Going Alone

Aw man, it should've worked. I thought shoving Eevee at her face would calm Coco down, but... I guess not. Eh. Sometimes Eevees don't solve anything. Not this one. Why?

Because she's full on intending to rip and tearing my ass into a new one.

"You've got pretty steely pairs of balls you've got there... Not only you've managed to piss me off, leave me alone waiting for 3 hours, and threw this red shit at my face...!" Coco darkly chuckled. I winced, as she threw me across the windows, shattering the glass along with it.

Blood was spilling from my head as I groaned and lifted myself up from the broken glass pieces, as I glanced at Coco, who cracked her knuckles and placed down her handbag.

"You... you had the balls to just shrug it off like nothing happened?! You think yourself as a big shot?! It's time to peg you down a notch and teach you a lesson!..." She sinsterly grinned. Odd style of talking aside, Eevee stood confused on the ground while Velvet hastily scooped her up in her arms.

"Aw, shit. Here we go again..." I muttered. Coco went up close and personal as she went to grab me, I backed up before she could grab me. Stancing myself in a battle martial whatever stance that I forgot, I went on defensive.


After Fox finally realised something was very odd about Mark, as he used his Aura senses to check what was wrong. Because of his blindness, Fox had to depend on his Aura senses to fight and battle well on Grimm.

He could sense other's auras, identify them, and see more things than the eye could. After checking the rehab student's aura, he was more than shocked. Mark's aura was slightly emitting from the body, as if his aura wasn't unlocked.

His aura? Crimson red. But he searched deeper, noticing a tiny wisp of azure blue aura inside, almost joyful and radiating positivity... Much different to the crimson red aura that emitted slight negativity and calmness.

Before Fox could even warn Coco that the newcomer hadn't gotten his aura unlocked, he was interrupted when Mark blocked a blow from Coco. Coco, his team leader that she was absurdly strong and had blocked a blow without going splat.

He retracted his warning and let the battle flow. After all, he still had a grudge against the newbie when he threw the red grenade at their faces...


"Urgh!" I grunted out as Coco went for a barrage of powerful blows at my arm guards. Did I mention- No, I didn't. Her handbag, Gianduja, is a secret transforming minigun that turns into a handbag. It's very heavy, and she manages to hold it like it was the weight of an empty handbag.

Meaning, she was very strong. "Huurgh!" I was blown back from the overwelming force from Coco's punch, breaking my guard as I landed on the ground. I glanced up and saw Coco smirking.

"Come on! Surely you weren't all bark no bite, seeming that you survived some of my punches against me~" She smirked smugly as she taunted. I grunted as I narrowed my eyes.

"Ugh. Why don't you make your mouth useful and suck my d*ck..." I quiped irritatedly, as I lifted myself up to see Coco scowling. Bad move on my part.

"Okay, you wanted that way...!" Coco gritted out as she ran towards me. I cracked my neck as I prepared myself. Coco went for a barrage of blows and hooks in which I parried and blocked some of the attacks away from me.

I blocked the lowkick from Coco with my legs (as it hurt VERY much) and continued to block the blows from Coco. Going for hooks, jabs, and poweful blows, I needed the right moment to counterattack.

Another hook went to my face as I grasped it and twisted the arm. Cocking my other arm backwards, I sent a mean hook to her face, causing some audible gasps from her teammates.

She backed away clutching her face as she widened her dark brown eyes when her sunglasses were gone. I raised an eyebrow when I collasped the sunglasses in my hands.

"You really shouldn't bring this important in a fight, you know. It might break." I motioned her sunglasses in my hands. She scowled deeply at her sunglasses stolen.

"Give. It. Back." She demanded with a deep scowl. I threw my arm back and yeeted her sunglasses over her as all of their focus went to Coco's sunglasses in Velvet's palms.

Coco blinked. "Huh. I thought you were going to- AUGH!" A hook went towards her jaw and cut her off mid-sentence. I spoke, "NOW we can fight properly!" As Coco backed away and shook her head, ready to kick my arse.

As she stanced herself into a boxing stance, we walked around in a circle, waiting who was going to move first. Finally, Coco acted charged immediately with a war cry.

Going for a hook, I grasped her arm and twisted her body- Before she proceeded to grab my wrist as she slammed both of our bodies to the ground. Grunting, she slammed a fist to me as I dodged it as she cracked the ground.

"Ouch. That's going to hurt." I winced, as Coco clutched her hand in pain. She glared at me, before running a swinging a wide arc as I ducked under and struck her sides.

Coco doubled over as I ran towards her and kicked her gut. To my surprise, she grasped my leg as she smirked. Twisting her body, she threw me like a shotput as I was well, thrown away.

Pulling out the grilling fork (yes, I retrieved it) and slamming towards the ground to slow down my movement, I glanced up to Coco. She was running-!

I had no choice to lift up my arm and block the kick. I dropped the fork as I was fallen backwards to ground again, before Coco grasped my shirt and yanked it, my feet in the air from her grip.

She smirked. "Any last words?" I hummed amusedly in response. That got her a narrowed expression of confusion.

"Not my last words... But did you honestly thought I would stop at two?" Her shocked eyes widened when I was holding a Spicy Red grenade on my palms. Flicking the pin off the grenade, we were engulfed by red smoke. Again.

Coco again started coughing and sweating and teared up from the hot spicy scent. "Y-you sick bastard! You would actually put yourself in the blast zone?! COUGH!" She barely called out in disbelief, still shocked that I would sacrifice myself to get her.

"Eh... It stings, but it'll do the job!" I called out through the red smoke, before jumping towards Coco and decking her to the face. She doubled over, still enduring using her aura.

I kicked her so hard that I sent her away from the red smoke, crashing on the ground as she still was coughing from the Spicy Reds. I revealed myself from the smoke, and Coco glared.

"You are one sick fuc-" I cut her off before she could even finish that sentence. She fell towards the ground, unconscious (somehow) as I winced from my own brand of toxic gas.

You RWBY fans might be wondering, 'How the hell did Coco get defeated by Mark? He's weak, no-aura unlocked, and etc.' I would explain that. Coco is not a single-player. So she uses teammates. I was not. And I worked by myself.

She left her only weapon. Bad idea. I had weapons. Spicy Reds. Element of Surprise, experience, and my own brand of obnoxiousness might've gotten me the win. I don't know, this is how the Author writes, just roll with it...


Coco blinked open her eyes, feeling refreshed from the nasty stinging scent from the red grenade. Damn bastard. She groaned as she clutched her head, already feeling a migraine.

"Vee?" She blinked, hearing a strange purr close to her. When she turned to the source of the voice, SHE WANTED TO PET IT SO HARD.

A cute baby-like fox dog cat thing- hybrid, she called it- As the very cute adorable cheeks and ears as the fluffy fur wanted her to pet the adorable cutie. Huge adorable baby-like brown eyes stared back at her.

She noticed the 5 Lien plastic glasses and the bowtie on the cutie. It made it even more cute! Her mind raged on, imagining every combination of the styles and fashion that would even make this cutie more-

"You're awake." Her face immediately formed into a frown, when she heard that asshole's voice. She glared at him, fists shaking to hit him. Then she realised her other teammates coming towards her for her safety, and later lifted herself with a grunt.

"Coco! Are you alright? You looked so hurt, we had to get Eevee to heal you! I'm sorry that I left you! I didn't think clearly, I just wanted to-" Coco sighed as she interupted Velvet. She grinned.

"It's alright Velves. I might've been pushing you all too much. I'm very sorry for that..." Coco apologised to her team. She glanced at the bastard, crossing his arms casually.

"AUGH!" She slammed her fist into the guy's 'private parts', as he groaned and doubled over in pain. She grinned smugly as his punished was delivered. Grasping her sunglasses, she placed it back where it was.

"But I'm not sorry for you, you sick fucking bastard. Now we're even." She smirked smugly, as blazer-boy glared before coughing. The team, secretly took pleasure seeing Mark in misfortune. Coco noticed the cute creature wondered around confusedly, before grinning and scooping it up to her arms.

"Now who's this adorable cinnamon roll?" She held it up on her arms. Cinnamon roll suddenly started to squirm from her arms as it leapt towards blazer-boy. Her whole body was shocked.

"Vee." Blazer-boy pointed at the cinnamon roll. "This guy, is called Eevee. He's the fluffiest boi, and he doesn't like strangers. Meaning you." He pointed at herself, and she was feeling like her heart was shattered into a million pieces.

She slumped, feeling very depressed when Eevee neglated her. Velvet, with a sympathetic smile, pat her shoulders and consoled her. Meanwhile, Yatsu was very impressed on how the fight went.

"I was surprised to see you win against our team leader. You fought pretty well." Yatsu complimented, as Mark rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't doing enough. Besides, I was hoping that your team leader would take a hint. And oh, look at the time. I gotta go, guys." Mark picked up Eevee and shoved him against Velvet's arms.

"Where are you going? I thought you needed to go your dorm." Velvet asked confusedly, not wanting the extra baggage that Mark had bought.

"I sort of didn't mention I had a part-time job at night. I needed go soon, might as well carry my stuff to Team RWBY's dorm room. Sorry about that." Velvet, Yatsu, and Fox slumped as they had to carry more bags. Eevee, sensing their negativity, transformed into Espeon.

Coco stared at Espeon in disbelief. "Uhh, guys? Am I going crazy from this migraine or did Eevee just turned into a purple cat that has two tails?!" Espeon gave a quick glance to Mark, then scoffing and levitating the heavy objects for them.

Velvet and Yatsu's joyful looks of freedom brightened as they didn't have to carry anymore. Fox was silent as he was trying to sense Espeon but later didn't, for unknown reasons.

"You didn't told me that your Eevee could turn into..." Coco stared at the empty spot where Mark was. He was nowhere in sight, almost gone in plain sight. She got Batman-ed.


In the docks on the warehouses at night, I had my stealth getup (black hoodie, black gloves, basically stealth) as I crouched on the rooftops. Turning my makeshift radio interceptor, I caught a radio frequency of a certain terrorist organisation...

*Moving Supple Dropoff ETA 2 minutes.*

*Copy that, brother. The prototypes from the humans will benefit the White Fang. Their weapons will turn against them...* I heard, before noticing the White Fang grunts on the warehouses. I moved away, not risking the fact one of these guys had natural night-vision...


Two lone White Fang guards stood in the warehouse, bored as hell. "Hey." He began. The other grunt looked to him.

"You ever wonder why-" Suddenly, they were both knocked unconscious when Mark came out of nowhere and slammed both of their heads. Grabbing their bodies and hiding them out of sight, Mark silently moved inside the warehouse.

Mark overlooked the guards moving shipment from crates, possibly from Atlas. He narrowed his eyes in disdain. Fortunately, Torchwick wasn't present in this shipment. That was good, because he wasn't going to deal with him...

Mark noticed a lone grunt moving towards the almost empty crate. He moved, silently taking out the grunt with a chokelock. Glancing at the bullhead carrying an Atlas Military Crate, he had to move quickly.

Silently taking out grunts with ease, he saw the reveal of the crate. He deadpanned when he saw the contents of the crate. A white, advanced tech Tumbler from the Dark Knight Trilogy. With a pair of White Fang logos. He shook his head, knowing that F might've done this...

Curious in what the contents of the crate near him, he opened to see military equipment, all in prototypes, and they were not tested. One of them, was the iconic magnetic grappling gun.

Ignoring the cliche and the sheer luck of finding the most useful tool, he stored the crate inside his black bag and searched for loot. Grenades, EMPs, and more loot. But no advanced suit, unfortunately...

Groaning silently and opening another crate, he accidently triggered a metallic sound alerting the grunts near him. He cursed himself.

"What was that? Did you hear that?" A grunt asked the other grunt. Curious and bored out of their minds. The other grunt shrugged.

"I heard it alright. It's probably another accident. It wouldn't hurt to check..." The other grunt walked towards to the source of the sound. Mark was silent, waiting for the grunts to come closer.

Waiting for the exact moment to strike- "What the heck is that?! Shoot it!" He cursed himself when guns went blazing upon his ass. Running and potentially revealing himself, all the other grunts were alerted as they ran to Mark.

"It's an intruder! Shoot the disgusting filithy human! Kill him!" A grunt shouted out as the goons started firing a hailstorm of bullets. Mark ran to crate to crate, dodging and avoiding the bullets.

The bullets stopped when the grunts lost sight of Mark. Suddenly, the lights went out as Mark was probably using his sonic screwdriver to tamper the electronics...

"Turn the lights back on! Those with night-vision, shoot on sight! Those who aren't, back up to the lights!" The leader called out, as the fanaus without night-vision moved themselves to the available lights that worked. The grunts moved in, clearly seeing in the darkness searching everywhere for the human filth.

Soon, they waited for one human corpse. But what they had, was cut-off screams as the grunts fired, then stopped. Mark picked them off, one by one, as the whole warehouse was dead silent.

"Where are you?! You disgusting human filth! Coward! Show yourself!" The leader shouted out, but no response came. The rest who had night-vision in the working lights spotted Mark and immediately shot him.

Mark, forced to take cover, ducked behind the crates away from the prying eyes. The leader ordered the grunts to corner the human after the lights went back on. Soon, they would kill him.

A white blur came to a fearful grunt as they screamed. The others were alerted, but it was too late. Mark was wearing a white prototype Atlas armour (that looked like regular Atlas soldier armour but better and more fully covered) and sped through the grunts punching and kicking to unconsciousness.

The grunts backed up and formed into a group, concentrating their fire on the white blur as they trapped him in a couple of crates. As they pressured using firearms, Mark grunted and pulled a pin.

Throwing the grenade at the unsuspecting grunts, they all widened their eyes when they all could see white blindness. Mark ran first landed a blow to the head.

The grunts later recovered and used their guns as melee weapons. Up and close, the grunts threw punches and blows at the white figure, cracking or dislocating limbs as he followed.

Twisting the arm of a grunt, he fired the gun of the grunt's hands, shooting at a random grunt's feet or legs. Punching and knocking grunts out with an armored fist, he pulled out the grappling gun and yanked a body before decking him hard.

A wolf fanaus growled and unsheathed his claws and slashed at Mark. Fortunately, the armour protected from the attack. Grasping his arm and twisting it, he elbowed the neck into unconsciousness.

Mark noticed the slight dents on the armour. It was good enough to block a straight shot. Back to the fight, he pulled out a stun baton and whacked the grunts.

However, the baton was shot out of him when the faraway grunts opened fire. Grunting in irritation, he moved away using the grappling gun, zipping towards the ceiling as he avoided the bullets.

Running across the metal poles while dodging the bullets, he threw smoke bombs and flashbangs towards the ground, blinding the grunts and covering them with smoke.

Running towards the open get himself out, he stopped. Hundreds of armed grunts with assault rifles pointed at him, ready to fire but they didn't. Why? He was holding a lone grunt hostage in his arms.

"Just shoot him! I'll sacrifice myself to kill this hum- AUGH!" Mark shut him up by cracking the grunt's arms. The weapons hesitated, they were not willing to their brother or even take a life.

"Just shut up. I let him go, when you first let me go. Now." Mark shouted in a raspy voice, demanding safe passage from the White Fang. The grunts scowled, as humans could be dirty and even use a life to save their skin.

"You're just one human! We have an army! What makes you so sure you can outright order around us?!" The leader proclaimed as he pointed the gun at Mark, aimed at this head.

Mark was silent. "You have a point... You could just kill me right now. But you're not going to do that." He said, confusing the grunts. Then, their ears perked up to hear sirens of police, coming after them. He smirked.

"It's because you're too busy dealing with your own business." He finished, before kicking the White Fang member's body to the ground as he slammed his final flashbang to the ground.

Running towards the white prototype tank, he dodged the bulletfire from the White Fang members as he ran. A stray bullet landed on Mark's head-

Revealing a black balacava underneath the blown off white helmet, he frowned and turned on the Tumbler using his sonic as he picked up the helmet. As the white tank revealed the cockpit, the White Fang members were too busy dealing with the police.

Sliding inside the white Tumbler, he noticed a paper note stuck on the screen. He deadpanned when he saw the contents.


It wasn't my best work, but it sure looks like it! Christian Bale is best Batman! YAY!

- F.

I crushed the paper note and turned the Tumbler on. Damn F. Did he wanted to help me or not? I didn't know. Grasping on the sterling handle of the vehicle, I stepped on the gas.

Activating the combat system of the Tumbler, the driving seat moved into the center, activating the weapon systems. Driving towards a wall, I blasted through the walls of the warehouse using the weapons.

The police weren't too happy about a prototype tank running to the streets that had a White Fang logo on it. Sirens blared, as police cars chased me down. The white colour of the Tumbler wasn't going to help. At. ALL.


Team RWBY saw the message of Mark absent from his secret part-time job that he didn't mention before. Weiss groaned, already suspicous of Mark getting away. But his tracking device told them he was at a club.

Her team couldn't have possibly get Mark and use all that effort in getting him. It was night, and they had to sleep. They could've just get him later tomorrow...

"Hey, Yang? Why is it telling that Mark's in the last club that you were in?..." Ruby raised an eyebrow when her Scroll told he was in Junior's Club. Yang leaned forward, realising the location.

"Wait, this tells that he's at Junior's. Why is he there?" Yang confusedly commented, as to why would Mark be there. Blake wondered about the mysterious man that shredded the notes.

"The viral video was taken place at that club, right? The person in the viral video, is it just me, or did it kind of looked like Mark..?" Blake narrowed her eyes when she spotted the similarities. Brown hair and iconic blazer.

Ruby gasped. "Do you think Mark's the dude shredding the notes in the viral video?!" She suggested, her imagination going wild at that thought. The rest took a moment and thought about it.

"Guys! Guys! It's an emergency! We've got an emergency mission!" Jaune's voice called from the door. Team RWBY were shocked to say at least. A mission? This late?

Ruby bursted the door open. "What's the mission?! What's going on that's so important?!" She demanded to Jaune. Jaune held his hands up calmingly, before Ruby calmed down.

"It's about the White Fang! There's a white tank running around in Vale!"

[AN: Rip Mark. He's going to be chased down from Team RWBY, JNPR, and possibly CFVY and he'll be screwed. Or will he? Please review.]