Bad First Night

Usually, when in Volume 2, fanfic writers often join their OCs in a certain foodfight-THAT I was not going to join in at all. Fuck that. I ain't joining in their own brand of chaos today.

Now, I kind of expected James Ironwood, the headmaster of Atlas Academy and whatnot to be here, but I don't spot any multiple military ships running around Beacon. Meaning, either there was something going on, or I was in a timeskip.

I really WISHED I was in a timeskip. The slower he gets here, the more time I'll be prepared against the shitstorm. I don't think he'll appreciate me stealing his prototypes...

Amen to that. Vytal Festival's coming up, and I'll probably be kicked out of Team RWBY in the tournament, since my aura can't be unlocked. Add to that, I won't be joining shit.

I needed information. Status reports of any secret villains to counter my existence. It's very there, alright. I know it, billions of experience and all, and there's usually something wrong in RWBY...

The only thing I can check was the TV. Clicking to the news channel, it just told me random stuff, blah blah blah... I gave up on using TV then later checked the daily newspapers.

Now doesn't that look suspicious at all?

Reports of Missing People in Forever Fall. And I thought people would be dumb enough to go to a Grimm-infested forest and get themselves missing. Right?

That's the interesting part. No matter how these guys reference RvB, they are in no way dumb enough to get themselves missing in Forever Fall. I mean, it's a FUCKING forest crawling with Grimm. Who the fuck's going to go there?

Something was going on. I had time to kill, so why the hell not? Wait. I can't just bring a Tumbler to Fovever Fall, which is MILES away from the industrial district that I placed my stuff.

Someone had to notice. This crucial fact people are dumb enough to be missing in a forest. But they're not. They're really not.

I sighed, leaning my head against the seat as I listened to class. Talking about stuff that I already know. Timeskip please...


There we go. In the late afternoon when I said goodbye to Team RWBY after going to my 'secret part-time job', I went to Vale, going to the abadoned warehouse and entering through the manhole.

Finally, I found my batcave. Sounds kinda weird when I say it like that. Flipping opening a laptop(?), I researched the news about reports of not-so-dumb people getting themselves missing.

Train wrecks, some about missing hunstmen in a coma, said huntsmen mysteriously dying... Definitely sus. Out of curiousity, I hacked the Vale Police Department and looked in to their data.

Nothing out of the ordinary. Scrolling through folders of data, I stopped my cursor when I just happened to reach something about "Mysterious Sightings of Strange Activities"...

What, there's secret cults that I didn't know about?

I opened the file. Password encry- Fuck you! Typing furiously on the keyboard, I hacked the system and got what I wanted. And I was slightly surprised at what I had seen.

"17-year old female reported to be missing, parents reports suspicious figure of kidnapping... Suspicious clown figure sighted in Residental District... Group of suspicious 'cultists' were reported doing strange activities..." I muttered. There was some strange shit going on under my nose. Most of these were reports of kidnapping from a 'suspicious figure' of underage girls...

"Are you telling me someone's committing pedofilism...? Hell nah. I'll keep that in mind..." I told myself, not a fan of pedos and creeps. What was weird that the missing girls either had blond hair or lilac eyes, similar to Yang's appearance.

It couldn't have been a coincidence. No way I'll ignore that shit. Yang's on the list, as I scrolled through the data containing mysterious sightings, killer clowns, and cultists running around, it all ends there.

I crossed my arms and pondered for a moment. I guess I'll have to get on the lead of mysterious kidnapper of blondies first. Let's see here... this guy kidnapped in the residental districts, in 7th, 28th, and 552nd street. The rest were either reported from families or friends, location unknown.

That was my beginning lead. Off to Vale, I go. Doing detective work. The first night of the Batman, in Remnant.


Timeskip with dots later, I moved in the tunnels without (hopefully) getting seen as I parked the Tumbler in 28th street. Activating the cloaking mechanism (yes it had one, though charging the thing was a pain in the ass, and I did mention the Tumbler was powered from electricity?), it was near unnoticable for any suspecting bystanders to report it.

Zipping towards the roof with the grappling gun, I stopped the line as I was hanging on a wall. I dialed the close frequency hearing system on my ear and listened inside the scene of the crime.

"Honey, I'm going to be late for work... Be well." A middle aged man spoke, while leaving the apartment. I didn't hear anyone inside the room, and this guy must've been talking to himself. Or from a phone.

Noticing the half-open windows, I entered inside the apartment silently. There were family pictures, of a middle age family with a single child. A young girl, with blond hair. There was another little sibling on the mother's arms. The rest of the family excluding the blondie either had black brown hair or slight yellow bangs.

I looked around the house. Messy, sorrowful, and dark lightings. How did this guy kidnap the girl without anyone noticing in a four story building...?

Either it was their Semblance or he was better at kidnapping little girls than I was. Now, I technically kidnapped little girls from a MISSION. A mission that I had to save some princesses from a warlord.

Now, in any typical crime scene there's always a clue left out. I can think of some possible semblances that the culprit might've used. Shadow Stalking, Teleportation, or Invisibility.

There ain't nobody smart enough to train themselves to not leave out any clues. Assassins, Ninjas, Mercenaries weren't low enough to kidnap little girls. Not that I remember recalling.

Professionals have standards.

This guy probably wasn't a professional, as I saw some clues laying around. I got a clue inside the daughter's bedroom. The victim must've been drugged to sleep with chloroform, as I noticed the scene was abscent of any struggles, meaning this was quick and silent.

There were so many variables leading to many conclusions, but that was solved because the whole bedroom was left untouched. Probably about 2 weeks, seeming this was the latest kidnapping.

I got other clues, moved objects, makeup, and a normal school. Not Shade Academy, which Yang and Ruby attended.

And it all ends here. Just... gone. The kidnapper must've either broken out of the apartment via by door, or by window. But if they did, the nearby people would've reported what happened and this case would be over, Guy kidnaps Girl.

But it said it was shown that the girl was MISSING. Not kidnapped, but missing. This was definitely the work of a semblance, no doubt... Semblances were basically powers from personalities because of Aura.

Ruby was quick and agile... for some reasons. Yang's Semblance relates her personality, she gets hit, she hits back harder. And Blake... I don't know. Don't know why Cloning comes from a quiet personality... Weiss' Semblance was hereditary, so her personality didn't change much.

I needed more information. I didn't get a lead, but I knew this guy was using his semblance. Why did I assume this person was a male? Uh... personal opinions that I will never answer.

"Mom? I'm home, is dad here today?...." A young girl's voice suddenly opened the door, and I let my guard down while I was swimming in my own thoughts. It was too late, as her eyes widened.

She was frozen in fear, trying to scream for help but she couldn't. I calmly faced her. With a calm soothing voice, I went calm her down.

"M-m... Monster...!" I interupted her before she could scream. "I'm not a monster. I'm trying to find where's your sister... I'm not going to hurt you." I said, raising my hands up. She gulped, before realising I was finding her sister.

"R-really?! You know where's my sister?!" She shouted, her voice full of hope. I motioned my hands to calm her down. She quieted down, before blinking. She ran immediately at my legs and hugged tightly, tears dripping on the armor.

"M-mister, please find my big sister... She's been missing for a long time, and... and... I m-miss her so much. I want to see my s-sister again... Please... find my big sister... P-please..." She began crying as she held tightly on my leg. Sheepishly failing in attempting to grab ahold of the pillow, I quickly replaced the pillow of my leg.

She looked up, wondering what was going on. "I'll find your big sister. I promise." I said, as the little sibling crying harder and hugged the pillow tightly, never letting go.

I left the apartment, with a very familar feeling boiling inside me as I tried to calm down. Whoever this guy was, he was in my shitlist now. And I'll be more than happy to break his damn legs...


28th and 552nd Street were either in apartments or hotels, all of them were students from the Civilian Schools. But not Huntsmen Academies. 28th Street showed signs of struggle, and the fact it was the first report of this mysterious kidnapper feasting on the poor blondies.

And if my memory is correct, the girl on 552nd Street was found beaten and half-dead, currently in the hospital. She's currently in a coma, probably traumatised in bed. I needed to talk to her, but I didn't have any compounds to wake her up without any severe side-effects.

Activating the portable arm computer built in the suit, I searched for any females, underaged, student, and blond through the database of the Vale Police Department. There was a possiblity that this kidnapper would act again, and I had to check.

5... no, 6 people had these characteristics. The nearest one was in 57th Street. I decided to move to there, since 57th Street had a high possibility of the kidnapper striking again. Low surveillance and not-so-friendly neighbours reporting to even give a shit to a kidnapping.

It was the low end of Vale, orphanages housing fanaus children, several murders, and a whole lot of racism... I stopped near the rooftops on 57th Street, where the blondie lived alone on a rented room.

Her name was Eveline Sulfur. She was a cat faunus, attending in the Vale School Academy in the age of 16. She was reported of delinquency and vandalism several times, and I knew some of her history was from the racist pricks.

Seeing through the windows inside the apartment, based on her physique, it looked like she could pretty much handle any kidnappers that tried to creep up on her. Though, I had to check.


Eveline Sulfur was a strong girl who knew enough about the world. After getting the short end of the stick, at a young age she was treated unfairly because of her faunus features.

Everyone that was a human was a dick to her in these streets. She had to fight back, grit her teeth, and show the human bastards you don't mess with her.

The orphanages, as she some of the brats- AHEM, faunus kids were cheeky enough the pull pranks on the racist humans. They were enjoyable and she liked them, even remembering the times when she helped them escape from the corrupt police.

In this low-end of Vale, everyone who was a faunus was treated bad, even if they were children or orphans. She glanced at her drawer and opened it, picking up the hidden White Fang mask that a White Fang 'brother' gave it to her.

It was a Grimm mask, as it represented how humanity saw Faunus as monsters. And they will seek their monsters, as their rightful justice will be humanity's bane.

She hated humans to the core. She wanted to make them suffer, hurting those who were suffering, just like her in the past. It made her livid, knowing all humans would be against faunus.

But the thought of leaving those kids in the orphanages... She needed to help the orphans. Those kids were precious to her, and she couldn't decide to help the entirity of the faunus and leave those kids defenseless. She just didn't know what to chose.

She let out a sigh, before placing down the bone-like mask back into the drawer as she laid down on the soft bed. "I don't know what to do. I hate humans, but I don't want to leave those little kids alone..." She said, frustrated of even thinking. It was a long night, and she well-deserved some rest.

Covering herself with a blanket, she tried to sleep, but the conflicting thoughts wouldn't let her. She lifted herself out of bed, feeling a bit cold when the cool wind went inside her apartment.

She went to the balcony, and she stopped when she didn't remember opening any doors inside her room. Then she heard a noise behind her, her ears perking up as they sensed the tiniest forms of sound.

Straightening her claws, she immediately turned around and felt a hand creeping up to her face. She slashed the wrist of her intruder as she felt blood.

"AAARRGH!" She heard the creep scream in agony. He looked like a man, definitely a human trying to rape her or even trying to kill her. Her feral instincts took over as she ran towards the human with rage, intending to kill him.

The human dodged the her attacks as he backed away. She couldn't know who it was, since his face was covered in bandages, as he was wearing dark brown jacket, bandaged gloves, jogger pants, a cap, and sunglasses in the middle of the night. Who the fuck wears that kind of shit?!

To her surprise, the human took out a knife. A knife? Rage bubbled inside of her when she saw a knife. The same weapon that she hated so much. "I'LL KILL YOU, YOU FUCKING CREEP!" She howled, rage taking over.

She went to slash at the human, who dodged in the sides. She gritted her teeth when she felt a strong pain coming from her gut. She was sent backwards, as she coughed out after crashing at the ground.

She tried to get up. But she was slammed to the ground, as two hands began choking her neck, tightening her windpipes as they restricted the air. Her eyes teared up from the dark negative feeling of despair, as she cried out for help.

She cried anyone, anyone to help her. But no voice came out, as it was beginning to get harder and harder to breath, the foul disgusting stench of the human's deep breath made her more restricted. Her eyes began to darken, as she didn't want to die.

She didn't want to die...

[AN: Molossus (Batman Begins Theme) by Hans Zimmer plays]

Suddenly, a black blur went straight towards her, kicking away the human's hands away from her neck. She finally breathed, gasping for air as she breathed normally again.

She heard kicking and punching from the two mysterious intruders that was inside her house. She couldn't tell as her vision was still blurry, but the black figure was definitely kicking the human's ass.


"Surprise, jackass." I punched a blow to the guy's head. Look like a Hush reject. This guy was well-experienced with a knife, using the back-handed grip like a mercenary as he backed away.

Too bad this suit could stop a knife. Running/charging straight at the guy's body, I slammed him to the wall, locking him place while the fin blades hovered at the bandages.

I was surprised when the guy went through the wall. This guy had a fucking phasing Semblance?! I stepped back, and I was caught from a surprise attack when he ran straight at me through the wall.

He was strong enough to overpower my body strength, as I backed away from the charge and dodged the knife swing at the eyes. I stanced myself, roaring a warcry before charging at him once more.

He grasped my jab at his face and held it tightly. I slammed my other arm to his gut, but went through it instead. The guy's head headbutted my face, disorienting my senses as I backed away.

He landed a strong right hook at my face, before kicking my stomach as I backed away in pain. I shook my head, letting out a loud warcry as I swung a went for a straight punch at his face, as it unsurprisingly went through, as I went to block the incoming hook from him.

I staggered away, releasing my guard as I felt two large hands grasping my neck as I was held in the air. I grasped his bandaged arms, trying to release his grasp. Eveline came out of nowhere and slashed through the guy's head.

Annoyed, the bandaged guy threw me into the wall, as I crashed from the impact. He faced her, knife in ready as Eveline was scared. Out of fear, she slashed at the man's face as it did nothing, as he grasped her neck again and pulled her up.

I grit my teeth from the pain. I ran straight towards 'bandages', locking his other arm behind him as my other arm pulled his neck away. The man phased through my grasp, as in turn Eveline's grasp released her, as she gasped for air.

Turning to me, I backed away and held a defensive stance. He stood menacingly as he went for a punch, as I grabbed his wrist as it went through my grasp. He pushed his arms up, starting a chain punch at my defense.

"HHUUURGH!" I dodged the blow away from my head as the punch cracked the wall from the amount of force it held. I charged towards his body, going through it as I went behind him.

He turned his back away from me slowly, as if he'd already won. So far, I had nothing to hurt him. My punches would go through, and his reaction time just made it worse.

I had no choice. But I had to, as it was my only shot of defeating him.

I stood waiting for the next guy's move. He breathed deeply, the stench of sweat swelling through everyone's nostrils. "RRRRRAUGHH!" He howled, before running like a wild animal and charging towards me.

Preparing a sucker-punch to the guy's head, in that moment, I finally struck a blow against the bastard's face. Blood went spilling from his nose, as he went flying from the force as his ass landed on the ground.

"U-UURGH...!" I knew what he was thinking. Someone who had the ability to be absolutely invulnerable, suddenly felt pain for the first time of his life as he was punched. He was terrified, when someone could actually hit him.

"Come here, you big son of a bitch." I clenched my fists tight as his terror went through the roof. Stumbling and sniveling like a coward, he went through the door as he escaped. Fuck.

"Son of a...!" I cursed outloud and kicked the door open, before spotting the running bastard in the streets. You ain't going nowhere, NOT AFTER WHAT YOU JUST DONE!

Grabbing out my grappling gun, I zipped towards the rooftops as I followed his fatass. Although he was a large person, he was running fast through the streets in fear. I scowled and ran passed him.

The bastard ran sweating and huffing for air, as he was running like his life depended on it. I sweeped in like a panther catching his prey as I decked the bastard on the ground.

I held the sniveling bastard by the neck and lifted him up, no matter how heavy he was. Before he went through my grasp, backing away as he trapped himself in an alleyway.

I glared at him. The disgusting filth of Remnant. He was no better than anyone else. He backed away as he ran straight through the wall. Scowl deepening, I zipped towards the rooftops of the building.

Imagine his growing fear when he ran to the rooftops, slam opening the metal door as he tried to escape. But I was there, predicting his movements as I gripped his neck again with an iron grip.

I lifted and threw the bastard's body on the rooftops. He groaned in agony, as he tried to phase through the wall, but he was too late. Digging through the concrete floor, I ripped him out the ground and held him on the ledges, dropping towards his death as my iron grip was the only thing keeping him living.

He shivered and cowered like the scared scum he was. I scowled deeply, a burning glare towards his black soul. "WHO ARE YOU?! WHERE ARE THE KIDS YOU KIDNAPPED?!" I demanded with a rough, raspy, demonic voice as the bastard stuttered for the truth.

"I-I DON'T KNOW! I REALLY DON'T KNOW! I-" I headbutted his face hard as his nose was shattered. Then I lifted near the ledges, daring to let him fall towards his death.

"WHERE ARE THEY?!!!" I demanded out, my grip shaking from the sheer rage and vengance I felt, as the bastard looked the other way. Where was he looking at?...

I froze when I saw where he was looking at. A bunch of child faunus orphans, looking at us in shock and fear in the rooftops with us. They were bruised and bandaged, and he was going to-

"EHAEHEAEHAHAEA!" The bastard started to cackle like a maniac as he pulled out a remote explosive, a goddamn fucking C4 out of his pocket and threw at the kids. I threw him to his death as I ran straight towards the orphans.

The faunus orphans backed away, scared of the sight of a demon running at them. They all cowered away, running for their lives as one of them accidently tripped on the ledges.

At that time, the C4 explosive detonated near the rusty pillars of a water tower, as the pillars began to fall down towards the ground. The kid watched in terror as the huge water tank began to fall on top of him.

I had to act- QUICK! I pumped my legs with every last willpower I can manage and dove towards the kid. The water tank had crashed on both of us.


The little faunus orphan opened his eyes, feeling no pain whatsoever and widened his eyes in shock when the dark monster held the heavy water towers in front of him. He... he saved him...!

"GO!!" The monster loudly told him. He lifted himself up away from huge water tower as the dark monster held the tower with difficulty, as his legs were forced to bend down from the weight as he howled in pain.

The monster's legs were forced to slip from the concrete floors, as the full weight of the water tank fell on top of the dark monster saved him. He widened his eyes when the water tank crashed at the person who saved him from his death...!

"Annie! Fennie! Get sis Eveline for help! Please!" He called out to his friends for help, but they were scared as he was. Hesitantly running to the doors, Annie and Fennie called for help. Anyone, anyone that would call for help.

"COME ON! SOMEONE HELP ME! URRRGH!" He immediately ran towards the man's body and tried to lift up the heavy water tank. But it was no use. It was too heavy for a boy like him.

"Urgh..." The man groaned out, his face cracked. But then realising he was wearing a helmet. A very dark black helmet with pointy ears that resembled a bat's ears. The man clenched his fists and grit his teeth.

"Mister, I'll get you out of here! Huuuurgh!" He tried, he tried to lift up the huge water tank away from the mister's body. He saved his life! That was enough for him!

"Jason, what the hell is going- WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING THERE?!" Eveline shouted the naughty words. Jason didn't answer, but gave a pleading look of help to lift the tank up. Eveline understood and immediately went to help.

"Okay, in one, two, THREE! HHUUUURGH!!!" The water tank moved an inch, budging the tank as it was enough for the man to slip through away from the tank. They all gasped for air, their hands stinging in pain as the man coughed for air.

"Thanks kid..." He barely called out, as he drifted into unconsciousness. Blood was spilling from his mouth as the man needed serious medical help. Eveline went towards the man's side and helped him up.

"We need to carry him into the orphanage! Don't tell anyone about this! Not even your friends, alright?! Help me carry him!" Sis Eveline yelled as the orphans carried the man's body into the orphanage before the cops came...


It was a dark and quiet night for one old and gentle woman for Mrs Brown. It was hard taking care of the orphans at first, as they could be a little shy, opening themselves up. It was one of those days again. She sighed. As a Rabbit Faunus, she could be easily stressed out, even at old age.

Imagine her shock and stress when Eveline, the first batch of children that she taken care of, the sweet and kind girl she was, bursted out of the orphanage without question giving the poor old rabbit faunus a fright.

"Eveline! What did I told you about bursting through the door without knocking? You almost gave me a heart attack!..." She said, clutching her pounding heart. This child could be the death of her if she kept scaring her...

"I'm sorry, it had to be an emergency! Mom, get the first-aid kit, please! He's hurt trying to save Jason!" Mrs Brown glanced at the- WHAT IN OUM'S NAME WAS THIS MAN?! Eveline, the sweet angel she was, begged to save him.

"Alright. I'll get the first-aid kit! Eveline, you sweet girl- You have to take this... Whatever this is kind of body armour off from him! Immediately!" She ran towards the storage room to grab the first-aid kit.

Eveline hesitantly stared at the man's helmet. The dark scowling texture on his face made it harder to pull it off from his face, like he was going to wake up and lunge at her. Shakily grabbing the tip of the mask, she slowly took of the helmet...

It was a man. And he was a human, bloodied and beaten into a pulp. Her whole world turned upside down as she couldn't believe what was happening. A human... saving a faunus.

[AN: First night of Batman, immediately gets himself revealed. What a great start... Eveline, is one of my OCs as the orphans, Mrs Brown, the some creepy kidnapper, and the little child. This is in the timeskip before James Ironwood came to Beacon with his bois running to Beacon. Anyways, please review and comment. God, why do I talk so much...]