More Than Just a Man

Why was it risky? It's because I had to put the Tumbler in the closest way possible near the entrance and the Bullheads decided to drop-off the huntsmen and huntresses near the specific warehouse that was locked.

They could've broken the lock, entered the first warehouse, blasted the warehouse into kingdom come, but they didn't.

It's because who's going to put a prototype military vehicle in the first warehouse they see? Very stupid and risky, but it paid off. And I am one lucky son of a bitch.

Before dropping off my Tumbler and my stuff where I'm not going to tell you (yes, you viewers and readers), I rode on my motorcycle that I stole...? I just found it, laying around on the ground. Weird.

Anyways, back to Junior's Club, I snuck through the blasting noice of young earrape music and picked up the tracking device I had in the trash. I threw away my black suit in the garbage and burned it down, getting rid of the evidence. Yes, I had to be sure.

I had downed myself in my brown blazer. Casual, nothing suspicious. Yeah. Now I wanted to get some important stuff, such as black paint, a new helmet/cowl, and some more stuff.

Hell of a night. To be honest...


"Uurgh! I can't believe he just got away like that! Freaking hell!" Yang cursed, though not next to Ruby, because she was WAY too innocent, and she was not going to corrupt her sister.

"Sup mothafockas." Mark casually called out, interupting Yang's line of thought. Weiss was outright angry at him.

"WHERE WERE YOU?! I WAS WORRIED WHEN EEVEE WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT GOT HERE, AND I THOUGHT YOU LEFT HIM!" Weiss shrieked. Mark widened his eyes in horror and turned serious.

"Hey! There's a difference between being left and leaving to good hands! I would never, ever leave Eevee. Not forever. Not forever..." Mark seriously warned, as Weiss and the rest were shocked at the seriousness Mark had.

Mark shook his head. "Anyways, what were you guys doing while I was gone doing my part-time job?" He asked. Yang banged her head against the wall in response. Then later clutched her head in pain.

He raised an eyebrow. Blake went to explain. "A person, decided to steal a Atlesian Prototype Military Vehicle and tried to escape. We were dropped in the industrial district, caught me by surprise, as well as Yang. Before Ruby and Weiss were trying to save us, he was already gone." She explained. Mark could only widen his eyes.

"So, some nut, stole a military vehicle, outsmarted y'all, and escaped with said vehicle..." He replied. Weiss, Yang, and Blake nodded. He sighed.

"Why? Why would someone... who's going to need a military vehicle in the first place, anyways?" He eyed Blake, confusion forming on his features. Blake shrugged.

"He's not working with the White Fang, considering that he just stole it from them, and he's not working with Torchwich either. And he isn't fond with huntsmen either..." Blake explained. Mark 'hmm'-ed.

"Doesn't like White Fang... Doesn't like Torchwich either... Doesn't like huntsmen. What, does this guy hate anything but these guys?" Mark scoffed out. Weiss shrugged.

"Maybe. All we know he isn't our side..." Weiss said. Mark crossed his arms.

"Great. Now we have to deal with a lone nut. I recall you guys explaining that you're dealing with the White Fang, Torchwick, and now add in a guy with a military vehicle. What could go wrong..?" He sarcastically quiped, palming his face while groaning.


It was safe to say I was still out of their suspicions of being the Batman. I wasn't already the Batman, so... Yeah. The people who assume who I would be Batman was Team CFVY (maybe) and possibly Jaune, who watched me going on top rooftops.

I believed Jaune could keep his mouth shut, or I could trick him, getting rid of his suspicions myself being the masked vigilante. So I had to meet him, first.

And maybe bring some ingredients while I'm on it... I want to 'soften' Team JNPR up by using special pancakes... and no, they are not poisoned with magic. It's just special pancakes.

Pancake thoughts aside, I threw the wide futon on the middle of the dorm room, making a wide enough bed for Eevee and myself. Weiss was the first to use the bathroom. So I had to wait, for each and every team member to finish themselves.

Honestly, it was late, so I didn't give a shit and got Eevee with me. Bringing a small soap and shampoo, I went to the public toilets where they had crappy showers, but it was still a shower nonetheless.

I turned on the showers and let the cold water surround my body. And fuck you, I wasn't going to explain how showers worked in this fanfic.

[AN: I wasn't going to. You just said fuck you. Jeez.]

I was going to shrug the thought off, but I was blasted from a huge force of water splashing at my face. It was Vaporeon, blasting the Hydro Pump at my face. I flipped him off and shut the door against him.

I was cleaning myself up, before I was blasted again from the above from HOT BOILING FUCKING WATER JESUS FUCKING CHRIST-

My ass was on fire. I was going to kill Vaporeon, one way or another. He just hit me with Scald! That fucking bastard!

Come here you little son of a bitch! GET OVER HERE!


Ruby woke up to the morning and she immediately snorted seeing THAT in the morning. She tried to keep her laughter and her cuteness level controlled, but her humor was the hardest one to keep control.

Ruby tiptoed her footsteps, not to wake up Eevee, and woke up Weiss quietly. Weiss blinked her eyes as she forcibly got herself to awakening. "Ruby... YAWN~ W-why did you have to- Snkt." Weiss also snorted at the sight. She didn't know to be cooing or chuckling at this point.

Eevee was curling around in a bundle of fur, like a baby fox sleeping peacefully in the sunlight, as it shone from the edges of the curtains. Where was he sleeping at? Well, that made them snort.

Eevee was currently sleeping on Mark's face, of all things, and Mark no difficulty sleeping as he snored. As ridiculous this was, it was funny. Something that cute had the audacity to sleep on the face of a bold and vulgar person.

Eevee suddenly woke up, yawning adorably in the most cutest smallest thing ever that everyone wanted to pet it so bad-

"Hmm." Mark snapped his eyes open to see Eevee's butt on his face. Eevee moved away from Mark's face and cawed cutely. Mark simply grunted.

"Eevee... go and... wake everyone else up. Share them my suffering of waking up." He seriously ordered, as Eevee's only response was to bark happily and go to Blake's bed. Ruby and Weiss sweatdropped then later chuckled.

Mark groaned himself up, as Eevee woke Blake and Yang up. They were not happy that they awakened, but it was a welcoming awakening from Eevee.

"Pff. What happened to your hair?" Mark snorted when he pointed Ruby and Weiss' hairs. They all were confused and looked themself in the mirror. They were all horrified, as their hairs were messed and dirty for mysterious reasons.

Weiss shrieked like a banshee and ran to the bathroom faster than Ruby could enter. Ruby slumped as she waited Weiss to finish using the bathroom.

Mark scratched his hair and took the necessary things for a shower. Bringing Eevee for unknown reasons, he left the dorm room leaving Blake, Yang and Ruby dazed. Mark then came back and threw Eevee back into the dorm room, as he thought Eevee was the shampoo.

"Voi..." Eevee stretched himself in front of the crowd. It caused Ruby, Yang, and Blake to all smile gently at Eevee. It was cute.

One by one, Team RWBY took a shower as Eevee followed Mark. They all did their morning routine, brushing their teeth, dressing up, yada yada yada... They all stopped when Mark was seen going to the other direction of the dining hall.

"Why's he going that way? Isn't the dinning hall there?" Ruby said, as Mark continued to walk to the other direction. Out of curiousity, they followed Mark.

What they expected was Mark doing something shady. But... he just went to the kitchens near the dorm rooms. Why...? The dorm rooms had a public kitchen for students so they could cook or talk in their free time.

Ren and Nora often used this kitchen to cook pancakes. And they sure did knew Ren's pancakes smelled delicious.

They knew Mark was cooking something. But they didn't know if he was going to cook. Ruby imagined someone like Mark cooking. Weiss couldn't have possibly imagined Mark cooking. Blake didn't care. Yang imagined Mark would create a smoking pile of ash. She secretly chuckled.

But the sweet scent of melted brown sugar blew their expectations as they entered the kitchen, and they were shocked seeing Mark holding a stainless steel circle handle pressing the flat pancakes.

Mark noticed them. "Oh hey guys. What's up?" He said.


The special pancakes I was cooking were called Hotteok, a korean street food in South Korea. Great for wintertimes, but I think it had slightly more calories than a single pancake.

How did I know this? Well, a certain asshole was addicted to BTS and decided to kidnap my ass into South Korea with him, and I just happened to recall the street food they were buying in there.

Something about Eevee recalled Hotteok for some reason. Cinnamon roll.

Anywho, cooking the pancakes near the dorm rooms would definitely get Nora out of her bed in a minute. Pancake fanatic. I just finished four pancakes for RWBY.

Ruby audibly gasped. "Mark... what's this? It's a pancake, right? Why is it so flat..." She asked while staring deeply at the korean pancakes. I shrugged.

"Tis a pancake. With melted brown sugar fillings. It's sweet, and it is hot. You can eat em if you want." I said, as RWBY's plates each had a pancake for themselves.

"What is this kind of pancakes?... I didn't know you cooked." Blake stared at the pancakes with interest. I hummed in disinterest.

"I did. I didn't tell you all." I answered in a monotone.

Weiss looked at the pancakes. "What kind of pancake is this? Last time I remembered, there was only one type of pancakes. The ones with syrup." She said. Ignoring her, I placed down the pancakes on their dishes.

"Aww, Mark~ What's the unusual kind service in the morning? You're acting strange~" Yang smirked cheekily before taking out the cutlery. I rolled my eyes.

"No, I'm just feeding you my 'prototype' pancakes. I didn't check if they were poisoned or food poisoned." I montonously replied. Yang frowned but sliced it anyways. The melted brown sugar syrup spilled from the fillings as everyone awed in interest.

Everyone's eyes glimmered as they digged in. And guess everyone's expectations when they ate the pancakes. Burnt tongues.

"Ahh! Itwish shew hawt! Buit itwich shew deliciwish!" Ruby's tongue probably melted at this point. From the hotness or the taste. Everyone cupped their mouths and breathed in and out to ease the pain.

I gave them a glass of milk. They immediately took it from my grasp and drank it whole. They all had satsified expressions on their faces.

I pointed at the heiress' mouth from the leftover syrup. She blushed and wiped the syrup with a napkin and composed herself. Everyone else just licked the syrup clean.

"Eh-hem! I appreciate this pancakes was a creative design, Mark. Though, I am worried about the melted sugar..." Weiss eyed the syrup stains on her dish. I raised an eyebrow. Was she complaining about the sugar intake? It doesn't really matter...

"I get it, it's hot. That's why I brought this." I pulled out a tub of vanilla ice cream from the counter, and their eyes went to 0 to 100% real quick. Starting another batch of pancakes, they watched patiently as I pressed the pancake doughs flat on the griddle.

"Ice... cream..." Yang uttered out as if I just discovered a breakdown in food culture. Hotest pancakes + Ice cold Ice creams = ... I don't know, sweet stuff?

"Mark. Are you secretly a genius? A secret cooking chef, wandering around the world, cooking pancakes~! -EVERY WHERE YOU GO?" Nora was suddenly right behind my back. I casually rolled my eyes and flipped the pancakes.

"Nora. Sit until it's done. Or I won't give pancakes." I warned tiredly. Nora was horrified when she was ordered.

"You wouldn't dare! All the pancakes are mine! TO THE QUEEN! YOU WOULD DARE TO DEFY MY AUTHORITY?! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" Nora dramatically proclaimed. I facepalmed myself.

I draped my hand from my eyes. The soul-piercing glare suddenly creeped out Nora, as she flinched and shivered. "Sit. Down. Please." I sternly ordered, as Nora sheepishly did what I asked.

Ren was impressed I dealt Nora effectively. "Nora, what did I tell you about not annoying Mark?" Ren said. Nora pouted.

"Never do it again... Sorry, Mark." Nora apologised. I knew the Author was DEFINITELY messing characters' personalities, because I knew Nora wasn't the person to usually apologise...

"Good morning. How is everyone- Is that... cinnamon? I love cinnamon! It's quite creative to fill the syrup inside the pancakes, instead of spreading on the outside." Pyrrha came out, finally speaking her first lines of dialogue. I mentally facepalmed myself. If you're going to make a RWBY fanfic, do it well. Not just exclude every single main character out...

"Morning, Mark. Woah. I didn't know you could cook. What are these called?" Jaune asked, interested at the new food.

"I call them special pancakes. Don't have a name for them, put it'll do. Want ice cream in or not?" I asked as Jaune wanted without ice cream. Team JNPR digged in the pancakes and their reactions were the same.

What a breakfast. Nora's asking me to make more. She even stole my pancakes.

[AN: Something tells me I need a break to reorganise the characters. I've only been writing chapters lazily, because... writer's block. Or something. I need a break. Please review. Comment.]