Threading the Needle

I was in deep shit. Again. Surely, a white prototype tank from the Atlas Military wasn't so common in the Vale streets at night. Add to that, police are coming after me. They won't do jack, but huntsmen and huntresses? Yeah. I was going to be screwed.

How did Batman escaped using this big hunk of metal from the cops again? I wasn't ready to think, because I was currently chased down from the cops!

Turning the vehicle around the street, I needed to get to a safe place so I could establish my base or my batcave. But the white paintjob on the Tumbler wasn't going to cut it.

Activating the coordination systems, I was met an another dead-end because this thing wasn't connected to the godamn CCT! Cross Continental Transmit System. A replacement for orbital satellites because Dust doesn't work in space!

So I was on my sheer memory alone and my skills to escape with this huge white tank. Great. Absolutely great indeed. I needed somewhere safe. Somewhere out of police activities and somewhere dark.

The abandoned tunnels in Vale.


"Why would a lone White Fang driving through in Vale would do anything? That's just odd, even for them." Weiss commented on the lone white tank driving around Vale. Team RWBY were on a separate Bullhead transporting them to Vale. Their job was to search around the warehouses, as the same did Team JNPR.

"The White Fang wouldn't be stupid enough to drive around Vale for a joyride. It's not their style. They would just secretly move around the cargo, away from prying eyes..." Blake recalled her moments when Torchwick tried to steal Dust in warehouses.

"So you think it's not the White Fang that's causing all this chaos? I mean, who would be dumb enough to drive around that sick car in Vale without getting unnoticed?" Yang asked. Blake and Weiss were unsure as to why this could've happened.

Ruby felt anxious for some reason. It felt like she forgotten something very important, but she couldn't remember it. Why did she felt so concerned with Mark?


After taking a shortcut, I had to take the Tumbler in the abandoned tunnels underneath. Then shortly after, I needed to go to Junior's because I had the allbi of taking a part-time job, and act like nothing happened.

Boosting the jet engine attached into a ramp-less jump, I crashed on the rooftops of Vale, taking a steady route to the abandoned tunnels. Jumping to the highway, I hit the gas as I avoided the cars.

But like in most gettaways, it wasn't so simple.

The sounds of nearby bullheads alerted my attention. A bullhead, carrying Team CFVY in the vehicle. I didn't see Eevee, so I was good. No I wasn't.

Coco transformed her handbag into a minigun and unloaded rounds at my ass. Since this was a Tumbler, the armour and metal plates blocked the bullets away. They weren't using dust-type ammo, because civilian casualties could happened because of explosions.

I gritted my teeth. It looked like Yatsu was going to jump on me. Tilting the Tumbler, I cockedpitted myself into the weapons seat and fired at the projected walls of the highway.

Making a clear path, I boost-jumped through the opening and landed on underneath the pillars. Driving away, I hurriedly gone through the abandoned entrance of what once was the Vale tunnels. This was my escape.

Before explosive rounds decided to cave the entrance and collasp the tunnel, blocking my escape. I glanced at the bullhead, knowing either Coco or Velvet might've blocked it.

I didn't have enough firepower to burst open a collasped tunnel. I did, but that would take too long for a tunnel that size.

I stopped the engine and slid on the concrete floor, tires making a black mark on the floor as a result. Soon I was surrounded with cops, bullheads, and lights showing where I was.

"Turn off your engine! Step away from the car!" The police demanded out with a megaphone. I frowned. How was I going to get out of this situation...

I had an idea.

"This guy's been cornered like a wild animal. There's no way he'll get out." The makeshift radio spoke, intercepting police transmissions.

Revealing myself as I got out of the Tumbler, I threw a bunch of grenades on the air, surprising and shocking the cops as they were expecting an explosion, but they were engulfed in thick smoke. Changing into the weapons seat, I aimed at the wall of empty police cars blocking my way.

"Really." I said, as I blasted through the cars. Making another opening, I drove through their pathetic defenses and got away. The bullheads were the only ones chasing me around.

Driving again in the streets of Vale, I avoided the cars again. This time, several bullheads were coming after me. I didn't know who they were, and not knowing was a problem.

My plan was a risky plan, but it was my only one nonetheless.


"He's going to the industrial district. Maybe he's planning to lay low in there, but with a tank that size that's noticable isn't going to hide him. He can run, but he can't hide." Blake determined herself, intending to know who this mysterious person was.

"It'll be over at the end of the day! Seriously, what makes you think it's a he? Not a she?" Yang raised her eyebrows as she prepared her shotgun-gauntlets. Blake rolled her eyes.

Professor Goodwitch appeared as a hologram to deliver the message and mission for the first-grade students.

"Students, your objective will be finding the Atlesian Prototype and stopping who is responsible driving this vehicle. You will be set in ground-level, where you will be searching and locating the vehicle. This is a serious objective as it will effect the people of Vale. Good luck, students." Glynda ordered, as the hunstmen and huntresses were dropped off near the industrial district, finding and locating the vehicle, and the person responsible...


The hunstmen decided to spread out and search the vehicle more faster, each with an earpiece to intercept radio transmissions. Blake searched the area. It was empty, abandoned, and low-traffic.

"Section 14, clear. Yang, you find anything suspicious?" Blake called out.

"No, Blake. All I can see is warehouses and more warehouses..." Yang groaned out. Blake sighed and ended the transmission. It was getting annoying, trying to find a prototype military tank in dark warehouses in the middle of the night-

A rustling noice immediately alerted her features. She went closer, katana in ready. Going in a dark alleyway, she saw... nothing. But something was there. She knew it.

Again, the rustling noice was closer. She immediately walked towards to the source of the sound, and hear it from the warehouses inside. She held her breath, wanting the opponent into a surprise.

She kicked the warehouse door open. Seeing inside the warehouse, was... a rat. A rat, that had frightened off and immediately ran away from her.

She sighed, for wasting her time like this. She had to find clues. The White Fang didn't rest, and so wasn't she. Walking outside the warehouse, she continued to search for the damn tank.

And she didn't realise there was a white figure dangling above her head.

[AN: Sure, Aura gives you extrasensory perception to feel like you're getting watched, but... Mark's just VERY stealthy to not get noticed.]


"Yang? Where are you? This place's creeping me out. It feels like I'm getting watched..." Ruby said, as she finished searching section 23. Ruby could imagine Yang chuckling.

"It'll be fine! Besides, you can tell us immediately after you find something. I'll go to you. Promise." Yang replied, as Ruby smiled at that before cutting the transmission.

She 'eep'-ed when she heard rustling. She mentally steeled herself. "Hello? Is anyone out there?" She called out. No answer. Walking towards the dark alleyways, she tried to call Weiss. Last time she was in sector 21.

"Weiss? Where are you?" No answer. Ruby's heartbeat tensed as she used her semblance to dash towards section 21.

"Weiss? Where are you? It's me, Ruby! Why weren't you answering?" No answer. It was beginning to creep Ruby out, as her mind raced on, thinking of the time when she accidentally watched horror movies with Yang. She never watched any horror movies again.

Did a mysterious murderer got her? No, no, no... Weiss was her BFF! Her partner! She imagined a bloody monster, grasping Weiss as it held a huge, scary, terrifying machette!

"Ruby." A voice called out to her.

Ruby startled and unconsciously transformed her scythe. It was Weiss, staring at her disappointedly and confusedly. She let out a sigh of relief.

"You scared me, Weiss! Why would you do that..." Ruby muttered. Weiss rolled her eyes and pulled out her earpiece.

"Sorry if I'd scared you. You were worried about me when my earpiece didn't work, right? Well, it's broken." Ruby stared at Weiss' earpiece. It was normal, but it looked like it wasn't working.

"How'd you broke it?" Ruby confusedly asked. Weiss scoffed and stored the earpiece in her pockets. "I didn't. This earpiece just malfunctioned itself, and I had to search you. But, knowing you, you would've just searched me anyways." Ruby was touched when Weiss knew her so much. They were obviously BFFs!

"Aww, you know me so well! Friendship hug!" She leaned closer for a hug before Weiss cut her off.

"Not right now, Ruby! We're in a mission, and we must be alert to anything. It's not the time to have 'friendship hugs' right now..." Weiss warned seriously.

"Oh, sorry..." She apologised, before causing Weiss to smile slightly.

"Anyone can make mistakes. Come on. Let's find this guy and get this over... with..?" Weiss had a strange feeling on her mouth. It was foreign, like she was copying someone else's style of talking without her knowing.

"Weiss?" Ruby asked concernedly. Weiss waved her head. It was weird.

"It's nothing... Let's go search the area." She waved it off, sliding the weird thought as merely a coincidence. Together, they continued the search.


"Ugh. This is so boring..." Yang stretched herself to the sky, half-tired at the time they had to do a mission. They had to find the sick car. Simple. But for some reason, it was very hard to find.

She searched the area and it was clear. Next one? Clear as well. The one that she was in? You guessed it, clear as day.

She was straight up bored out of her mind for being alone. Nothing thrilling or fun about this mission at all. Sure, they had to find the tank, but it took a very long time that made her bored.

Curious, and bored, she was calling Blake. "Yo. Yang here, sector 34- Clear. Clear as day. Blakey, I know you would've enjoyed this, since it just matches your dark, secretive, quiet personality. The night's young- or shall I say, yang..." She joked around. Only to here no response.

"Blake? You there?" She checked for the resident smut reader. Blake didn't respond to that.


She woke up inside a warehouse, and everything was upside down. Then it hit her.

She was in fact, the one upside down and was dangling from her feet.

Out of desperation, she tried to get out. But it was no use. She was tied up in chains, as her ribbon on her cat ears was also gone. What happened..? She could only remember in sector 15, before everything blacked out...

A pistol barrel was pointed at the back of her head as her mind went quiet. She was held captive from no ordinary enemy.

"Scream, you die. Struggle all you want, but make one noise... You're dead." A raspy voice warned out to her. She clenched her mouth shut, as the fear started to spread.

But she wasn't going to let it. "What do you want?" She replied back. She had no identification if this man was a White Fang member, or it was something else entirely...

"Blake Belladonna. Ex-terrorist of the White Fang. Currently in the team RWBY, and daughter of Ghira and Kali Belladonna..." She froze as her heart skipped a beat. How did he know that?! H-how...?!

"Adam Taurus. Sienna Khan. Ilia Amitola." He started to name, those impossible names that he shouldn't and couldn't have known. How did he know?! WHY DID HE KNOW THOSE NAMES?!

"But those names do not matter... yet." H-how?! It was impossible to know those names that she knew! Adam was her former friend. Sienna was the leader of the White Fang. Illa... was her friend. How did this man knew those names...?!

"I know everything. Everything. And there's something I wish to indulge about... the White Fang, Torchwick... they are working together. And you know that. There's something more to it." He started to explain.

"What?" She asked.

"I'm not working with them. But I didn't say I was working with you." The raspy voice replied. She narrowed her eyes, as this person was a mystery.

"I only want to give you a message. A statement." She heard the pistol cocking, ready to fire. Her mind was racing as she was going to die. She was going to-


Her body landed on hard concrete, as she gritted the pain as she was fallen. Her weapon, Gambol Shroud was left in front of her, as she could only see the man's back.

"Stay out of my way." He finished, as he was zipped towards the ceiling.


"Go! We need to hurry! Blake's in trouble!" Ruby called out in the transmission as everyone went to Sector 15. Yang got there first, noticed the gunfire and immediately ran to her partner.

Smashing the door open, she saw Blake, tied in chains as her weapon was in front of her. Yang went towards Blake's side immediately.

"Blake! Blake! You alright?!" She called out, as Blake could only groan. Activating the ear piece, she called out to everyone.

"I found Blake! She's tied up in- AUURGH!" Suddenly her feet was shot upwards as she was immediately pulled towards the ceiling, tied and dangling harmlessly. She noticed the guy, as he was the one that pulled her up.

"Let me down! Come back here!" Yang furiously shouted as she was permantly hanged upside down. Ooh, she could feel the blood going through her head...

"Blake?! Yang?! What happened?!" Ruby shouted as she noticed her sister and Blake either tied up in chains or dangling around from a wire.

"Ruby! Please, get me off of this thing!" Yang shouted as she could feel her blood rushing through her brain. Ruby unfolded her scythe and cut the wire as Yang fell over with a yelp.

"OW!... That hurt." Yang groaned out in pain. Weiss swished the chains open as she untied Blake. Blake got her katana and got her teammates.

"Come on! He won't be far away!" A mechanical growl, similar to a panther called out from the night as the Tumbler reeved. Team RWBY immediately ran and dashed to look at the Tumbler already gone from their sights.

"Damn it!" Blake cursed.

[AN: Quick and less done chapter. I know. I'll try my best from doing this again. Please review.]