No Stones Left Unturned

From what I can tell by my experiences of the supernatural, Onyx Smith might be possessed by a foreign demon spirit inside him. That being... the imfamous killer of Vale.

No special title whatsoever, some Jack the Ripper-like murderer that likes underage girls and kills everyone that stands in their way. And Onyx's parents just happened to meet past-Hush.

Past-Hush (the demon spirit inside Onyx) was a demon worshiper of Remnant's equivalent of Satan. Yeah, in every world Satan exists in some way. I don't like him.

So this is just me guessing, I think past-Hush did some demonic bullfuckery ritual bullshit and transferred his soul into Onyx?

"I said... WHAT ARE YOU?!"

Though I have to cut the chat, I need to end this. Quickly.

I prepared myself in standing intimidating as possible in front of Hush (I'll call him Hush for now), staring down and studying his body.

He growled demonic-like, growing more tentacles from his back and glaring at me with those animal savage eyes added with red unhealthy veins on his pupils. The wounds on his body regenerated, but in a slow rate.

So far extreme temperatures are effective against him. Sub-zero and red-hot temperatures deals the most damage, so I'll have to use them for now.


The dark figure suddenly disappeared into a puff of smoke around him, causing Hush to flinch as his eyes darted to search him. Hush growled in irritation, screaming as he forced the tentacles to sharpen like knives.

"YOu CaN RuN, but yoU can'T hiDe from ME!" He screeched loudly, echoes bouncing past the metal containers of the abandoned industrial district.

His enhanced hearing sensed something, a large footstep, as he shot passed his razor-sharp spears at the source. The claws pierced through the metal walls, as Hush pulled himself towards the metal container.

He saw nothing. Behind his back, a rushing black blur kicked him to the back, stumbling forwards as he was forced to do so. He ordered his tentacles to shoot back, cutting the bat into shreds.

"Have a load of this and cool down for a second." It came in like a sledgehammer. Ice froze his head like a popsicle as he was punched and kicked to the gut.

Batman kicked him out from the metal floors, throwing batarangs on Hush's tentacles and his body. Hush smashed through the ice and widened his eyes on the beeping gadgets on his body.

Hush was screaming backwards as he was exploded from the batarangs. Blood flew the damaged tentacle as he endured the pain of regenerating.

Batman spun the wire on his palms and threw at Hush, tying him with a cable along with his tentacles. Hush struggled to rip apart the cables using brute strength but Batman tazed him with 50,000 volts.

"AAAUUURRGH!!!" Electricity ran over his body and every cell in his body had hurt. Growling ferally, he forced himself to grow and evolve into a stronger being.

"RRRAAAGHHH!" Hush ripped through the cables using now new monster-like form, tearing away the electricity as he shot passed bone spears to Batman.

Batman stepped back and zipped himself backwards, analysing the situation. The Hush monster grew and evolved from it's terrain, adapting it's cells to counteract his attacks.

"Well I thought that should've worked." He muttered sarcastically, dodging a blow by waving side to side. If his 'toys' didn't work, he might as well give Hush something he can't adapt to.

Hush grew himself a bone-like giant cleaver blade on his arm. Batman narrowed his eyes. This wasn't going to end well...

Grasping the metallic hilt on his belt, he slid and unsheathed a tanto (short sword) to combat. Gripping it with one hand, he prepared his retractable batarangs on the other.

Hush growled as he let out a distorted screech, Batman dashing and charging towards him. The blades switched in his fingers, as he threw them at Hush with precise accuracy.

Hush blocked the batarangs with his large flesh arm. With a hunky body, he couldn't have avoided them. Batman leapt up, pointing his tanto skywards as he cut through Hush's arm.

Hush grinned at the stupidity of the man.

He slashed and threw his arms at Batman in close range, his razor-sharp bone claws on his tentacles pointing to every direction. Batman twisted his body and kicked Hush's skull sideways, disorienting the fleshy abomination.

He wailed, crying out a scream of annoyance as Batman stepped kicked his traps and threw multiple tiny balls of pellets on him.

The pellets exploded into fire, burning Hush as he screamed in fiery pain. Batman shot a cable on his chest using the grapple gun, preparing his sword as he stabbed the tanto sword into Hush's skull with a bloody squelch.

Batman dashed away, landing behind Hush as he made sure to prepare another round of attacks to neutralise Hush.

Suddenly a big arm of flesh knocked from the sides, catching him off-guard as he was sent flying from the force. He spat out, crashing into another metal container as he groaned.

"Argh... Arugh..." He saw Hush, struggling to pull the sword on his skull as blood rushed and spilled everywhere when he took out the blade. He let out a scream, so distorted that Grimm would back away in fear.


Motherfucker. He's adapting to every attack that I make. Even if I tried to knock him out, that didn't work. Or if I tried to kill him, that still didn't work as you can see...

I don't have a lot of resources left. I'm almost out of options to kill him. Clearly, I can't copy his semblance for unknown reasons. Phasing or Reinforcement. I might lose this one and get killed.

He's got instant regeneration, adaptive evolution, creation of organs, new limbs, and arms, but it doesn't make sense. How is he able to do all of this?

I'm guessing it's all by Aura. I clicked my tongue in annoyance. Closing my eye, I sensed two different aura signatures inside Hush. One smaller aura and overpowered from the malicious demonic, unnatural aura.

The smaller one is Onyx and the bigger and frightening one is Hush. From the looks of it, the demonic aura is overpowering the body and causing Hush to evolve into a monster.

But Aura is limited. Aura is an energy. It can't be created or destroyed, just transferred or preserved. It can be contained, like the water inside a cup, but it can't be created or destroyed...

So why does Hush look like he's got unlimited energy on his side?

"RAAAAGH!!!" I snapped from my thoughts as I saw Hush glowing demonic orange red. This is straight out of Doom. Demonic shit and all that. I wonder Doom (2016) did a sequel...

Oh shit he's charging a demonic laser beam of death-


Batman hastily dodged a beam of destruction, the smoking and scorching remains of the metal walls did not please him as much. His instincts told him to- MOVE!

He zipped and ducked the blow from the speeding demon that dashed where he once were. This was getting out of hand. The demon screeched, no shred of humanity was left inside him.

He continued to grew, it would danger the whole poplation of Vale if it grew larger and stronger, throwing itself into a endless torment of terror and fear to the people to attract Grimm. That could've been the worst-case scenario.

He threw the gas pellets as a distraction, buying some time to form a plan until he knew how to kill it. He saw the multiple cargo containers on the land. Forming a plan, he ran towards the metal containers.

Hush saw this and growled. He ran with unnatural speed and crashed through the metal containers where Batman was last seen. But he wasn't there.

"WhERe ArE YoU?!!!" It howled in a deep baritone demonic voice.

"Here." It looked up to see Batman crouching down on top of him, as Hush reached his hand out to catch him-


Two metal containers suddenly slammed him side to side, squashing Hush as the multiple rocket pads stuck on the two metal containers propelled them. Hush teared down the metal walls inside the two metal containers, howling in anger.

Hush felt a drip of liquid hitting his shoulders.

He glanced up, noticing the liquid coming from the ceiling of the metal containers. He growled, tossing the two metal containers away from him as he was wet. He searched for the annoying bat.


Multiple smoke pellets around him covered the entire area in grey thick smoke. Hush was more angry and lusting to kill and rip apart his spine from his body of the Batman.

"COWARD!" He yelled out. His voice echoed from the area.

"Who's the coward? The one who kidnaps innocent children for his own gains? Or the person that's low enough to possess a boy's body when his life couldn't have gotten any worse?" The deep raspy voice echoed around him in the thick smoke.

"You have no business with me, and YANG! SHE IS MY FRIEND, NOT YOURS!!!" He shouted back, thrashing around the metal containers with the sharp tentacles.

"You kidnap little children that resembles Yang because you were so fixated on her. The real Yang never gave you any glances at you, didn't she?" His voice called out. Hush growled in anger.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" But Batman didn't listen. He continued on.

"Real reason you kept stealing little children because you thought you could get a chance with Yang." Hush growled even more, angry and frustrated.

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" He thrashed around the containers a bit more, letting out more smoke to the area. A bag was ripped from the tentacles and dusted the whole area.

"Get a clue, Onyx. She doesn't even like you after what you've done. She just liked you out of pity. She knew how bad parents are and that's the only connection you have with her." He mocked. Hush let out a howl of hatred, thrashing around everything as the smoke slowly cleared.

"I SAID SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!" He howled.

"You're pathetic. You can't even confess to a girl, you were never loved by any of your parents, and the only way you think she'll glance at you was to become one ugly son of a bitch... Wow, that's just sad, even for me." Batman chuckled mockingly. Hush clenched his fists so hard blood spilled from his knuckles.

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!" Hush shouted.

"So, your parents treated you were the accident of their life, your crush doesn't like you, so you became a ugly monster because... what, because you couldn't work as a rodeo actor in a 2-bit horror flim?" He could feel him smirking.

Hush howled, noticing a figure in the smoke as he grinned ear to ear. He manifested a flesh bone sword on his arm, and pulled his arm back. He drove the blade forwards and stabbed through the flesh.

He ran passed and to have no luck. It was a dummy caped with a flour bag covered in white. Batman threw an air grenade underneath Hush, blowing the smoke back as Hush and himself were eye-to-eye.

"YOU!" He shouted.

"The thing about flour, it gets everywhere. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. It's like sand, but human made. And more annoying." He explained whilst crouching down upon Hush.

"For some odd coincidence, all these containers are filled with wheat flour in them. It's also dangerous when there's no wind tonight... but have you heard what is a dust explosion?" He asks to Hush. Hush growls in response.

"Not your ordinary Fire Dust explosions you can buy at your local stores, but... actual 'dust' explosions? If the powdery flour floating in the air would catch fire, and there's a lot of those in here..." He waved at the area to Hush. Hush widened his eyes in realisation.

"Flour can be combustable. I don't remember why..." Batman trails off as he pulls out a uncut Burnt Dust crystal from his belt, increasing the shock and fear coming from Hush.

"But it tends to be destructive, especially in a closed space like this one."

Batman casually threw the crystal at Hush. Time began to slow down as Batman pulled out his last explosive at the crystal. Batman turned back and ran, zipping away as fast as possible.

And all hell broke loose.


The explosion caused from the flour sent me backwards despite my attempts of surviving. I let out a pained scream, the batgliding cape catching the wind force of the explosion as it drifted me away.

I JUST had to be arrogant and say that goddamn one-liner in front of his face.

The backlash sent me to a wall, more, 'crashing' into it would be appropriate, as my skull crashed into the thick metal walls and all I felt was pain.

My ears were ringing either from the explosion or the skull bash I did to the wall. I clutched my helmet, noticing it was starting to crack from the damage it was dealt with. I better not land with my head next time...

"Ow. Ow. Fuck." I spat out. Searching inside my utility belt, I grabbed some painkillers and a stimpack to help my wounds. As for the current status of Hush...

Fire. Explosions. Everywhere.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he didn't survive that.

Seeing that was dealt with, I needed to find Yang and the blond sister-



Was that... blood? Yeah, it's my blood, but why is it-

"That really fucking hurt, asshole." Red demonic eyes stared back at me. And there was a flesh blade stabbed through my arm.

Oh, for fuck's sake.


Yang slowly opened her eyes to feel the cold concrete floor chilling her body. She forced herself to stand, trying to remember what happened before. She was forced to sit and lean on the nearest crate that she could find.

She tried to remember, as she searched inside her mind...

#Flashback Starts#

"Goodbye, Yang." Onyx was choking her.

"Let go of her." The infamous Batman.

#Flashback Ends#



She rememebered, hurriedly rushing to help her oldest friend but the overwelming pain forced her to stop. The pain coming from her dislocated arm had hurt so much. It was the worst pain that she ever felt, second when she got punched by a freaking robot.

"Fuck..." She hissed, clutching her arm. She grit her teeth and willed herself to stand. She was panting, gasping for air as she slowly walked outside.

What she saw was un- fucking -believable.

"Argh!" A black figure crashed into a wall near her. She flinched when she stepped back away from him, as she paled when she heard heavy footsteps.

"Oh, you're still alive, Yang. I thought you would've been dead, just like the cheap whore like you are..."

Those words had hurt.

More than the pain she was feeling.

It was Onyx.

She knew it was him. Even with a disfigured face and body, she could recognise her oldest friend.

Why... why was he saying those words?

"Don't worry, I won't hurt your family. Much. Though, if your little red comes after me, you know what she's going to get."

Stop it...

"She's going to die. Just like her naive mother. Super mom, my ass. She died like a pathetic cunt."

It wasn't him...!

"Stop..." She begged.

"She was so... stupid. Thinking that she was the hero of Remnant with her dillusions..."

This wasn't him...!

"Please... Stop...!" Her whisper formed into a shout.

"I would rather have my own parents than having her-"


She shouted across the whole warehouse, stunning everyone around her. Onyx stayed silent, observing her as she broke down into tears. Her legs forced themselves to loosen, as she knelt down and cried like a broken girl.

"..." Onyx said nothing as he saw the broken form of Yang. Something inside him felt guilt and sadness but he suppressed it. Forming the flesh blade on his arm, he approached to his former friend.

"We were friends..." He stopped. Yang's broken voice formed a frown on his face.

"I'm fucking scared. Why... why do you have to act like this...?!" Her hitched voice lowered his blade around her.

"I'm so scared... I don't know what's going on, but you don't act like this...! None of this makes any fucking goddamn sense!!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

"I DON'T KNOW! I don't know what's happening, I'm confused and afraid... Onyx..." He flinched as Yang called his name. Just finish her off, Onyx. Just kill her!

"Please..." Broken, longing lilac eyes that were once full of life and warming emotions stared back into his corrupted soul.

"Just come back..."

He hesitated.

Unconsciously, the arm moved without his control as the blade swung towards Yang as Onyx widened his eyes in shock. He didn't want to kill her! No! NOO!

"DIDN'T I SAY THIS BEFORE?!" He felt metal boots kicking him across the jaw as he was launched backwards from the kick.


"AAAAAAAAA....!" I groaned in pained motion, grasping my arm as I flailed around in the ground. I took another stimpack (my last one), ripping the cap of the medical tool with my teeth and stabbing myself with it.

I had the steroids to keep myself up. I stood up, staring down Hush as it was lying on the ground in pain, healing from the afterburns from the explosion that could've weakened him.

"Where's the damn thing when you need it..." I muttered, pulling out my prototype portable railgun of death at Hush. I prepared the thing to charge itself, as I walked tiredly towards Hush. I pointed the end of the barrel at his skull.

"Just die, you mother- UURGH!" And I was hit by a right hook to my face, dropping the railgun due to my exhaustion, and I was stabbed through the chest. Fucking Ow.

"PPPUH!" I spat blood out of my system, grasping the blade that had stabbed me to the chest. Hush glared daggers at me, panting for the attack was his final attempt on killing me.

Well fuck you too.

"Urgh!" I kicked him to the chest, sliding the blade away from my chest as the wound exploded with blood. I stood my ground just barely, clutching and closing my wound as I barely picked up the railgun to his face, much to his shock.

"At this point, I've given up trying to end you with a goddamn one-liner. Just die already!" I cocked the activation of the railgun, preparing to end this and get it over with. His eyes widened, as if he was staring the death itself.


My face planted to the ground as I was so rudely interrupted by none other than Yang. I was dying and bleeding out to death trying to kill him, and Yang decided to stop me?! WTF?!

Owowow.... everything hurts...


"Why... why did you do that? Yang...?" Onyx's disbelief voice called out to Yang, as she was already in tears and panting loudly. He faced her, confusion forming inside his mind as why would Yang save him-


"YOU'RE SO FUCKING STUPID! ONYX YOU DUMBASS, I NEVER EVEN HATED YOU! I LOVED YOU AS MY BROTHER AND HERE YOU ARE, TRYING TO FUCKING KILL ME!" The slap stung his face. What he didn't expect was a tight hug coming from Yang as she cried in his shoulders.

"I'm your friend, g-godamnit....! And I never... ever... leave you alone!" Yang continued to cry in his shoulders. Soon, his eyes were wet from the realisation. What has he done...? He stared at what he had become...

A monster.

"I'm sorry..." He began.

"I'm so sorry, YANG!!" He bursted into tears, hugging back his oldest friend with guilt, saddness, and longing as he was mistaken, and foolishly did all these sinful acts.

"Hey, as much as you would realise how fucked up you did with your girlfriend, but I'm currently dying out here?!" An all too-familiar voice called out to both of them, reminding them of a certain blazer-wearing asshole in question.

They both turned to Batman. The man in question hung his mouth open as if he was caught red-handed. He cleared his voice.

"I'm Batman. Fuck. Shit. Okay, I guess there's no point in hiding it then..." He talked with a dark raspy voice before slowly turning into his normal voice. Both of them stared with shock and realisation as what it could mean.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm-"



Well I'm doomed for life. Batman just got discovered. How the fuck does Onyx know my voice? We've been talking for about seconds worth of dialogue and he's talking as if I was his oldest friend!

"WHAT THE FUCK?! MARK?! YOU'RE THE FUCKING BATMAN?!" I rolled my eyes. Yang was extremely shocked when I was in secret, the caped crusader running around in Vale kicking ass.

"Yeeep." I said monotonously. Of all the people I have met in RWBY, Yang had to be the second character to discover I was the Batman. Eveline Sulfur doesn't count because she doesn't belong in canon.

".... Y-you... Oh, I'm going to murder you-" Yang tripped and faceplanted on the ground, HARD. Ouch. That could've hurt. Yang moaned in eternal agony as she whipped her hair up as if sensing my deadpan expression on her.

"Do you know how much shit we had to deal?! We didn't even got any sleep, PERIOD when you off hunting baddies! DO YOU EVEN FUCKING SLEEP?!" Yang shouted in pented up fury that caused Onyx to flinch. Yeeeeaaah.

Because of my role as the Batman, I ran around busting and kicking asses 24/7 in the criminal empire. But, my work was usually sloppy and lazy, so I got the huntsmen (namely Ozpin yes, I contacted Ozpin and made a mutual agreement) to arrest the goons while I take out the boss.

And holy shit the crime rate percentage in Vale got VERY low. Usually the crimebosses would deal against this problem, like... Police using pistols while they use semi-automatics, using kevlar vests to armor-piercing rounds...

Well, what I did was...

#Flashback Starts#

"Ya, yeet." And all the money of the mafia was burned into ashes. Electronic bank accounts? Deleted. Bosses? Dead.

I cocked the rifle in my arms and ran, guns blazing as I shot every single motherfucking bastards in sight. While dressed as the Joker.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I laughed, ignoring the blood on my face as I laughed like a maniac and done my killing spree.

#Flashback Ends#

Basically... I dressed up as the Joker, killed mostly everyone in the mafia, crippled their resources, exploded their buildings, and caused a major headache to Ozpin. Well, good thing I told him I 'killed' the Joker.

Because of the mafia's night activities, Ozpin had to use every huntsmen team available to arrest most of the mafia. That included Team RWBY, which greatly annoyed them because they didn't get enough sleep.

And all of that was done in a single week. Yikes.

"Uh, yeah? I do sleep. I'm not exactly a vampire, despite using a batsuit." I replied, but that made Yang even more annoyed. Her red eyes glared with murder, wanting to rip out my head.

"Not. Funny." She seethed in fury. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever... uh, what the fuck are we going to do now?" I asked to no one in particular. They all realised. They honestly didn't know what to do next. I mean, Onyx successfully kidnapped Yang and made peace with it, Yang is fucking confused, and I got my secret identity revealed.

"How are you still alive...?" Onyx honestly asked. I stared at him and gave him the obvious answer.

"Bullshittery. So are we done killing each other or what?" I asked. Onyx still looked conflicted, hesitant on what to do now that's other than killing me. Yang blinked in confusion.

"Wait, what? I thought you were trying to kill him! You're the asshole and the nutjob who decided to fucking run around dressed as a bat and give us tortures of missions in the night!" Yang exclaimed.

"You killed 80 people in one day!" She shouted. Um, yeah. When I said that I didn't follow the no-killing rule, I was serious about that part. But I don't usually kill THAT much people as the Batman...

"That's the clown, not me! There's a clear difference when the other guy's wearing purple, green and white! I dress up all-black! No racism intended." I called back, realising Yang was refering to the Joker. Though it was technically true I DID kill 80 people...

"What the hell does black have to do with racism? I mean, Blake's wearing black, but I don't get how its racist...?" Onyx muttered in confusion. Ah, right. Racism is different in Remnant. Wait, what I just said wasn't even racist at the start. The hell?

"WOULD YOU TWO SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I LOSE MY GODDAMN MIND?!" Yang shouted loudly, shuting both of us up. Her eyes flared with crimson, obviously confused and frustrated on what's happening.

"Ugh... what the hell is happening...?" She rubbed her eyes in frustration. I could tell what she was feeling right now.

She's confused, afraid, scared, and frustrated of the unknown. It's natural for people to be feeling a powerful emotion when dealing something you never seen.

"Do you want me to simplify it for you? Actually, scratch that, I'm going to explain anyways. Onyx Smith. Parents got murdered by a violent psycopath demonic spirit and currently inside him. Mark Underwell. Got punched by Yang, forced to be in rehab in Beacon Academy, left the school and became Batman. Got it?" I explained in the basic form as I ever did to Yang.

"We are currently talking and getting a clear grip of the situation, sans you and Onyx, and I am in the middle of bleeding to death because I was stupid enough to inject myself with illegal substances and OH SHIT I AM DYING!" Aaaand the pain sweeps my body into well, you get the idea.

Both humans were alerted of this fact and rushed in to help, glad to know their moral consciousness are still intact. Yang was afraid, confused on what to do as Onyx was a bit concerned.

"Uh, WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?!" Yang screamed.

"First thing! Shut up and calm down! I ain't dead yet, so don't act like I am! Two! I was recently stabbed by a blade through the chest and it really fucking hurts! FUCKING, OW! Three! I am currently bleeding out, so CLOSE THE FUCKING WOUND!" After I said that, I rested my head on the floor to let them do their stuff. It's a miracle I didn't pass out sooner.

"U-uh, uh, uh... How do I take off your suit?!" Yang shouted embarrassedly. Onyx calmly sharpened his hands and ripped off the armor from my body. There goes the twenty million dollar suit...

"Oh, Oum. That's...." She winced at the wounds on my chest. Blood was everywhere. While she was trying not to puke at the goresome sight, she couldn't even thought of how I managed to survive this.

"Aura ain't healing this shit for some reason, and it really sucks when I'm dying!" I shouted. Fuck death!

"You talk too much for a guy that's supposed to be dead!" Yang and Onyx both shouted. I tried to give the middle finger to them.

"What? You want me to stay dead? Actually, don't answer that! I already know the answer, because I know you two want me dead as always! Excuse me and thank you for the help...!" I rushed in with my remaining willpower and cleaned the blood off my wounds.

"Oh shit, this isn't going to work, is it?" I realised, sooner or after that I was really dying. No bullshittery. Just the cold truth. I was going to die. I felt Death was coming closer to my soul. No. Noo. I don't like Death-

"Mark, listen to me, alright? I don't know if this is going to work or not, but I'll try my best to save you, okay?" Yang reassured me. Okay, that's a bit weird to help someone that you hate...!

She breathed in, calming herself. Wait, she isn't going to do what I think she is...!

"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee." Her warmth fiery Aura entered my body, forcing the barrier of my Aura to unlock.

Oh shit, it's going to work this time.

"Holy shiiit-" The crimson aura around me pulsed like a heartbeat, surrounding to my wounds as the seal was unlocked. Yang and Onyx were blown back from the blast as they watched in shock as the red crimson aura manifested into reality.

The energy swirls around me tied into one and regenerated all of my wounds, instantly as the energy which was my Aura got inside my body. It was a weird fucking feeling, I'll tell for sure.

An odd hum of energy.

I lifted myself up, watching as I unlocked my aura. "Huh.... what the hell." I stared back on my own hand, now covered in crimson red Aura.

Well... I have Aura now.

I glanced back to see both Yang and Onyx staring at me. Half of my helmet was cracked, and it was getting annoying at first. Grasping the other side, I ripped off the helmet on my head.

I sat down in silence. Yang and Onyx walked up to me. "Huh. It worked...?" Yang said in disbelief, and I thought she meant it like she hoped that I wanted to die.

"Yeah, I'm not dead. I... unlocked my Aura because of you. Thanks?" I tossed the word 'thanks' as a foreign word, because I wasn't the person to say thanks or sorry. But this... I was geniunely thankful.

"Yeah..." She muttered tiredly.

We all sat down in silence. Meanwhile, I was still confused as to why Yang would do that. And how the aura mantra worked NOW of all times instead of the past weeks.

"Uh, why'd you save me in the first place? I thought you hated me, and I don't think I'm a guy worth saving. I kind of left you guys and annoyed the hell out of you. It's very out of character for you-"

"What the fuck are you saying...?" Yang stared me with shocked lilac eyes.

"You hate me right? Everyone does. They don't like me, so I left. I knew I took a hint, so I kind of done my own thing, kicking ass to make the world a less chaotic place, such and such..." I explained.

"Mark, just shut up." She interupted. I shut my mouth to hear what she was going to say. I crossed my arms to listen what she was going to rant about my total chaotic bullshittery personality and how it effects the whole entire Team and stuff...

"We never actually hated you."

Oh yeah, that's a surprise, I really didn't expect... that... what did she say again?

"What?" I checked, asking Yang back.

"We... I don't know what you're talking about, but we all don't hate you. Sure, you're a bit annoying and strange sometimes, but... why would we hate you because of that?" She said.






"There's a lot of reasons people would hate me, Yang." I said.

"But... we're not. You're our teammate. And our friend. And friends help each other out." Yang stated.

"Bullshit, do I classify as a 'friend'? I basically dressed myself as a bat, kicking ass while you guys just do stuff in your academy. I gave you hard work that would... mess up your grades." I explained.

"Then why did you come and save me? All I know you're selfish and kind of cynical, and you would be the first person to leave me to die. But... here you are. Saving my ass as well as Onyx." Onyx merely shrugged to say at least. I... I didn't save her. I just wanted Hush to stop making the world chaotic...

"No, I didn't save you because you were my 'friend', Yang. I wanted to kill him, not just-"

"That's totally bullshit and you know it. When I afraid, confused, and scared while... I was choked." Onyx gave an apologetic look to Yang, in which Yang already forgave him.

"At first, I was scared meeting the 'Batman' you know? It's kind of a creepy costume design that gives me the shivers...." Yang explained with a resigned smile. She continued explaining.

"I didn't know Batman, out of all people would be kind enough to save a girl like me. I mean, he's a murderer that kills people. A guy like that clearly has issues..." Yang chuckled, on dry humor.

I said nothing.

"We don't hate you. If you're going to say that's real reason that you left, I'm going to hit you! Okay, so... Mark. Why did you leave us?" Yang asked. She blinked, waving her mistake away as she stared at me.

"No, I don't have to know that. But there's something you should know, buster." She stated. I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked.

"You know how to bake a cake?"






She asked this question, this random-ass question out of the blue to me.


The fuck?

"... Yeah, I know how to bake a fucking cake! Why the fuck did you ask me that?!" I shouted in total confusion as she bursted into laughter. I was so fucking confused...

Onyx chuckled along, some inside-joke I can't understand between those two. Why were these guys laughing?! Wiping a tear from his (normal human) face, he explained the joke.

"In our eariler years, Yang accidently broke Ruby's first weapon when she tried to use it. It made Ruby soooo mad to the point Ruby closed her off to Yang for three weeks. Yang was pretty devasted at that, thinking some of her teasing was a bit much to Ruby. It was a shocker that Ruby refused to eat cookies." He explained. Ruby, not eating cookies was kind of serious, due to the fact she was addicted to it.

"So, in apology, Yang baked the best cake she could to Ruby, and Ruby forgave Yang and ate the cake together. The end." He finished. Why do I have a feeling Onyx is bit of a troll? And that's what it took to get a forgiveness from Ruby? A damn cake? Then why would she-






"Oh. You're saying I need to bake a cake to Ruby." I had the blankest and the deadpan look on my face that caused Yang and Onyx to lose their shit.

"PHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh, the look on your face was golden! I need to take a picture of this shit, because this shit's golden! Mhaha... HAHAHAHAA!" She barely flashed a single photo using her Scroll, despite having one dislocated arm.

I snapped out of my thoughts. Oh hell no she ain't going to anything with that shit- "Gimme that shit! Delete! Delete! Delete!" I frantically tried to mug a girl who had her arm dislocated by her boyfriend.

I failed.

So, good but bittersweet ending. All of us stay alive, with the cost of my secret identity. It's a pretty good deal if I say so myself... A blondie, a demonic nerd, and a Batman walk into a warehouse trying to kill each other.

And it all ends up on the question; "Do you how to bake a cake?"

What the fuck...






Yeah, but... I was stupid enough to think that was the end.

"PPFFFT!!" Black blood suddenly spat from Onyx as we stopped chasing each other around. Both Yang and I stared Onyx in shock, at the sudden black liquid coming from his mouth.

"Yang...? Why does my chest... hurt so much...?" Onyx suddenly fell down, his eyes widening as he didn't know what was going on. Yang rushed in for help with a cry, but it was too late.


I acted quickly, running towards Yang as I picked her away from Onyx, ignoring her protests. Onyx's whole body was ripping and tearing itself, swirling with demonic energy as Yang watched in horror.

It was a symbol, made in blood. A demonic pentagram.

"Aw, fuckberries. Not another one." I frowned darkly, noticing the satan's symbol on Onyx's chest.

I held Yang off as she tried to release herself and go to Onyx. And I know going close to anything demonic is lethal. Onyx had completely turned into a demonic monster. Fucking wings and horns couldn't be the obvious reasons.

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" Yang shouted, begging to let her go and help Onyx. Godamnit, woman. I'm trying to save you from killing yourself!

"Oh, motherfucker that's huge."

I stared in shock when the demonic monster thing grew height, being at least 25 ft tall, and it looked straight out of Doom. Yang was horrified of what she saw.

"AAAAAAAHH!!" A scream of agony was heard coming from the demon's chest. It was Onyx, morphed with the demonic body as his face was stuck on the demon's skin. Yang watched in horror as she couldn't believe what was happening.

"Finally... I have attained my rightful body once more! All of Remnant shall bow before me, as I will conquer the lands in the name of our lord and saviour!!! Rejoice, as I will give you all a quick, death to those who will oppose the lord!" The demon suddenly spoke.


I blinked my eyes. Twice. "The fuck....?" I muttered what the fuck was going on. Yang had the same idea, being more confused than terrified.

The demon waved his head around. "Huh? Wait, it's just you two? Where's everybody else?! I planned this script for a long time being stuck to this foolish boy! WHERE ARE THE PEASANTS?!" He shouted just like the premature shithead like he was.

"Do you have a wooden cross I could borrow? I'm going to need it." I asked to Yang as she had no idea what I was talking about. The demonic thing searched around to see nothing.

"Huh? What is this little black bug doing here? What is that-"

"Power of Christ compells you, demon." I held out the cross at the large demonic thing.

It did nothing.

The demon scoffed and flung me across through containers by simply kicking me.

"MARRRRK!!" Yang shouted. I'm dead! I was actually dead for once, and it felt like I was in spectator mode. Boo! I'mma ghost! I can fly, die, but she can't see me. Because I'm dead.


I'm not dead. I'm still alive. But barely to make me dillusional. Where the hell was I? I looked around I was stuck on the containers. Chaos was kicking in, and I had no idea to stop the ridiculousness of this chapter.

Oh hey, it's a beam of destruction-