Getting Conquered by Orphans

Now, the first thing I wake up, I remembered trying to save that faunus kid from the water tank. And then the fluorescent lights came in, blinding my eyes. I touched my face. My helmet was missing.

"Shiiieeet...." I cursed, my secret identity reveal- Wait, does it actually matter? No one knows me for sure, and what are people going to do with my secret identity? Tell it to the cops? Yeah, right. Try convincing them to arrest a person that doesn't exist...

I had a few broken ribs, a some-what fractured arm, and one painful back. At this rate, I wasn't going to wear the cape and cowl after a few days...

With a grunt, I lifted my body out of bed. I had a killer headache, bandages covering my head as I groaned. I looked down, and I was VERY confused as to why I had a slim athletic 6-pack body from doing ABSOLUTELY nothing.

I sat down, my eyes wandering around the room I was inside. It was more of a run-downed storage room. I saw the first-aid kits near placed at the table and located my seperated armour pieces. I noticed my helmet was slightly cracked.

I groaned, as that was my only helmet. Fixing that again would take awile... A repeating knock came from the door as an old rabbit faunus came with trays of water. She turned her back around, not realising I was already awake.

"AAAHHH!" The old lady screamed in shock as she dropped the tray out of her hands. Acting quickly, I grabbed the plate before it crashed on the ground. Glancing up, I saw her clutching her heart as her ears twitched.

"Sorry... I thought you were asleep. I didn't thought you would get up so early, after you just took a building to the face." She said, calming down as she clutched her pounding heart. I carefully placed back the tray on the table.

"Sorry for scaring you. I should've warned you before you came inside." I apologised, as she smiled politely and waved it off.

"Oh, don't worry. It would've gone the same outcome anyways... The kids you saved were very worried about you. Eveline, the sweet angel she was, imagine my shock when she brought a young man in an black armoured suit! You could've been hurt, young man!" She scolded concernedly. I groaned, clutching my head.

"My 'teammates' are going to be worried sick when I was gone for days..." I said, possibly with sarcasm, as they were probably worried of myself escaping Beacon. The old nun raised an eyebrow.

"Days? You just took a beating, young man! I'm more surprised that woke up after a water tank fallen on top of you! It's been hours, and you need to rest." She forced me to rest on the bed, against my displeasure. I grunted.

"Let me call my teammates first, okay? Don't want to think them I'm dead..." I interjected, causing the old nun to bit her lips in displeasure. With a sigh, she gave me peace alone in the storage room.

I picked up my phone. Dialling Team RWBY, more specifically, Blake, I got her call. "H-hello..? YAWN... Mark, is that you? Where were you? You've been missing for hours..." She tiredly yawned out. Based on her voice, she didn't particularly cared for my help.

"Sorry bout that. I kinda got chased around from a bunch of gang members in my later job, and they weren't so fond of my 'kindness'... After that, I kind of fell into a garbage bag by accident. Hurts, and the kids from the orphanage just happened to find me unconscious and brought me into their orphanage where they treated me up." I explained. Blake was silent for a moment.

"Where are you?... The tracking device is malfunctioning crazy, so we don't know where you are." Blake said. I might've tampered my tracking device to go haywire, so that was my fault.

"I'm... in a orphanage 57th Street. Yeah, the people in here are really not fond of faunus, do they? I'll stick around the orphanage a bit. Tell the others I'm not dead. Is Weiss ranting about me escaping again?" I jokingly replied, causing Blake to chuckle.

"Yeah, she's very worried. I'll tell the others. Good night Mark." Blake ended the call, as I retracted my phone to see the time was completely night. My ears heard the creaking sounds of the door. I glanced to see three kids, two had little wolf ears and... fox ears?

"See? I told you he was a human!" "Humans are bad, right?... I don't think mister's bad. He saved Jason." "I can't believe he's human.... He, saved me." The murmurs came from the door. I deadpanned.

"You DO know that I can hear you kids at the door, right?" I replied, alerting the kids in the door to go completely silent. Children. Can't handle their curiousity...

The door finally opened to reveal three kids, an older grey wolf boy, a young brown wolf kid, and an orange fox girl stepped inside the room hesitantly. They were either shy to talk to me, or something held them back.

The grey wolf kid, Jason if I recalled, glanced at the cracked helmet behind the bed. I looked back, then looking back at him. "Why do you dress up as a bat? Your not like sis Eveline and your human..." Aah, the spelling mistakes by the Author. Childish, mistaken, and recognisable. Genius.

"Well... bats are scary. Why not dress up as a bat and scare people away?..." I explained. A gave a good look at Jason. He was obviously the leader of the group, since he looked older, bruised, and bandaged quite a lot.

"Your not a bat. Your human, just like the mean human that calls me names like 'freak' and 'monster'..." Jason said unsurely. I raised an eyebrow at that. Racism is not faint-hearted to orphans.

I glanced at the kid. "What's your name, kid?" Jason grunted when he was called a kid. We got a big man over here. He doesn't like to be called a kid, does he?

"It's Jason. Just Jason." Jason replied, before huffing. Obviously, he's not a fan of humans. I hummed and cracked my neck. Jason and the other kids flinched at that, hearing a crack from my neck.

"I'm Annie. Over here he's my brother, Fennie." The fox girl explained. Fennie was the quiet one, as he shyed back his eyes away from me. Jason grunted as he huffed away.

They all stood silent watching me. I glanced at my utility belt. Grabbing the foldable batarang, I held it to the kids and got their interest peaked. "This is a batarang. It's sharp, and it can poke someone's eyes out. Wanna see it?" I nudged the batarang at them.

Jason hid away his awe and tried to avert his eyes away from the 'cool toy'. While averting his eyes, he stepped closer and closer, not reaching my eyes as he secretly wanted to use it. It was a funny sight, and it gave me a small smile.

I held it up next to him, like a chocolate bar daring the kid to take it. Now that sounded creepy. Jason glanced at the batarang and quickly took it out of my hands and ran away excitedly, eager to play with the toy.

"Jason! Wait up!" "Come on, let us see too!" The rest of the kids followed Jason out of the room, leaving me inside to notice Eveline leaning on the wall, crossing her arms as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"A bundle of misfits, aren't they? Don't know why they were in the rooftops at night..." I shrugged, before standing up from the bed. Eveline glared at me, but her face told me everything she wanted to ask.

"Why'd you saved me? How did you know I was going to be in danger?" She demanded answers. I searched for the room for any clothes that I could borrow.

"First... you have anything to cover... this...?" I waved at my bare chest. She looked down and blushed, turning away to grab a T-shirt as she simply threw it at my face. I caught it and wore the shirt without a care.

"Thanks." I replied simply. Eveline, pushing down her blush, grew serious as she demanded answers.

"There's no doubt you're a crazy human dressed up as a bat. Humans are no doubt, against to Faunus. Why save me? I'm a Faunus, and you're a human. We're in different sides, and yet here you are, somehow saving me from that creep." She stated, her confusion and frustration showing.

"You're mostly correct when humans are against Faunus. Mostly. Some humans aren't against faunus. They help Faunus, instead of hurting them." I explained. Eveline scoffed.

"Bullshit. You're talking about those 'higher class' huntsmen helping a fellow faunus? I remember watching the older veterans putting faunus in a coma!" She shouted angrily. I rolled my eyes.

"I saw Weiss Schnee forgiving a former White Fang member and she's currently in my team. Last time I heard, they were playing cards without me." I exaggerated, shocking Eveline that a 'Schnee' would forgive and be friends with a White Fang member.

"That's impossible...! A Schnee, working with a former White Fang member...?!" Eveline widened her eyes, not believing the fact. I grunted a shared a group photo with me deadpanning as Team RWBY muddled around.

"The girl with a black bow's Blake. Cat faunus, hides her ears using said bow. You can recognise Weiss Schnee with that platinum blond hair anywhere." Eveline dropped her jaw in disbelief, eyes dialing when saw it.

"I can't believe it... A Schnee, working with a fellow faunus... am I dreaming..?!" She stuttered in shock. I pulled back my phone.

"You see, she isn't like her father, as you well as know, isn't friendly with the faunus. Weiss isn't like her father. She's trying her best to redeem. Some people aren't heartless as you can see..." I stated, causing Eveline to slump on the wall as her world was shattered. She couldn't believe it.

"Look... I'm not one to decide how you think about humans and faunus alike. The world isn't just as simple, like black and white. Good vs Evil. Some people are good enough to care for faunus, regardless of the racism. Some are just misunderstood. Some... are just want to vent their hatred." I advised her. Leaving her with complicated thoughts, I left the storage room.

I turned around to her. "Though, even though you think we're on different sides, why'd you saved me?" I asked her curiously. She blinked and turned to me, crossed arms and hiding her feelings.

"I didn't know you were a human under that mask. The only reason that I saved you is because you risked your life for Jason. That's good enough for me." She huffed out. I was silent when she said that.

"So you would leave me if you knew I was a human? Is that what you're saying?" I raised an eyebrow. Eveline spluttered, caught off-guard at the question. I waved her growing frustrations off.

"Don't worry, I understand. But know something from this. It doesn't really matter if a normal person, whether they are human or faunus. What matters, is that person is sure damn decent enough to even risk their life to save another..." I said back, leaving Eveline's thoughts about humans and faunus.

Eveline shook her head, leaving her thoughts for later. "You got a place to stay? Because this place is crowded, and I don't think the kids in here won't be particular happy about a human in a faunus orphanage..." She warned. I shrugged.

"What's the worst thing that can do?... Oh. I just jinxed myself, didn't I?" I realised, predicting the kids we'll be pulling pranks, screaming, and a lot of childish things. Eveline chuckled at that.


Skeptically eyeing the edges of the walls, I saw multiple kids and all of them were faunus, unsurprisingly. They were playing in this time of night, and I saw Jason's group showing off the batarang I gave them.

"I found this from a dead guy!" I blanked out, surprised that a kid would casually talk about taking a batarang from a corpse. A bit morbid, don't you think? Jason's group noticed me staring at them, my eyes peeking on the wall.

"Hey, who's that guy?" A random faunus kid asked. "It's a human!" I turned around to a little parrot faunus kid wearing glasses behind me, pointing me as if I was caught red-handed.

I expected them to cower and run away. Seeing a human inside a faunus orphanage might've scared them. But instead this happened:

"GET HIM!!!" Oh, shit.

They all charged towards me, running to get my ass as if they were going to take me down. That caught me off-guard. What kind of kids tries to charge at a grown man?

I sheepishly waved my head around and tried to leave. Suddenly I tripped, as a little ram faunus girl grabbed my legs as my body slammed towards the ground. Aah, shiet. Using my arms to crawl on the floor, I was slammed from a bunch of faunus kids falling on my back.

It VERY much hurt. "Yeah! We got the human! We protected the castle!" The faunus kids roared at their 'success'. I sweatdropped all the way as kids were unpredictable. Okay...?

Accepting my fate and rolling their act, a tiger faunus boy ran on top of my back (though it was discomforting) and proceeded to pull out real metal handcuffs. What the fuck.

Cuffing my hands and restricting my arms, I turned my head around to see a bunch of dog faunus kids with comically sized boxing gloves (don't ask me how, I'm more confused as you are) and proceeded to beat the everloving shit out of me.

Though I was a bit tired, and the punches didn't actually hurt me (although getting punched by those gloves felt annoying), but with the full might of the faunus orphans, they managed to lift a 180 pound human and carried me into the 'circle of sacrifice'.

A lion faunus kid, possibly the leader of the group (with paper crown and all), rested his foot at my head. I grunted in displeasure. "We have conquered the human! We are victorious! Long live the kingdom!" The faunus kids chanted, and it was beginning to feel a little bit awkward.

"Now... we feast on the flesh of our captured beast! Prepare your forks, your knifes, and your teeth! This we'll be a feast will be remembered throughout history!!" They all shouted, and I beginning to sweat when their mouths were dripping with saliva. They weren't serious about eating me, aren't they?

The faunus kids dove at my body, nomming and ommnoming my body as they bited, tickled, and squeezed my skin. I noticed Eveline, with a shit-eating grin and she was taking pleasure of my utter helplessness.

'HELP ME.' My look said.

As expected, no one came to help as I was at the mercy from the faunus kids. This was not a bunch of faunus kids eating a human. This was just a play. That took a long turn.

"Kids~ What are you doing up so late, you're very late for bed! Go back to sleep!" The old lady's voice called out, causing all the faunus kids to whine in displeasure as their 'castle play' was ended.

"Yes, Mrs Brown..." They all reluctantly accepted, as they all moved away from my body. Most of them stared at me. "We'll get you next time, human!" "Yeah, we'll get you again! Don't even try to run!" "Bleeh!" They all taunted, eager to make me into mincemeat later.

"Lenard..." The same tiger faunus boy who cuffed me froze, as the other kids went upstairs. Mrs Brown went to the boy and put her hands on her sides. "Where's the keys for the handcuffs you stole them...?" She asked, using the 'parent' tone.

Lenard turned around and pointed his index fingers together. "I don't have them. I swear, Mrs Brown." Lenard confessed, causing Mrs Brown to sigh, before letting the tiger faunus kid off to bed.

"I'm sorry about the kids. They can be naughty at first. I'm very sorry that I can't release you from those handcuffs..." Mrs Brown apologised. I shrugged as I lifted myself from the ground.

"It's alright. I got it covered." I shrugged, as the unlocked handcuffs were dangling on my fingers as Mrs Brown widened her eyes.

"How in the world did you..." Mrs Brown was interrupted when she felt a tug from her skirt. It was the parrot faunus kid and the little ram faunus girl. She smiled gently, as she picked up the two kids.

"What do need, sweetie?" She asked both of them. "I need to go to pee..." "I'm hungweee." They all said. Mrs Brown smiled politely, as if this was her everyday routine.

"Okay, Parry. I'll get you some food before bed. Judy, my sweet little lamb, I'll take you to the toilets. One at a time..." She said, before taking off the two children upstairs. I watched as everyone went upstairs, except for one.

"I'm not going to give it back..." Jason kept the batarang close to him, never letting it go. I deadpanned. I wasn't low enough to take away a children's stuff.

"You can keep it. Just... don't poke someone's eyes out. Especially mine." I told him, as he waved around the batarang and ran upstairs. What a bundle of uniqueness.

"Snkt. Ehehemhemhem..." I heard Eveline's laughter trying to be silent as she was trembling at this point. It's really not that funny. It's really not.

"Having fun?" I replied with a monotone. She flashed me with her shit-eating grin, satsified of the children beating the shit out of me. She pointed at her forehead, and- Oh, they did not draw on me, did they?

I checked my forehead. They did! Eveline started laughing uncontrollably, as I deadpanned and took a tissue near me and wiped the drawing on my face.

"O-oh... I didn't laugh this hard in a long time..." She sniffled, wiping the tears from her eyes. As I continued to deadpan.

"It's not that funny." I deadpanned, causing her to chuckle. I deadpanned harder, causing her to laugh again.

"Alright, you got me on some parts. Maybe there's some nice humans after all. They wouldn't let themselves to draw a permanent marker on their faces." She grinned. I blanched out. She was saying what now?

"Oh, you're fucking kidding me..." I checked the nearest mirror I could find and saw the doodle-filled face from a bunch of children. I rubbed the mark on my face, and it was permanent. Oh, you have got to be kidding me...

"Ahahahaha!" Eveline cried out, taking pleasure of my suffering as she pointed at me. I slapped my hand on my face. Before banging my head on the wall multiple times.

Did I have to stay here? Because I left all of my stuff in this orphanage, and I'm really regretting this decision to stay here for a few days...

[AN: Mark stays in the orphanage for a few days! Blake was informed and probably told this to her friends, and... I don't know. Please review and comment for more Mark's suffering against kids!]