her tears. Oh, why was it so fun seeing Bob getting messed around?

"Well, aren't you 'lightweight' to silly humor." He quipped, raising a glare from Eveline as she frowned. Asshole. He wasn't any fun, was he?

"I heard that." Eveline froze when he said that. It wasn't a coincidence that he knew what she was thinking, right? He couldn't have read her mind-

"No, I'm not reading your mind. I can just tell what you're thinking by your face." Oh. OOH. Scary. Eveline huffed. Smartass. Ignoring Bob, she went up to check on the kids.


The longer I stayed in here, the worser it got. I was getting to conclusions that the orphans might've 'smart' enough think using my stolen gadgets to mess people around was a good idea. It was a possiblity. A bad one that was NOT going to end well.

".... Maa." I slowly turn my face around to spot Judy, the little ram faunus child staring at me. She was intensely staring with hazel brown eyes, and I was nervously sweating as why Judy decided to stare at me.

"Maa." She lowered her head down, revealing the little horns on her head. Huh. They were very tiny, and I didn't notice it before. And why was she lowering her head...? Wait, she wasn't going to-


An audible silence washed both of us as the faunus child softly slammed on my shins. It didn't exactly hurt... The only thing I felt was the soft hair/wool on her head. Ow...?

She backed away her head, and slumped in disappointment as her attacks were weak. I kinda felt sorry for her. I pat her head warmly.

"It's alright, it kinda hurt for a moment. Good try thoug- OOF!" A huge amount of force slammed into my 'family jewels' as Judy's tiny child fists hit my nuts. It very much surprised the shit out of me.

I doubled over, clutching my gut as I backed away from the little devil. "Y-you... are one tough little cookie, aren't you...?" I managed to cough out. Judy held her innocent (read: emotionless) face and skipped away from me.

Auugh... These kids knew where to hurt a man. Mrs Brown came up to me and apologised. "I'm so sorry about Judy! She can be a little careless sometimes because of her young age, so please understand and forgive her for that..." She begged. I groaned in response.

"You know kids these days... Growing smarter every generation." I muttered, enduring the pain from a surprise attack from a ram. Mrs Brown smiled at that. Multiple footsteps echoed through the stairs as I paled.

"There he is! Let's get him again!" "YEAAH!" "Let's take him down! All troops, CHHHHAAARRGEEE!" And then, all hell broke loose as an army of faunus 'soldiers' charged/rushed to take me down.

I still had a growing grudge against these kids since they pranked me, so I might as well 'accidently' smack them. I cracked my neck and prepared myself.

"Roar. Come and get me." I grinned, taunting/motioning my hands at them. Then the battle begun, an army of faunus vs a human boi.

Mrs Brown had rolled with the play, and smiled at the battle. Hopefully, people won't get hurt that bad.


"Then it came straight at me, as if a rocket ship went towards me! I crashed through the walls, and those walls were reinforced that huntsmen wouldn't break it. Not even the strong ones! But it did, licking me and cuddling me like I was it's breakfast. It. Was. Disgusting." Eveline heard Bob explaining a story. To whom, perhaps? The orphans who sat down, carefully listening to his tale as they were in awe.

"Did you kill it? Please tell me you didn't kill it. I wanna see it too!" A faunus child replied curiously. Bob shook his head in denial. He grinned humorously.

"Nah. Instead, it dragged me like a ragdoll, slamming every wall, and proceeded to give me the hardest wedgie anyone had seen! Hopefully nobody saw that... It was so hard that my butt split into two!" Audible gasps were heard after that. He's definitely exaggerating. No one's going to believe that...

Parry, the smartest one in the group called out. "Mister, isn't the butt already split into two? It's called a buttcrack. You dummy dumb mister." He pointed at Bob. Bob thought for a moment, even tilting his head and stroking his imaginary beard.

"Oh." He monotonously replied, realising the fact. The children bursted into laughter as they believed Bob was so dumb not to realise that. That gave Eveline a small smirk.

"Dummy-dumb! Dummy-dumb!" They all teased. Bob deadpanned at them, as the children took amusement from his deadpan and laughed harder. Painting himself as a fool, huh?

Eveline felt a tug from her pants as she looked down to see Jason, frowning. She lowered herself to match the height. "What's wrong, Jason?" She asked concernedly. She saw Jason's discomfort.

"I wanna go outside, sis." Eveline mentally sighed. Jason HAD to be stubborn about the problems he was dealing with.

"Jason, we talked about this. Everytime you leave the orphanage, you come back with bruises and cuts that make everyone more worried about what's going on with you. No means no." She sternly stated. Jason disagreed.

"But I have this thing now! I can deal with those bast- boys from school! You watch me, I'll kick their butts." Jason held up the dangerously sharp object on his hands. Eveline glowered and took the object out of his hands.

"No. You're going to get badly hurt again, and I have to patch you up. Do what you've told, and don't leave the house!" She shouted her frustrations. An alarming silence washed over the orphanage as her shout alerted everyone to stare at Eveline and Jason.



Eveline realised what she has done. A red mark formed on Jason's cheeks as his eyes were showing shoch, betrayal, frustration, and rage. Jason gritted his teeth as tears dripped from his eyes.

"Y-you're... SUCH AN ASSHOLE FOR NOT LISTENING TO ME! I HATE YOU, EVELINE! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU EVER, EVER AGAIN!!" Jason teared up and ran crying upstairs. Everyone watched in shock, especially Mrs Brown who knew Jason's conflict and frustrations deeply.

Eveline had it worse. What has she done...? Eveline stared at her hands in shock, refusing to believe that she slapped Jason. She tried to follow Jason, but it would only hate her more. The guilt made her hesitant to even follow Jason. It would've just made it worse...

"I'll go upstairs, Eveline... It's not your fault." It was her fault. Everything was her fault. She hurt Jason, shouted at him, and even made him hate her... Her heart was felt cold and sorrow. It felt horrible.


Well, shit just went zero to a hundred REAL quick... Mrs Brown went upstairs to console Jason, as Eveline probably felt guilty and horrible for slapping him. I nudged the kids to stay here, before walking to Eveline.

She noticed, and glared at me. "What?" She seethed out, venting her frustrations on poor me. I raised an eyebrow at that. She's blaming herself, I know the expression on their faces.

"Blaming yourself won't do jack. I understand-" "You don't know anything." She spat out with a venomous glare, causing to raise my arms and motion her to calm down.

"Okay, okay. I don't understand the relationship between you and Jason. But I know how it feels like to be worried, scared, afraid for others. Sometimes... you just gotta let go. Trust them. Or you make them trust you." I explained as I pointed at her. Eveline stared at me with some frustration and confusion.

"How do you know that?... I'm a monster for slapping Jason. He hates me. He won't forgive me..." She somberly replied out. She was frustrated. I know she was. I sighed heavily.

"Can you forgive me for doing this?" I pulled my hand back, much to her confusion.


I bitch-slapped Eveline's face HARD. She looked bewildered, shocked as to why I would slap her. I cleared my throat. "Listen. I know the feeling of being protected by others and protecting others. It sucks in both ends. Jason's probably frustrated as much as you are. He thinks that you hate him. You think he hates you back. That's complicated as fuck. UN-complicate it. And I'll help you if it's hard. I know how to deal with it." I stated, shocking Eveline as I just stated I would help her.

Mrs Brown ran from the stairs hurriedly and faced both of us. Something told me that wasn't good news. "Jason's gone!" She did not tell the good news. Shiet.

"WHAT?!" Eveline shouted, before running up into upstairs to check. I followed her to check how'd he escape an orphanage in the first place. Kid's either got mad skills at escape a 2-story tall building, or this is one short ass house.

As we both ran up to the stairs seeing multiple rooms open, some kids playing... Remnant: The Game. The 'popular' board game (more like the only one) that whoever conqueres first in a board sized Remnant. Seriously? Is Remnant that much of a boring place that board games are fun?

Off topic. Anyways, we both ran into Jason's room, which was shut and probably locked. Eveline tried to shake the door open, meanwhile I grunted and pulled my leg and kicked the door open, much to Eveline's surprise.

"You could've warned me!" She shouted in outrage. I rolled my eyes.

"Are we going after the kid with many issues, or what?" I said back. As we both entered the empty room, I noticed it was... unusually clean and tidy. Huh, I thought a kid with that personality would make their room messy or dirty...

I groaned when I saw the window. "Oh, Jesus. The kid's a smartass for tying up the blankets together to make a rope. Look!" I pointed at the tied blanket rope on the window. No kid thinks like that.

"Jason's going back there again... Damnit, Jason!" She slammed the wall, frustrated and ran outside. I facepalmed myself. WHERE is 'there'? Tell me these things to the person who's trying to help you!

I glanced at the surrounding of the room. Then I noticed something odd. A stitched up photo, with three brothers, a father and a mother, and a family of 6. They were all wolf faunus.

"Hmm." I mused myself. This could get complicated... Gonna need some stuff before walking into unfamilar territory.


Stupid Eveline. Stupid human. Jason hated everyone for not letting him go. WHY DIDN'T THEY JUST LET HIM GO?!

Running in an alleyway next to the 59th Street, he saw the Academy for losers and rich kids doing whatever they did. Bastards. He'll show em. Preparing the sharp knife (shiv) in his hands, he stepped into the dark alleyway.

"Hey, we told you never fucking come back, you little shit! You have a death wish or something?!" A gang member called Red shouted when he stepped inside the alleyway. Jason pointed the knife at them.

"Fuck you! Let me see him!" Jason demanded. Red bursted into mocking laughter, then widening his eyes when Jason cried and charged a knife at him.

"You little SHIT!" Red kicked the life out of Jason, as he fell on the floor and dropped the knife. Red kicked repeadily at Jason.

"You. Little. SHIT! You're better off dying, you fucking faunus piece of shit! DUMB MUTT!" Red spat out, as Jason caught one of the legs and growled in hatred. Red scowled and picked up Jason's shirt in eye height.

"Maybe I should take a visit to your damn orphanage. Your cute cat slut won't save you now. We'll kill you, and we'll kill all you damn faunus out of 57th STREET!" Red grinned maliciously. Jason's eyes widened in fear, not wanting his family yo get hurt because of him.

"UuRGH!" Jason was sent crashing on the brick walls, before held to the wall and repeadily smacked by Red. He spat blood, busted lips and cuts appearing on his face.

"Pppfff!" Jason spat out blood when he was kicked in the gut, doubling over and falling slid over the wall. Red grinned darkly and picked up his knife.

"I'mma cut you, slice and dice so we're gonna feed your remains to the dogs! You'll be very happy when you're getting eatten by your own kind!" Red's knife glimmered maliciously, as Jason knew fear and he was going to die. Averting his eyes and crying tears, he didn't want to die.

"Aaaaahh!" A knife was dropped to the ground as Jason heard. He cracked open his eye to see Red's knife hand had something sharp stuck (batarang). Bleeding heavily, as blood spilled from his hands.

"Hey, kid... I know you have some beef against that guy, but I didn't thought that you would ACTUALLY try to kill him, you know? Murder's not going to be a light charge..." The human's voice called out to him.


"And you, dipshit." I pointed at the gang member whose hand was bloodied. He seethed in anger. "Pick on someone your own size. Don't just kill kids like that. Either tell em to fuck off or-" SWISH! Okay, its going to be that way...

"FUCK YOU!" Gang member swung the knife again to my face, in which I dodged and grabbed his arm and twisted it. He screamed, dropping the knife as I headbutted his face.

Having a bloody nose, he wiped the blood and glared. Before pulling out a small pistol at me, and I had to put some effort. "FUCKING FUCK BASTARD-" BANG BANG BANG-

I dodged the bullets and took cover on a large garbage bin and quickly blocked the other ones with the lid. Biting my lower lip, I grabbed the nearest object I could find, that being a brick, and I threw it at his face.

The flying brick got his gut, to my disapointment. He dropped the gun and doubled over, before I climbed the garbage bin and dropped kicked his ass into a coma.

"Ow." I grunted, before I landed on the ground. Picking myself up, I glanced at Jason, who was bloodied and almost dying. For fuck's sake.

"One does not simply beat a large opponent bigger than you with something small. Work smarter, not hard-" I caught the fist that was inching close to my jaw. Jason glared, not thankful of me saving his ass. It's a offical. Jason's a smartass and an ass.

"I can handle myself- Augh!" He silently grunted in pain, enduring the injuries he was dealt with. I sighed, before pulling my arm and aimed at Jason's thick head.


Later, a smoking bruise was spotted on Jason's head as he clutched the injury in agonising pain. With a teary glare, he faced me. I simply grunted as I held my smoking fist of 'no-idiots' justice. I don't know what I'm saying...

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Jason exclaimed in outrage, still clutching his head. I scoffed. I picked his body up from the waist to his protests and embarrassment.

"Shut it. If you think you can handle yourself, you're doing a pretty job at dying. Let's go, brat." I replied as Jason tried to squirm out of my grip.

"LEMME GO! LEMEE GO!" He shouted. Okay, you'll get what you wanted, sooo-

I rolled my eyes and let him drop to the floor, to his surprise as his face slammed to the concrete. His eyes were swirling, with another bruise on his head as I picked him up.

"Lemme just bring you to the orphanage and talk about this. Either I'll bring you injured, or knocked the fuck out." I warned, as Jason paled as he was just in time to wake up and hear the warning. Reluctantly pouting, I got him to the orphanage.


Meanwhile, the barely alive Red gritted his teeth out and vowed to destroy the orphanage and kill that fucking- BASTARD-

"Hey, yo Red, time to- DUDE! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" Blue, Red's brother called out and helped him up. Red grinned darkly.

"We got Pest Control to do, Blue! Up for some hunting animals?" He grinned omniously.


Those guys are DEFINITELY going to get us. I just know it, gangs won't be happy that I messed in their turf or something-

Ehem. Off topic.

I skeptically stared at Jason. He pouted while he was in my arms, as a small child, I could hold him easily. He noticed my staring and glared back.

"What are you looking at, asshole?" He snarked. My eyebrows twitched at the comment. Little shit. It was weird, cuz the last time I saw him, his personality wasn't like this... He was shy, childish, but not rude and vulgar.

"Why do you gotta be such an ass? Bruh, I just saved you." I said again. His glare twitched as he clenched his fists. I gave him a skeptical glare back.

"I could... No, it's my business. Not yours. It's my family matter." Jason denied the fact that he could take on an adult mugger (smart move), but used the fact that it was his business to deal with, not mine.

"I thought your friends in the orphanage was your family." I commented. Jason glared as he gritted his teeth.

"Leave them out of this. I'll kill you if you hurt them." He even showed his teeth, growling warningly as he would sacrifice himself to save the children in orphanages. I raised an eyebrow.

I motioned my hands to calm down. "Okay, okay. Although, I was more hurt than I could hurt them, so... You have family, right? So why are you in a orphanage?" I asked. Jason looked down.

"... No." He simply replied. I rubbed my eyes in tiredness. No? That's a strange response to a question... Well, I'll get my brain thinking. And my brain's not filled with piss and shit!

Oh, wait. Aw, fuck it.

"Lemme guess. You have two brothers, both are related to the gang I fought. You have some business with them, and you recklessly shove yourself in the gang's turf, multiple times in fact, and Eveline comes in and saves your ass. Am I right?" I deducted. Jason's eyes widened as baseballs, shocked as I was catching on.

"How'd you-" I hushed him up.

"Aside of my obscure observations, I think you're okay enough to stand and walk on your own to the orphanage now. I'm tired holding you." I urruptly dropped him to the floor as he cried in surprise.

I dusted my hands. "Wait, NO! I can't go to the orphanage. Never!" I held his wrist when he tried to run away again. He growled angrily and frustratedly.

"Let me go...! I won't go back into the orphanage. I don't deserve there." He replied, lowering his head somberly. I sighed, resisting the urge to punt him.

"Everyone, I swear to God, no one in the orphanage hates you. Not at all. Not even Eveline, who slapped you accidentally." I waved it off, making Jason more angry.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW?! YOU'RE A FLITHY HUMAN, LYING AND YOU HATE US! YOU HATE US!" Jason shouted, releasing the hold from his wrist.


"Would you shut up for a second?! Please, for the love of- If I hated you, then why did I save you from that water tank? Hell, why did I save you from that mugger? Most of all, if I hated you, this conversation wouldn't happen at all." I stated. Shocked eyes stared back. I grit my teeth.

"I know you're confused. Angry that your sister slapped you. Confused as to why everyone doesn't hate you. Frustrated, that everything doesn't make any sense. Trust me, I'm more frustrated than you are." I explained.

"Eveline. Does. Not. Hate. You. Got that? She slapped you, and it really means someone does hate you, but it's not! Remember the times she saved your ass multiple times? Why would she do that? It's because she cares for you. She wanted you to be safe, but no- You had to refuse her and go mind your own business. You're neglecting her feelings, Jason. Just come back and stop whining." I said. Jason stood silent at the moment.

"She slapped you, because she was also frustrated too. Frustrated that you would get hurt again. It was a mistake, that everyone does... Deep inside, she cares for you. Alot. Don't make her any worse. Just come back." I consoled him, as he looked down on the ground. Something liquidly dropped from his face.

"D-does sis Eveline really cares for me...? She slapped me, shouted at me, and I even shouted... at her. She wouldn't forgive me. I know she wouldn't..." Jason weaped. I mentally groaned. For fuck's sake.

"In no way, or in some unearthly god or form, she would hate you. She's probably thinking the same thing. She thinks Jason isn't going to forgive her after she slapped him. You get two people who think they hate each other. What do you get? A clusterfuck. You, and she doesn't hate each other. But both of you, don't know that. If you want to know the truth... face to face. Be a man." I stated. Jason stared at me with teary eyes.

I lent a hand to Jason. He stared at it.


Eveline overlooked the two figures in the distance. She froze when she saw him. Jason, all bruised and beaten up. He was... talking with Bob?

"You dunked yourself in a mixture that could've wiped the makeup, and... you've burnt your face in the process?... You're a dumbass." Jason had a blank stare to Bob.

"Says the kid who ran straight to a gang's turf with nothing but a knife. Can't you be at least productive enough to not get yourseld killed?" Bob deadpanned at him. Jason in response flipped him off.

Bob noticed her. He gave a wave. "Oh. I got the kid. I'll leave you two alone..." He went inside the orphanage without a care and left her and Jason alone outside the orphanage.

Both were silent as they averted their eyes. Eveline, mustering up her courage, went first to apologise.

"I want to apologise-" "I'm very sorry for-" They both stopped when they apologised. Eveline and Jason both blushed in embarassment, as Eveline coughed and went first.

"Jason... I'm so sorry for doing that to you. I messed up. I want to apologise... for hurting you, not understanding your feelings. I'm such an asshole..." She lowered her head.

"No, I am. I didn't know you were just caring for me, sis. I just wanted to come back, but I didn't know your feelings for me. You slapped me because you wanted to protect me. But I didn't know. I'm... sorry. For breaking your trust." Jason apologised. Eveline and Jason looked at each other.

"I just wanted... to see my family again. But my family was here, with me, but I pushed them back. I pushed you back. I... I don't deserve here." Jason lowered his head in sorrow. Eveline clenched her fists.

"DON'T SAY THAT! DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN! Jason, no matter what you do, you're always my family. Always. You deserve to be here, and I forgive you. I forgive you for all you've done... B-but... I can't forgive myself for hurting you." She confessed, tears dropping from her eyes.

"NO! Sis, I forgive you too! Sis, I understand why you did it. But... but... I still hate myself for breaking your trust, and I want to-" Tears came out as Jason's eyes widened when Eveline hugged him. Tightly.

"Jason... you're always here. In my heart." Eveline stated, Jason crying deeply and hugged back. Jason was back. They made mistakes, and we've forgiven them. All that matters, is Jason's back...

"I-I'm back... sis. I'm so sorry..." Jason muttered tears, as she did the same and smiled. All was forgiven.

[AN: This is my first time writing this kind of stuff, alright? Don't blame me for messing a touchy scene. Anyways, please review, comment, and stay safe. See ya later.]