Date Gone Wrong?

I did not expect I would meet Yang right now. Oh, yes. The coincidence of all things... Fate. Off-topic, I was immersed in Yang's lilac eyes. They were so full of life and burning passion. She didn't realised it until now, she just said 'Hello, handsome' to a random person. I simply smiled at that.

"Um, yes?" I awkwardly smiled. Yang realised her mistake, before blushing immediately but composing her poker face.

"Did it hurt?" Yang suddenly asked, as I blinked to that question.

"Did what hurt?" I asked back. Yang grinned.

"Did it hurt falling from Heaven, handsome?" She smirked. Oh. Oooooh. That's what she meant. Alright, alright. She's playing a hard game, isn't she? I'll play your game...

I leaned closer. "Heaven's a boring place for someone like me. Falling for the sunlight ain't so bad." I winked. She blushed, not expecting a comeback from that. Your move, sunshine.

"Well, I think meeting an angel is checked off my bucket list now, though. Especially when he's got the voice for it~" I froze. She laughed at my shocked face as she smirked smugly. She leaned close.

"I mean, meeting a celebrity like 'Jack' in a cafe ain't so bad~" She whispered to my ear. How did she know-

"Come on! Don't you wanna join the table to a beautiful girl like me...? You'll be paying though." She suggested affectionately, pushing her breast to the table. Inside, I was wondering how in the world did Yang Xiao-Long discovered through my identity. I accepted her offer and sat next to her.

She sipped on her drink. I asked when she was finished drinking. "How'd you know I was Jack?" I asked her. Yang awkwardly chuckled as she cupped on her mouth.

It was a nice refreshing laugh.

"Honestly, I didn't know if I'd tried. When I saw your face, I knew you were him. It all added up. You were overwearing your clothes in a hot day. So I wondered: Why would anyone try to hide their faces?" She explained her logic. I smiled with a snort.

"Anyone could've hide their faces. What gave it away?" I asked, intrigued of this. Yang grinned, not realising my own smile on my face. She pointed her eyes.

"Your blue eyes were 'eye'-catching, eh? Kinda hard to miss since you've got those ocean blue eyes, Simon~ I feel like I could swim inside them." She flirted back. I held a straight face, smiling as she made a mistake.

"Well, there's no doubt it would be a sight worth looking. Though, how does one see the ocean without the sunlight? It's beautiful, hot, and absolutely stunning. After all, I'm looking at it right now. Don't you think so, Miss Xiao-Long?..." I stared at the sun, then straight towards Yang. Yang took a moment. Her face started to become heavy red.

"U-uh, yeah! Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here?" Yang spluttered, taking the compliment very well as she cooled herself by drinking her caffinated beverage. I smiled, taking an order for myself.

I took my order, mine being Cappuccino, instead of my usual order of 'Long Blacks'. It's a very concentrated coffee than your usual cups, but it's my kind of taste.

"So, Miss Xiao-Long..." I began, until Yang stopped me from talking. "Call me Yang. Calling me 'miss' or 'missus' just sounds wrong to me." She added, in response I gave a smile to her.

"Okay, Yang. It's bit of a development, getting discovered by a overzealous fan in a cafe. You... want an autograph? It's my first time signing those." I said. Yang blinked with a blank face. She realised, before defending herself.

"Wait, you're saying- No, I'm not a stalker! It's just a very lucky coincidence that I just met you in this cafe! I'm a fan of your work, but I don't stalk you!" Yang explained hurriedly with a blush. I blinked. Wait, I thought she was really stalking me.

"Oh." I simply said. Yang nervously chuckled to use humor to ease her embarrassment. I watched as the morning of Vale shone the world. This morning wasn't going to last long...

"What a small world we live in. What brings you to this fine morning in this cafe?" I asked. Yang sighed with a smile, resting her arms on the table.

"I wanted a break from the schoolwork, you know? I'm a huntress in training in Beacon. Stuff gets crazy and you'll need a long break from all the frustrating parts." She explained. I nodded at that.

"I feel that. Protecting the world from Grimm, all that jazz... It can be tiring." I added. Yang tilted her head curiously.

"Have you been a hunter before, Ja- Simon?" She corrected herself. She's kind enough to protect my privacy. I shook my head in denial.

"No, I wanted to be one. I wanted to help people. After my transcripts were rejected, I decided to travel the world singing music. Have you ever wondered the powers of music, Yang? They can make a person sad or... happy." I explained my fake backstory to Yang. It was a risk I needed to take.

"Yeah, your music! You're really good, and you've got that unique style of music. Did you made it by yourself? It's really good, I liked 'Don't Stop Me Now'." She asked enthusiacally. I didn't really made those music, so...

"No, I got them from other musicians. People just forgot the old type of music for some reason, so I decided: Why not just make other people happy by playing some old exciting music? It's better to be happy than to be scared." I said, Yang getting my logic.

The point was that I made positive music against the Grimm. Grimm are attracted with negative emotions, such as hatred, fear, and anger. Being excited equals positive emotions, and use them against Grimm.

"Why'd you become a musician? You can always try again in Beacon, and maybe we could be friends in there." She suggested. I shook my head.

"I don't think the teachers inside there aren't going to be happy seeing me blasting the whole school with music. I don't want anyone trying to use it for rick-rolling..." We both lightly laughed at that. Rick-rolling the whole school. What a wonderful idea...

"Rick-rolling?" She suddenly asked. Yeah, she doesn't understand the Earth joke.

"It's a bit like pranking but with music. Jokes aside, I don't think being a huntsmen will actually do much." I confessed. Yang was confused to the statement I made.

"Why? Didn't you say you wanted to help people? Being a huntsmen is hard, but why did you think it was a good idea playing music to people? You're like, playing music to people. It isn't going to make people stop doing bad things." She asked honestly. There's a good reason to it.

"Think about it. Huntsmen are the defenders of the world, fighting against Grimm and baddies alike to make the world a safer place. Not to be rude, but I don't think it's doing much." I stated. Yang held off a wince.

"Huntsmen and Huntresses help others, but they can't save everyone. Even if they tried hard enough, we're all human. We have our flaws, strengths, weaknesses, and fears..." I sighed. Yang became quiet at that.

"If you had to save between your closest friend, and the villain... who will you save first?" I asked/wondered. She crossed her arms.

"That's easy. I could've saved my friend first." She grinned. I didn't smile.

"... even though being a hunter means that you have to save everyone, the villains aren't excluded out of this. They're breathing, alive people that made horrible mistakes that led them to become a villain. But you had to choose one to save. But I guess that's your answer." I waved it off. Yang became oddly silent after that.

"To kill one person to save a hundred... To kill hundreds to save thousands... To kill thousands to save millions..." I muttered. Yang raised an eyebrow at that.

"What?" She asked in disbelief.

"It's nothing. All I'm saying is that huntsmen can't save everyone. Yang, you said that you would choose your closest friend first. But what if that villain, was just some man who made mistakes, has a family, and he was just desperate..?" I asked to Yang. Yang huffed it out.

"IF. If he made mistakes. If he done something bad, then it's all on him." She blamed her frustrations on a simple scenario that was just metaphorical. She thought she was right.

"The truth is, Yang... even if we don't know it, people are constantly reminded of these decisions making the right choice. They can't decide because they're afraid. They become desperate, foolish, and make... mistakes." I finished.

"People aren't flawless. Mistakes are the proof they have flaws... being a Huntsmen won't help everyone who are currently struggling with these kind of decisions. Unless they have something... like an encouragement to do something right. Like music." I grinned. Yang widened her eyes.

"It's better to be happy than to be scared. Music has this unnatural power to make people happy. Excited. Or maybe... dancing." I tapped a certain rock beat on my shoes. Yang flinched at the beat.

"People are scared to make decisions. I don't like that. Why not make people happy and excited, blowing off their frustrations and stress away? I've always wondered how people can smile in a depressing day. It's because something happy happened to them." I explained with a small smile. Yang looked at me funny.

"So why not? Save people using cool-ass weapons while being a badass, or make lots of people feel good inside just by simply singing and playing?" I grinned. Yang slightly dropped her jaw. I readjusted my hood on my head and took one last sip.

Yang was in complete shock/awe. I winked at her with a smile.

"You know what I'm doing, Yang." I stated, before lifting up from her table as I began to leave the cafe. Yang snapped out of her thoughts, before noticing the bill paid by me.


'What. The. Fuck.' Yang's thoughts were showing her complete shock and awe, before she noticed Jack had already left the cafe. Oh, Jack left the cafe? When did he-

"Shit." She finally realised, Jack had left her in the cafe alone. She grabbed her leftover drink and took a swig, emptying the cup as she slammed it down the table before sprinting after the man.

He was long gone. HOW THE FUCK DID HE RUN THAT FAST?! She cursed herself, revving up her motorcycle, Bumblebee, and drove after the man who was long gone away from the cafe.

"WAAIT!" She shouted, before stopping with a screech of her tires. She finally caught up with him, as Jack turned around to see her. She was breathing heavily, and trying to catch to people was Rubes' thing.

"Yes?" He tilted his head. She took off her helmet, sighing as she placed it down her seat, walking towards Jack. She was panting for air.

"Y-you... why... how do you run so fast?!" She shouted, frustrated at Jack's running speed. Jack shrugged, reminding her of a certain deserter of team RWBY who he shrugged the same way.

"Why all the sudden leaving me alone?! You weren't going to leave me hanging in that cafe, weren't you?!" She shouted. Jack bit his lips. She let out a long sigh.

"Honestly, I was going to leave you alone in that cafe. I'm a bit preoccupied, since I need to go somewhere. If you don't mind, I'll just go to my next recording session..." He casually walked to the other way. Yang stopped him.

"Wait. You need a ride? I've got one, and it's the fastest ride I've got." She suggested. He raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, you're going to take me there? Why?" He asked. She smiled it off.

"Honestly, I don't know. Maybe being a musician rather being a huntsmen to help more people sounds like a good deal. I thought you were just only handsome, but you can make a girl peak her interest~" She cheekily raised her eyebrows. He smiled, before asking.

"Thanks for the help, Yang. But what do you mean by 'fastest ride I've got'? I thought huntresses in training are only allowed with one vehicle, that being motorcycles. Are you saying that you have... more than one cycle?" He glanced at her motorcycle. Ooh, he was a rule follower. Though, she needed to make this man at least BLUSH. She wasn't going to be falling out to a boy.

"Jackie, please tell me you're not afraid of breaking some rules along the way...?" She said. Jackie rolled his eyes. Now that was creepy. Mark also rolled his eyes the same way, and Jack was doing the same... wait...

"I'm not interested in getting arrested because some girl decided to break the rules. I'm fine with all of that." He replied. Riiiight. She nodded.

She didn't ask the concerning question between Jackie and Mark. They were awfully similar to each other... except for the eyes. "Hop on! I hope you won't be screamish along the ride." She motioned her hands to Jackie, before revving the bike into activation.

"It can't be THAT bad." He said, and ooh boy, he was going to be in a ride of fun. She hid her mischeivious grin as Jackie entered the second seat of the bike. She revved up the bike as they both rode together.

"Also, about the rides and all that? This is my only one. The other one needs a lot of 'positioning', if you know what I mean~" She said her best pickup liners. No response. She turned around to see Jackie grinning smugly.

"Riiiight. A minor tells me to have sex although she has no clue what she's talking about. I hope you last long, Yang. I can be... a little rough in the bed." Her face brightened more than a christmas tree as her face was completely red. She averted her eyes away from him.

'WHY?! WHY DID HE HAVE TO SAY THAT?!' She mentally screamed. Jack's laugh only infuriated more as she considered leaving the bastard alone but she was already driving with him.

"You told me yourself, Yang! Be careful of what you wished for! I'm just joking, by the way!" She tried to fight off the growing blush and the perverted thoughts inside her head. By Oum it was getting more harder to keep the perverted thoughts away.

'What if he did meant it though?' Her thoughts betrayed her as she mentally screamed like a banshee, steaming coming from her helmet from the embarrassing scene of her, naked with Jack-

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?!" She shouted. Jack did not help.

"You're thinking too much! I think we're going to die if you're not focusing on staying alive by driving this thing!" She snapped out of her thoughts, flinching as the motorcycle SLIPPED.

All the sudden, the motorcycle slipped and ran into a stray wall. Yang tried to avert her course but it was too late. She widened behind her helmet as Jack, ran and leapt from Bumblebee, grabbing the throttle grip, spinning around and placing his feet on the wall.

With a push, he pushed the motorcycle away from the wall, turning it to another safe direction, spinning his body around Yang as she watched in shock, before landing his left feet on the second seat whilst balancing himself with one leg in high speeds.

"Hooah. Aaahooh." He balanced himself, Yang hoping he would not fall off and focused on driving and slowing down, as she felt weight as she knew Jack sat down safely. She calmed her breath, her heart pounding crazy. And she liked it.

"HOLY SHIT, JACKIE! WOOOOH!!" Yang cheered on, got nothing to say but those words. She could feel Jack smirking behind her. She could feel-

"Holy mother of God that was close... I am... not... doing... that. AGAIN." He breathed out. He was panting like crazy, like he didn't know his own body. Yang just smiled with the adrenaline as she held a five.

Jack did a five and gripped her waist tighter. Yang's face flushed, taking the foreign sensation of another boy touching her body. "H-hey, I know you saved our lives, but couldn't you have gripped my waist tighter?!" She shouted. His arms loosened, saying a small 'sorry'. They were quiet after that.


I refused to meet Yang's eyes after that. I shouldn't have said that comment. She's just a minor! A freaking minor! While I'm a billion years old, and I don't contribute to FUCKING pedofilism!

Yang was also flushing. Small tease to straight to sex. Jesus Christ, what was wrong with me? I tried to spark up a conversation. "Look, I'm sorry about that. It's my fault we almost died." I confessed. Yang interrupted.

"Nononono! It's my fault for not paying attention. I should've paid more attention, okay? You really saved my ass twice back there. I'm sorry for almost killing ourselves if you didn't saved us." She apologised. No, I'm the one at fault here.

"It's kind of my fault that I made that comment. Look, all this apologising isn't going to get us nowhere but a blushing bunch saying sorry, so let's just forget about all of this, and move on. Alright?" I stated. After a moment of silence, we nodded in agreement and decided nothing happened.

Yang tried to change topics. "Right, is this where you work...?" She pointed at the building. It was Junior's. I occasionally visited the place if I had the time, recording music and performing music as I went on.

"Yep. Heard that you had a reputation in here." I said, walking inside the building, passing by the bouncers with red glasses. Yang walked in, and the two were terrified.

"She's with me. We don't want to cause any trouble, eh boys?" I said, as the bouncers reluctantly allowed Yang inside Junior's again. As Yang and I entered the building, we were pointed with multiple weapons from multiple henchmen.

"Seriously?" I deadpanned. I noticed Yang's face of shock for some odd reason. Was there something on my face? Where was Junior?

"Oh, sorry man! She's with you, right?" They said, as I nodded, before they all drew their weapons back. But Yang was still staring at me as if she was seeing a ghost. Why was she staring at me?

God, the noise. I couldn't hear anything properly. "Jack... do you know a name called Makr Undrvel?" I thought about it for a moment. I shook my head with a shrug. I didn't heard that name anywhere.

"No?" I said unsurely. Yang had a deep look on her face.

"I swear I know you two were related..." She muttered. I raised an eyebrow. There wasn't anyone related to me. Except for my children.

'...' I froze, recalling the peaceful happy times with my children. I had children. Sons, daughters, grandsons, and granddaughters... But now they were all gone. Forgotten. They didn't even exist anymore.

I clenched my teeth. It was ruining my mood to perform. I dispelled all the horrible memories of my past, before steeling myself into the stage. I walked to the recording room, one that Junior happily installed, but where was that man?

"Oh Jackie~ We haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" The Malachite Twins came up and welcomed me. I gave them a smile, accepting the welcome as I talked to them.


Meanwhile, Yang was frowning while crossing her arms. She was watching Jack talking with those annoying twins. She clenched her fists. She did not like those two with Jack.

For safe reasons for Jack, of course.

N-not that she was jealous of them or anything. Jack was a casanova! He talked to women, and he had... Her face flushed into a red ball when she imagined Jack naked and having sex.

She waved her head off, dispelling all those perverted thoughts away. After she ordered a drink on the bar as she waited for Jack, she sipped on her drink. She glared at the twins.

The twins glared back, smugly grinning as they flipped her off. Her eyes flashed red, clenching as she was becoming annoyed. Then what they did was so unexpected.

They motioned, puting something to their mout- Her face reddened. WTF?! They did THAT to him?! They sucked him off- oh those twins. Ahahahah. They tried to trick her. Those bitches-

"Hey Yang. You wanna come in see me practice? I haven't let anyone besides my crew in my studio, so...?" His voice snapped out of her thoughts. She wanted to glare at him. Nodding, she noticed the look of confusion from Jack. She made sure to prepare her 'babies' if he did anything sketchy...

She entered the room. It was... not bad, and he had a taste in rooms. It was specifically old and used, but it was the kind of starting studios you would need to make albums. She saw the damn twins on vocals.

She watched as his guitar glimmered. She crossed her arms. Let's see how GOOD was the music in here with the damn twins...


[AN: Yang listens a good portion of music later... that being Killer Queen, and Mr Blue Sky, etc...]

I twisted the cap open, downing my lungs with cool water as I was done recording my last song for my latest album. I saw Yang, humming intensely as she tapped on the beat, recalling the music.

"Did you like it?" I asked, getting Yang's attention. She smirked, getting a cheeky grin on her face as she leaned closer.

"I got a show and a sight! What more can I ask? Seeing Jack the Lad doing his private performance was great! Mind if I ask getting the latest album right now...?" She teased, trying to get a sneaky spoiler. I smiled.

"I can't do that. Don't want to give special treatment to my fan." I said. Yang mock-frowned, disappointed. A mischevious glint had shone on her lilac eyes. She grinned, getting close to my personal space to my surprise.

"Awww, can't I just get a little spoiler? Please~" She said, breathing next to my ear did nothing to 'spark' my sexual tensities. I got along with it, turning my face right next to Yang's.

"Umm... wait for just 24 hours, and I'll consider sending it to you." I smirked, but Yang was too busy blushing from the closeness of our faces. She blinked her blushes out, before pouting.

"That's really a shame..." She said. I smiled, before searching the bear of a man called Junior. Where was he? I don't remember him leaving his bar that long...

How suspicious... I turned around to check Yang but she was blushing, embarrassed for unknown reasons.

"Did you slept with those twins?" She directly asked. I shook my head. I would not engage in sexual intercourse without any protection. That being condums. Wouldn't want to deal with child support or any child care for that matter...

She let out a long sigh. "Oh, I thought you actually had sex with them. Turns out those twins were just joking..." She muttered. I rolled my eyes. Why would I have sex with the Malachite Twins? They would probably stab me afterwards...

"Eh, they tease everyone for their own gains. They both have good singing voices." I remarked. Yang crossed her arms and huffed. I didn't raise an eyebrow at that.

"Now, where's our good bear of a club owner? He's not the man to leave his bar for a long time..." I muttered, Yang catching on the same subject. Junior was nowhere to be seen, and the bar was empty. Junior NEVER leaves his bar in the clubhours.

"Yeah, where is he?" Yang commented. Something was up. Without a word, I walked towards the exit doors ignoring Yang's protests as I entered outside. Usually Junior comes here to do his 'private business', but other than that, I don't see him anywhere...

"According to the twins, they last saw Junior going outside. But I don't see him anywhere..." I muttered. Yang glanced up. I was in my thoughts, preparing my weapon behind my back until Yang nudged me.

"What-" I froze.

Drops of blood dripped from our clothes as we saw Junior's body hanging from the sky. Dead eyes stared back at us as Yang tried not to scream. Yang paled, cupping her mouth as Junior was dead.


This was bad. "Call the police..." I immediately said, pulling out my Scroll to call the police. Yang tried not to puke from the gruesome sight. I maintained my calmness, steadily calling the police to report this.


"Holy shit... who would do this?!" She shouted in fear. There could've been a murderer on the loose and old buddy Junior was dead. It wasn't her first time that she saw a dead body. But this was real. Someone was actually dead.

"I have no idea..." Jack calmly said, finishing the call as she averted her eyes away from the corpse. It was a horrible sight, even for a huntress in training like her.

"Y-you've come, my precious lady-y...."

An all-too familiar voice called out to them as Yang froze. A man, larger than her, covered in bandages, bloody jacket and clothes, grinning darkly.

"You." Yang's eyes widened.

It was him.

The man who killed Onyx's parents.

"It had been... a long time, isn't Y-yang?! I really waited for a long, long, time..." He grinned his bloody teeth. Yang stepped back. Jack.

Where's Jack-

"Hey, asshole. I don't know who you are, but what do you want? And what happened to Junior?" Jack calmly asked. His azure blue eyes were unflinching, as if a war verteran had taken his body.

The bloody man started to cackle maniacly. Yang prepared Ember Celica.

"Junior...? Oh, him... he was getting annoying, getting too close to Yang... I mean, you're getting too close to Yang, also... I just, don't. Like it." An audible crack was heard from the man's neck.

"So you killed him." Jack's azure eyes flashed with anger, clenching his fists. The man darkly grinned in response.

Yang stanced herself, raising her arms forward to the man. Yang made sure that Jack wasn't going to get hurt. She needed to do her job.

"Yeah...?" The man tilted his head, mocking confusion and innocence.

She was pissed. Her worst nightmare had came into reality. The bastard who ruined Onyx's life. The asshole who pleagued her with nightmares...

"I'm going to beat you into paste, you fucking toilet roll." She glowered, loading her shotgun gauntlets into action. The man grinned, swiftly pulling out a large knife.

"L-let me see you try, Yang..." He taunted. Yang glanced back at Jack.

"Jack, run. Run as far as you can. I'll deal with him." Yang pumped her aura up, her lilac eyes flashing murderous red as she burned brightly. Jack stepped forward, preparing his own weapon.

A big-ass revolver.

"As much as I'm good at playing music... it doesn't mean I don't know how to defend myself. The guy killed my friend. That's enough for me." Jack's cold voice chilled her to the spine.

"T-two against one...? How... FUN!" He dashed with the same murderous grin, running towards Jack. Yang fired the first shot, shooting at the man's skull.

Yang's eyes widened as it passed through.

"I'm... on a busy schedule, so I'll have to take out.... pretty boy!" The man's body passed through Yang's arm, pointing his knife at Jack. Yang tried to stop him.

Jack backed away, calmly moving away from the blade. The man grinned, his feet touching the ground once more, pushing himself at Jack.

"That's not going to happen, jackass!" Jack flinged away the blade with the shot of his gun, the knife out of the man's grasp into air.

The man scowled with a growl, dashing towards Jack as he slammed him to a wall. Jack grunted, struggling to release the hold from him.

"I can kill you with my hands on your neck!" He strangled Jack, Jack coughing and breathing for air as he tried to grab the man's arms.

"Yaagh!" Yang leapt and kicked away the man from Jack. Jack gasped for air, holding his neck in pain. The man landed with a howl, glaring murderously at Yang.

"Y-you're not making this a-any easier!" He howled, Yang's response was to uppercut him upwards to the sky. Yang launched herself to the air, before decking the man into the ground again.

Yang landed down quicker using shotgun blasts, releasing a barrage of attacks using blows, hooks, punches venting all of her hatred at the man.

"BASTARD!" Yang's red eyes flashed with rage. Yang's last attack was to charge her all of her aura into this attack, before landing a powerful strike that blew the debris away.

The man blew away from the attack, crashing through the wall, cracking into spider-webs. The man was far from recovery, bloody and beaten, as he fell down unconscious to the ground with a thud.

"This is for Onyx!" Yang ran with rage, ignoring Jack's protests as she wanted nothing more to kill the man who ruined her closest friend's life. She leapt up, intending to crash down and break his spine.

The man's fingers twitched.

Yang's eyes widened. "Kek!" Yang spat out, after decked to the ground from the now awakened man. Yang saw nothing but fury into the man's eyes.

"C-children... need, DISCPLINE!" The man slammed her to the wall, cracking as the man unleased a powerful swing to her ribs, Yang coughing as she doubled over. Her hair was yanked, getting a fistful of a knee to her nose, breaking it.

"LET'S SEE HOW YOU DEAL WITHOUT YOUR ARMS!" An audible, sicken crack was heard from the alleyway as Yang howled.

"AAAAAUUGHH!" She screamed in pain, one of her arms dislocated and fractured. Her head was forcibly grasped, slamming repeadily to the ground as the man pulled his arm back.

Yang saw with fear and terror as she was decked to the ground, cracking the concrete floor as her aura was shattered. Blood spilled everywhere, as she gasped for air on the ground.

Her eyes widened as she saw the man's face upclose to hers.

"How does it feel, Yang? To be beaten, worthless, and dying? To be so... useless as no one will save you now?" His words seeped inside her like poison, as she tried to fend it off, refusing and not giving up.

A gun was cocked. "She's not alone. And you need a dirtnap." Jack's revolver was touching the man's skull. The man scowled, before catching the barrel and-


Blood splattered and fresh body tissue fell everywhere, as Jack blew the man's skull out. The man fell down, dead as his corpse and his blood stained the cold floor. Yang's eyes widened.

"Y-you... killed him." She replied in disbelief. Jack gave her a stare.

"Self-defense. He tried to kill me and you, so it doesn't count as murder." Jack replied, lifting her up as Yang howled. Jack leaned her on the wall, dropping the gun as he set her safely.

"I'm going to call some help. The police and the ambulance would be probably here in a sec. You alright?" He asked, as Yang scoffed. Her eyes flashed with annoyance and disbelief.

"Does it look I'm alright?" She snarked. He rolled his eyes.

"Fair point. I'm asking are you alright in here?" He pointed his head. Yang nodded barely. He sighed out in relief, rubbing his eyes.

Everything was over. She had no idea how her worst nightmare came back into life, but she was glad he was dead. Again. What a hell of a night... she told herself, sighing, as her ears ringed.

"What in hell happened here? First I met my first not-stalker fan in a cafe, said girl is a underage blondie who has some beef on my boss, and all the sudden this guy comes and tries to kill us. What the fuck." He exclaimed. Yang snorted, forming a fake smile.

"Did I piss off someone in my past lif-"


Two hands reached his head and snapped. Jack's body fell down, dead as Yang watched in horror.

No. Nooo. NOOOO!

"Ow... what a... mind-blowing, sensation!" He grinned darkly. How was he still fucking alive?! He should've been dead! She saw him! SHE SAW HIM DIE!

"Don't be so unhopeful on me dying. I'm just.... so powerful, that I can't die." He grinned, that fucking smug grin pissed her off. She tried to lift up her other arm, but she cried when a leg stepped her arm.

"Tsk tsk tsk... you think you have a chance? I'm sorry, but we're missing on our together-together time! It'll be so wonderful!" He cheerfully cried out. Yang spat out her own blood, maintaining a death glare.

He looked at her. Without a word, he took one of her gauntlets away from her arms. She gritted her teeth when he fit her weapon in his arm.

"Ooh, sketchy. I wonder how it works. Let's try out! HAHAHAAHA!!!"


Yang watched in horror as the man defiled Jack's corpse as he shot, shot, and shot when it was nothing more of a horrible sight that made her puke.

"Hahaha. He's really dead."


He shot the last shot, before taking away her weapon and throwing it away. She tried not to cry, but tears of rage came from her eyes as she glared with uncontrollable rage.

"I-I'll fucking kill you...!" She seethed. The man tilted his head, cupping his mouth, his eyes wandering mockingly. She wanted to kill him! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!

"Don't be make such a long face, Yang~ It'll ruin your beautiful face. Sleep tight!" Something sharp stabbed her neck, her eyelids becoming heavy as she was forced into slumber to darkness.


"Lalalalala~" Hush carried Yang in his arms, before stuffing her into a van and locking the door. He entered the van and drove away the crime scene, humming cheerfully.

Meanwhile, I was coughing out blood remembering what EXACTLY happened. I was dying, my mouth forcibly spitting out blood as my whole stomach and body was dyed in blood.

"Motherfucker..." I drawled out, gritting my teeth. I barely moved my arm, dragging my body alone with upper body strength. I needed to recover. Before Yang dies and Hush wins.

But... I can't do that when I got loaded with f-fucking 30 shots of 12 gauge of lead! Motherfucker! It fucking hurt! "I'm going to send him into hell. I will send him to HELL." I vowed. I dragged my body with sheer willpower.

Oh, goddamnit. This wasn't going to cut it. I was dying, and I was going to die.

"Fuuucck...." I cursed, hopeless as usual. I was definitely going to die. I lost. Again. Lost to some yandere stalker Hush Bane dipshit. Damnit! FUCK MY LIFE!

I am going to die. In despair. Damn... "This sucks balls." I muttered, cursing my damn life to save others in despair. I hated this. I REALLY hated this. I gritted my teeth. Bitching and moaning wasn't going to get me anywhere.

Let the facts show itself in the end! Will I die horribly, or will I prevail and kick Hush's ass to the ground?!

I hate the first option!

"Now, this is... quite a development. Don't you think, Neo?"

I froze, hearing a certain criminal's voice that wore a bowler hat and cane. I smelled the fresh smell of nicotine to my nose. Two footsteps walked to the alleyway. I pretended I was dead, as I heard closely to their voices. Rather, a voice.

"Damnit, this is going to cause some headaches in the underworld if Junior's dead. Oh well, it's a shame. Neo, help me clean this up before the cops show up."

I'm guessing that's Torchwick. Hi, we haven't met you for the past chapters.