(Somehow) Balancing the Chaos

Look, look, I know. You're all confused. Why is my aura not unlocked? Why didn't Ozpin get my aura unlocked? Why is people so calm about my dangerous semblance? How did I escape with the Tumbler and managed to hide it? Why does everyone loses against me?

All I can say is this. My aura can't be unlocked, whatever you RWBY fans say so. It's not canon, and everyone can unlock auras. But mine, can't. Ozpin didn't explain this to everyone else, so I had to explain the team of my condition.

They believed the fact that my aura couldn't be unlocked. Why am I still here? Because I kick ass without aura. Everyone's still worried about my semblance, but despite the warning, they had to accept it.

I can't get rid of it. So, I had to deal with it.

Escaping with the Tumbler? Easy, bullshittery. Also, I am a billion years old...? Billions of combat experience, and I barely manage to defeat people. Barely. All of my wins are either luck or skill. Most of them are from luck.

"Where are you going again? I thought you were done buying everything you need." Blake asked. I scratched my head. I had a very itchy head from the crap showers and the awful hygiene.

"That's what I thought, but I apparently needed more. This cheap shampoo ain't going to cut it, because my head's not clean enough." Blake glanced at my head and grimanced, backing away. She continued to read her books.

"I guess you can do that. But what about your homework?! You're not going to slack off from school because of us!" Weiss shouted. I sighed. She really didn't want to be responsible of my failures, wasn't she?

"I'm going to finish my work on time, Weiss. I won't be late, and I can manage my time well. Alright?" I stated, but Weiss still was uncertain as she huffed.


Army Surplus Store was the first stop that I got to. Buying black paint, a custom kevlar helmet with a 35% discount, a utility belt, etc. Giving the lien to the old man, I put the tracking device to Eevee or Espeon to move into places to buy my needed stuff.

While I, went to my secret hideout. Fast forward without a linebreak or you may as well as call it a dotbreak, I stopped at the abadoned warehouse. Entering the dark and empty area, I kicked off the secret hatch/manhole.

Hanging the flashlight on my head, I walked towards the sewers of the tunnels. If I remember correctly and not get lost, I would find my stuff. Rats, stench, dirty shit- It had it all.

Finally reaching to my desitination, I revealed myself where I was. It was an empty train station, blocked and closed off from history. I remembered entering this area in the industrial district in the sewer tunnels, and I was glad the tunnel was big enough to fit inside the Tumbler.

Nobody noticed, because the cops were stupid enough not to check inside the sewers. Something about a urban legend, crocodile Grimm lurking under the sewers...

Well I didn't care. Jumping at the dry platform where all my stuff was, I began to plan and construct myself. Preparing, for what was Batman.

First was the batsuit. Prototype Atlesian Combat Suit, bulletproof and flexible. The helmet was dented and too big for mobility, so I bought the kelvar helmet instead. Painting the suit and the helmet pitch-black, I deconstructed the helmet into pieces and crafted them into the cowl/helmet. Even had pointy ears.

Sticking the ears on the helmet, I inserted the radio intercepter and trasmission device inside. I brought the metal fin gauntlets that I forged in Beacon, also painting them in black, and attached them on the suit.

I wasn't going to attach the bat symbol on the chest, because I was out of resources to use. Instead, I spray-painted the symbol dark grey on the chestplate.

I needed a cape. Something similar to Memory Cloth, a regularly flexible fabric... But adding a current re-aligns the molecoles, and structure them in any base shape. Fortunately, Atlas decided to make something similar, gloves in the set that I looted before.

Turning that into the cape, all I had to do was colour the whole Tumbler black. Yeah, how was I going to do that...?


In Vale, where the newly opened From Dust till Dawn Store opened once more, the old man (who was the owner of the store) stepped down from the ladder. Then later falling down, after a mint-green haired girl with dark red eyes accidentally caused that.

"Excuse me, Hmm. Sorry, not really around here..." The girl apologised and lent a hand, helping the old man up. The girl had a pleading look when she lent a note.

"But you might point me in the direction of this shop. Please?" She said, as the old man nodded as he explained where it was.

After finishing her business, she waved goodbye to the old man to meet a grey haired boy leaning on the brick walls. "I knew you were lost." He said, crossing his arms.

She turned around to him with a frown. "Mercury, I will seriously pay you to shut up." She said, holding a stack of stolen lien on her hands. Mercury raised an eyebrow and smirked amusedly.

"That's not your money." He said, while waving his head. She smirked.

"But it could be yours for five minutes of silence...?" She proposed, as Mercury acted like he thought of it, then later shook his head.

"No deal." He said.

"Hmmm, fine." She frowned, huffing as she retracted the money to her. Before roughly turning his back away from Mercury.

"Whatever. You want me." He said, following her as he lifted his back away from the wall. After walking towards the streets, talking and joking about how Vale was easy to steal from.

"Heard of the crazy guy who stole the military vehicle from the White Fang?" "Whatever. People are crazy these days..." The murmurs of people muttered out. Emerald and Mercury raised an eyebrow, unknown to them as they learnt this new information. This needed to be reported...

After reaching at the store, Tukson's Book Trade, they entered the building to finish their jobs, cutting loose ends. As they both walked towards the empty counter, Emerald pressed the desk ball, calling Tukson.

But what they didn't expect was another person, brown-haired, fair-skinned with brown eyes holding books on his arms. This was not Tukson.

"Sup. What can do for you?" He said, placing down the books near him. Emerald and Mercury didn't know who this guy was. They assumed that Tukson had been long been gone, failing their objective. But they had to try.

"Actually, I was wondering do you have any copies of The Thief and The Butcher?" She asked. He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes...? Would you like a copy, or were you just wondering?" He asked. Emerald smiled. Mercury was searching for books, anything entertainment.

"Yes, I was just wondering. Oh, what about Violet Garden in Paperback? Hardback, too. Oh, options are nice!" Emerald acted to wonder. Mercury was dissatisfied.

"No pictures. Hey, do you have any comics, man?" Mercury asked. The counter guy rolled his eyes and pointed at the front.

"Near the front. Comics are at least entertaining." He answered, before Mercury saying a small thanks and searched for the comics. Emerald wanted to get some answers.

"Sooo... we want to meet your manager. Can we get to meet him?" Emerald started to ask. The guy in the counter looked back.

"Umm. Nah. He's out of work, so he kind of replaced me to roll with the store. Sorry, I can't do much." Emerald sighed, ashamed that they had a dead-end.

"How much is this?" Mercury asked, getting a comic book from this store. The guy in the counter told the price, before paying the book as they left the store.

"Cinder's going to be so mad at us... He should've been there." Emerald frowned. Something about the guy in the counter seemed suspicious. It was as if, he was out of place...


As the Cinder's lapdog duo left the store without any suspicion, I glanced at the unconscious body of Tukson behind the counter. Before Emerald and Mercury entered the store, I knocked out Tukson quickly.

They didn't notice his unconscious body because I stole a part of Emerald's Semblance before they even entered. Using it, I hid his body using the illusion. Now, Emerald's Semblance only works on one person. Who said I couldn't push it?

After leaving a note behind the store, I pondered what to do. Dress up as a bat and beat the shit out of criminals? Stop Cinder and the White Fang? Probably. Eevee's not going to like when Beacon's suddenly invaded by Grimm...

I watched the skies. The sun was shining brightly, rather the gloomy skies of defeat after the fall of beacon...

"And thus begins Volume 2... Huh." I said.

[AN: Yeah, yeah. I'm procrasinating again, I know. Short chapter. I didn't know what to do, so I added in an extra chapter. Please review and comment.]