Stalkers, Murderers, and Demons

Yang woke up tied up, gagged, and restricted. She snapped her eyes open when she remembered. The man. The man who ruined Onyx's life and killed Junior and Jack. She started to struggle, wanting to escape this nightmare-ish reality.

"Mmmff!" Her muffled voice did nothing inside the moving van interior.

Everything hurts. Her arm, her legs, her stomach, even if she tried to use her own Aura to heal those injuries, it wasn't enough.

"Oh, don't please struggle, Yang-y princess! We'll just hop to our little castle as fast as I can! Just be a little more patient!" The fucking murderer's voice came from the driver's seat. She had to get out.

For Ruby's sake and her teammates, she had to get out of here. She knew that Ruby to herself was the only closest family member. After Mom died, she couldn't bare to imagine Ruby's look when herself died.

She wasn't going to die here with this creep anyway!

"Hnnnngh!" She struggled, noticing that both of her gauntlets were missing. Damnit. She tried to crawl inside the rusty van interior, reaching for the door as she grit her teeth.

Then the van came into a stop.

"Woooah!" She cried out in surprise, her body launching away from the door as she hit the hard driver seats. Her back was in pain, as she groaned in agony.

She let out a pained moan when her precious hair was pulled forcibly. The stalker, the motherfucker leaned closer to her ear.

"Don't fuck with me, you little shit." Then, Yang saw darkness after she was slammed into the metal floor of the van. A dripple of blood let out from her mouth, as her vision slowly went dark...


Damn, it was getting harder to breath now. Especially when you had an ice-cream girl waifu-thing sitting on your not-so-dead body. Yeah, Neo was sitting on top of me.

And I have no single clue she decided to use me as her own human chair.

"Some two-bit punk decided to kill the underworld's crime boss in Vale. He wasn't so smart to do that, especially messing with the Spiders..." Torchwich muttered. The Spiders? Oh. Oooh. The Spiders.

Apparantly the Malachite Twins had a mother, said mother was a gangster leader in Mistral, after she was talking with post-Volume 3 Cindy and Cindy fought Neo over here.

Didn't know Junior's and 'the Spiders' were working together.

"Well, its not my problem when I'm paid. Come on, Neo. We have some business to attend." He called her over, but Neo still sat on my body. While holding... a Scroll?

{Good! But I got my own business with this club.} She texted through her Scroll.

Okay, we've got mute but texting Neo. Usually writers would make Neo 'talk' using body language, but in here, she texts to talk. Though I won't question the fact I can see her texts while lying down on the cold concrete floor.

Torchwick groans. "You're going to steal the ice-creams. Alright Neo, but don't blame me for getting a stomachache for eating all of those..." He trailed off, lighting his cigar and leaving the alley.

And I was with Neo. Alone.

{You can stop pretending to be dead now. Your secret is safe with me...} Aah, shit. She noticed I wasn't dead. I snapped my eyes open, glaring at the petite ice-cream themed waifu on my chest.

"Get off." I glowered, the blood and gunshot wounds from my chest wasn't helping when she was sitting on my chest. I have to question her logic, but how is sitting on a dead man's bloodied and bullet ripped chest any comfortable to her?

She pondered about it, tapping her fingers on her lips.

{No. You're very comfy.} She grinned, while flashing her scroll to my face. I scowled, before gritting my teeth. Right, I forgot Neo was also a troll.

"I'm not going to question why, because it was more of a statement than a demand." I said, grasping one of her clothes and pulling her away from my chest to her surprise. She widened her eyes, mostly because I had managed to touch her and shove her away.

"Kek!" I spat blood from my mouth, the pain from the all those bullet wounds weren't going to allow me to keep going. Then I saw Neo leaning her head next to my face while grinning omniously.

There was a bit of blood painted on her face. Yeah, she was a sadist alright.

Blood and creepy (more like 'disturbing and out of place') smile tells me everything. She proceeded to sat again on my chest to my discomfort. She looked bored, as she flashed her scroll at my face.

{I'm bored! Make me un-bored.} She told me while her ass sat on my chest. Ooh shit, I'm starting to lose my consciousness because my vision is slowly turning dark. Shiiiit.

"Monty Oum is a great guy who made the most popular web series in my heart! Change my mind!" I shouted with all of my willpower.

Neo froze, the words 'Monty Oum' struck some of her heartstrings. Their god and creator. Monyreak "Monty" Oum. Rest in peace...

{Who's Monty Oum? And why do I feel empty inside when you said that? I don't like it. I don't like it. What did you do to me?} She texted really fast. I barely rummaged through my pockets of getting one thing to survive.

"He's a great guy. He's living in heaven, if I recall correctly. Also, don't feel sad because he's gone. Be happy he's with you all." I said, but I couldn't see the expression of Neo because my whole fucking vision was all but darkness.

"I can't see shit!" I shouted, pulling out a syringe from my pockets and slamming into my body.

Aw yeah, that's the real shit! My eyes snapped open from darkness, (also unintentionally pushing Neo into a wall) as I hopped my ass from the floor.

"Urrgh... I forgot I was unloaded lead into my body. Fuuuck. It hurtz." I groaned, clutching my bloody wounds on my chest and body. I turned my face to see Neo frowning.

{Explain. Now. Or I'll make you tell me why I have a painful feeling in my chest like I'm forgetting very important. Who.. is Monty Oum?} She demanded. He's your creator, damnit.

Even if I tell you, I doubt you would believe a single word...

"Someone very important?" I raised an eyebrow at her. Her frown deepened, now rarely annoyed. That was fast.

Lemme tell ya, Neo isn't one to be annoyed easily. She always had that smug grin on her face when she trolls. I don't think she lets anyone get under her skin. If I'm correct, that's my 'pissing people off' perk working on her...

Neo proceeded to roll her parasol umbrella thing with a hidden frown as she hanged her umbrella on her shoulders. She formed her trademark smugly grin at me, before flashing a text at me.

{I wonder how many cuts it will take to make you scream like the good dog like you are~} She told me, expecting a frown or a scowl or a lash of anger coming from me.

But I was too tired to care.

"Not many. I'm not too forward getting cut into pieces. Just leave me alone..." I moaned. At first, Neo was surprised at my lack of lashing out, believing it would be a good excuse to kill me.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm just going to leav- OOF!" I was suddenly smacked by Neo's Umbrella at my face. She flipped and twisted her body around and kicked me into the gut.

I was launched backwards into the floor. I groaned when she was on top of my body, AGAIN. There I saw this particular text:

{Nah ah. You're not going until you entertain me for a while. You look like you wouldn't let a girl unsatsified...}

In way or in any context I have seen a text THIS misleading in my entire life. I may look decent, but I'm not searching for women. What the fuck. I deadpanned at Neo for typing that text.

"Do I look like a person who would devote their life to anime women's tits?" I said with the flatest tone I could muster. Neo pondered a look, leaning closer to my face.

{Nope, you definitely look like someone that screams hit me for your entertainment. Are you gay?} She asked so-innocently.

"No comment. I don't know my own sexuality. I just think I don't have one. And, please... GET OFF!" I flipped her over away from me, as Neo elegantly landed while crossing her legs.

{You're cute and feistly. Wanna be my pet dog? I'll give you lots of cuddles~} Neo smirked. I glanced my head over to see that text. It took me a moment to register that text into my brain.

Uh, no.

Fuck that shit.

"I'll pass. I thought you would've been a cat person than a dog... Oh well, there's one thing to do in this situation..." I sighed and lifted myself towards Neo. I stanced myself, peaking Neo's interest.

{Well, well, well... looks like I'm going to get some entertainment after all...} She smirks as she puts her scroll into her pockets. She was very much wrong about this situation.

"There's only one thing to do in a situation when you're about to get your ass-whooped by a pretty girl." I began, pulling out a metalic cylinder from my blazer. Neo was surprised about the pretty girl comment but she was more alert when I pulled out this.

"Spicy Reds."


Neo widened her eyes when she felt the full force of Ghost Peppers to her nostrils. Neo clutched her nose, enduring the hot spicy scent coming from the smoke. It was growing interesting to her. Oh, she wanted to keep him alive and break him...

Too bad she had to cut off any leads.

She whipped out her umbrella and dimissed the toxic gas away from the alley. She hid an amused grin when brownie-dog was still there, panicking for his life.

"FUCK! It didn't work!" Brownie-dog exclaimed in shock and horror as she leaned close. It was too fun, but she had to end the poor mutt. Don't want any leads left behind...

She unsheathed her umbrella, Hush, and slashed at his head with a quick stroke. Expecting a head rolling from the floor, what she saw instantly surprised her.

Brownie-boy dissappeared into shattered glass like she was.

She watched in shock, questioning how did brownie doggo stole or copy her own semblance. Inside, she was grinning like a maniac. How fun! Fire-bitch (Cinder Fall) wouldn't like this, but this boy....

No, man... was getting interesting.


Yang woke up again seeing the cold concrete floor. She was barely thinking straight, after she got a nasty blow to her head. She realised she wasn't tied up. She could move freely, but her right arm was dislocated from that bastard.

"Where am I?" She asked herself, as she was inside a dark void of something she shouldn't enter. Dried blood stains. Glass shards. Rusty metalwork.


She flinched, stepping away from the distorted and broken voice. It was so wrong. It was a girl, not too young, but blond and had lilac eyes. Inside a small animal cage, tortured and captive.

Just like her.

"What the fuck is going on...?" She muttered, scared for her life as she was inside a living nightmare. Those eyes of blankness and pain haunted her life. The cage placed inside her was to small for a girl like her.

It was suffocating, like someone clenched her heart out.

"Who would do something like this?! This is beyond sick!" She shouted in horror, rage, and pure disbelief. Something like this shouldn't be considered as human. It was beyond humanity and sanity.

Only a devil would do this shit.

"You don't like my m-maid? She was acting pretty un-listening, if you ask me, looks like I need to teach her a lesson she won't not forgot~" The girl inside the cage quivered. That fucking voice.

Yang turned around.

"No... It can't be. Tell me you're joking. T-this all a bad joke and a nightmare, r-right?! You can't be here! YOU CAN'T BE HIM- is what you're thinking... right?" The man grinned.

The man who ruined Onyx's life.

The man who haunted every nightmare in her dreams.

The man who killed Jack and tortured girls.

"Onyx...?" She replied.

Why... was he wearing his face. That, smug and creepy face...?

Why did he look so happy meeting her?


She hyperventilated when she couldn't breath. Her heart skipped a beat, watching as she wanted nothing more to end this nightmare. It was just a nightmare. She needed to wake up. Sheneededtowakeup. SHE NEEDED TO WAKE HERSELF UP-

His face leaned closer. "I'm soooo happy you're here! I was going to leave my secret for the last surprise... but, eh. Oh well. I just made sure it was going to work until it was too late. When you dated that snob boy of a bard. I don't like people, but Yang..."

Don't say my name. Don't say my name-

"Yang, Yang, Yang... you're the only one that I like!" Onyx's face grinned so wrong, she unconsciously grabbed a glass shard and slashed it and his face.

"AAARRRGH! MY FACE! NOT THE FACE!!" She watched as she held the blood-stained glass on her hands. A sickening crack was heard as his head snapped towards her.

And grinned.

"My face."

Then she saw red. It was fast, as his whole face ripped from the inside out and clawed from his skin, blood spilling everywhere, as a stream of flesh ripped and shot towards her neck and gripped her to the wall.

"H-huugh...!" She gasped, as she breathed for air as she held from the demonic tongue in the air. Onyx's ripped and monster face came leaning towards her.

"Wow, I'm having such a long face, amiright? HAHAHAHAHA!!" Monster. This monster couldn't be Onyx. It was impossible! Onyx, couldn't be a monster like this freak!

"Please accept my request for babies. I mean love! Yes, love! I wanted for so long after my fucking parents couldn't do it! Yang, I love you because you love me! You cared for me although I said that your tits were just ornaments! Love ME!" She refused. H-he, couldn't be Onyx, right...? He can't be... It's not right...!

"I couldn't muster up the damn courage so I got these lovely blondies to practice my confession! Those girls were mean, and so I decided- WHY THE HELL NOT?!" She let out a pained scream as his slithering tentacles seeped on her.

"Y-you can't be him! You're not him!" She cried out. A sickening crack came from the monster as his neck twisted and tilted. She tried not to puke but she widened her eyes, crying tears of fear and refusal.

"I am Onyx. The same and the one and the only Onyx that was tortured by his parents, loved Yang Xiao-Long, and live in a darker world where nothing... no matter the choice, just ends up to dust." His voice. His voice was so sad. Yang realised it was Onyx.

It was Onyx.

"O-onyx?" Her voice cracked from the amount of disbelief. His eyes were full of sadness and regret, as if he really didn't want to do this at all.

"I didn't want to do this, but I made my part. I've made a deal with the devil, Yang. Please don't make all of my hardwork devoting to you into pieces. I'm... begging you." The tongue tenticle loosened, allowing Yang to breath.

"Onyx.... what the fuck." She let out. Onyx let her down to the ground, ashamed of what he's done. His monster body slithered back into his human self, all normal and just the same as Onyx was.

"I haven't told this to anyone else, but... I've got... a demon inside me." He demonstrated by slithering his arms into demonic and monster-like tentacles. Yang watched in horror.

"You know that murderer that murdered my only parents? He kinda... fused his soul into my body and I'm living with voices in my head." Onyx clutched his head. He sharpened his tentacles and drilled a hole inside his brain.

Yang's voice hitched as she couldn't talk in a suffocating situation like this.

"Those voices told me do to all of this, Yang! It's not my fault that I did this! They said they would kill you if I didn't! I was protecting you, YANG! I was protecting you from them! I may look crazy, but believe me!" His voice begged. Yang didn't know what to do. She gulped.

"I... believe you." She lied. She couldn't believe a word... but she couldn't believe Onyx would do something like this.

"You. don't. believe. me?" The voice of shock and disbelief alerted all of her danger alarms. It was all too sudden.

His tentacles lashed out and tightened her whole body, grasping her neck as she was restricted of air. She was slammed into the wall, crying from the nightmare as she saw Onyx's livid face.

"I thought you knew better. But now I know you're just some bimbo flirting with cute boys." The tentacles tightened. Yang gasped for air as why would Onyx do something like this.

"O-onyx..." She barely managed to gasp out. She loved him as a little brother that she never had. Now he was going to kill her. Her oldest friend, now becoming a monster killing herself.

"Goodbye, Yang."








[AN: The Batman Theme · Danny Elfman plays] (slowly reading this text is recommended while listening to the music)

As both faces noticed the snap coming from the darkness, they both watched as a figure, came out from the darkness.

Beware his sight, and repent for your crimes.

It was the figure of vengeance.

The symbol of the night.

To instill fear those who pray on the fearful.

Never giving in, and never giving up...

As it was the legendary dark knight of Gotham...

A vengenful dark knight on a never-ending crusade for crime...

It was the Batman.


"Let go of her." Batarangs swished into action, clicking in place of the metal.

Sharp metal was thrown into the monster. The monster scowled and flinged the weapons away, as they were merely the distraction.


"WHAT THE-!" The monster was caught off-guard when Batman zipped a cable towards Yang and yanked her out of his grasp. Catching her to safety, he leapt towards Hush.

Clicking a button, the batarangs flash-frozen Hush solid as Batman drop-kicked him through the ice. Hush was crashing backwards, hitting his jaw on the floor as he scowled and ignored the blood.

"YOU MOTHER- OOUGH!" He was smacked by a powerful right hook to the jaw as Batman twisted and slammed both of his knuckles at the ears. His ears were ringing, as Batman zipped a cable on his right shoulder.

He yanked Hush towards him, before decking him to the ground with a lariat. Hush coughed, as Batman wasn't done yet. He kicked him up, placing Hush on his feet.

He punched his jaw, uppercutted with his other arm, grabbed both of his arms into an elbow strike, and whipping out his grappling gun and lobbing into his neck, and zipping towards him.

He used his momentum and force to slam a sucker-punch into the face and grasped his clothes. He pulled him into the overhead smack down, before punching him upwards to the jaw as he twisted his whole body into a kick that launched Hush into the air.

Batman leapted up and kicked him in the air, before pulling out two batarangs heated into red-hot metal as knives and slashing downwards to Hush. They were attached on his chest as they beeped.

They exploded, launching Hush into the air as Batman zipped a cord into Hush and again and kicked him out of the warehouse, crashing and shattering the wall upon impact.

Hush let out a scream of pain as he spat blood. He tried to defend against the Batman's attacks by preparing his tentacles, but it was too late.

"AAAUURGH!" Swarms of bats rushed in, covering him in screeches and darkness as he swatted the bats away. He waved and struggled, as he was in his trap. There, he saw him.

The embodiment of justice, powerful, and element of symbol of fear. He stood darkly, as he felt the anger, the hatred and the smell of vengeance. The Dark Knight.

The Batman.

"What... are you?" Hush spoke. Batman gave no response, as the bats swarmed around him on the moonlight. Hush hesistated. What was this... man? This was no man.

He was something terrifying than death itself.