Yeah, me getting blasted by the totally death beam of destruction wasn't going to happen. Instead, I dodged the beam, as it was nearing an inch close to my armor.
I'm surprised we're not getting any backup.
"Fuccck..." I groaned outloud, grasping the internal structure of the armor. It was broken (no shit), and I doubted that it would hold against a beam of that calibur again.
"Hey, I thought 'this' thing would work." I raised my cross up to see it was smoking. Chucking the cross away, I dashed behind cover, searching for Yang to get to safety from the demonic creature.
Thankfully (it wasn't) it stopped doing it's shitty cheezy dialogue and acted more demonic like. It didn't have any wings, and amen to that. Wouldn't want a 25 foot tall demonic Abrams flying around the sky...
Okay, plan plan plan plan...
"Do I have a plan?" I asked myself. Why did I ask myself? Outloud where no one can hear me? Was I doubting myself I could kill this motherfucker? Yes. I mean, I have no fucking clue how to defeat this thing.
Think, Mark. Think.
"Okay, I've concluded this thing has unlimited energy. Coming from... Onyx." My eyes darted towards the unconscious body hanging on the demon's chest. There was a demonic pentagram stuck to his body, and I'm deducting that is the source of all that demonic energy.
Chirstianity won't do anything either (surprisingly), considering its the main religion that's effective enough to exorcise demons and such-
An explosion caught in flames when it touched pure, destructive energy.
"Where's Jesus Christ when you need em?" I deadpanned, shielding myself from the explosion as I ran. That big lug of flesh was on to me, and I was most definitely screwed on my part.
I was running like hell. I caught a flicker, a tingling sensation that told me to move FAST. I whipped up my grapple and zipped myself to the top of the construction platform, while I observed as the demon's arms thrashed around the area where I was.
I'm pretty sure I dropped a bead of sweat on that one.
The demon screeched loudly at my direction, intending to topple the construction platform I was on. Oh, motherfucker. I ran on the cane, my cape catching the wind of this situation as I glided away.
The construction platform I was on was hit by a megaton of shit as it toppled down like dominos. The demon roared at me, annoyed at the fact he didn't hit me. Meanwhile, I was sweating because of the monstrousity of that thing.
The demon wasn't going to stop growing, because I just saw him grow a little more than 30 ft.
Holy shet.
And if THAT wasn't enough, it proceeded to grab the downed construction debris (that being a metal beam) and proceeded to YEET the thing at me.
Fortunately I ducked under the speeding metal beam, matrix style, and dodged a bullet there. I needed to counterattack. Switching my razor-batarangs on my knuckles, I threw them at the demonic creature in sight.
It hit, but what did that do?
It got me face-to-face to a box full of concrete at my face. I was pushed back, groaning as if I was hit by a sandbag thrown by the Hulk. I shoved the heavy weight away from my chest, eyes widening as the demonic creature roared up in front of me.
"SHIT!" Quickly rolling away, a shockwave of energy flew me away as the demon smashed through the ground. It growled, in which I gave a middle finger for trying to kill me.
"RAAAAUGHHHH- ARRG!" It went for a fully-pissed howl at my face, in which I responded by chucking a grenade in front of his face. Slipping the metal braces into my fingers, I clenched my fists.
Zipping skywards, I decked that motherfucker with some mighty brass knuckles to the FACE. Pulling out some electric batarangs, I stabbed them through the ears and fried the brain inside, the creature roaring in agony as the electricity shocked his body in pain.
I let out a gasp of surprise when it grabbed me.
I was thrown, into a wall, more crashing through it, as I coughed from the dust I inhaled previously. I lifted myself up, and I spat out my own saliva when that demon crashed through the wall and kicked me to the FUCKING gut.
I was beginning to hate getting launched like a ragdoll. I rolled around the ground from the force, coughing and spitting blood out of my system. Dun. Dun. Dun. Those approaching heavy steps got louder.
I gritted my teeth, realising this fuckfest of an OC was going to kill me. Of all things, I had to be killed by an OC.
I let out a pained cry when it grabbed me by the head as I tried to get him to let me go. I was out of energy, tired and exhausted. It raised me up, now 12 feet tall for some reason.
"You imprudent brat... you've hindered me long enough! Burn from the flames of the thousand deaths of my brothers! Burn...!" I let out a scream of pain, as I was getting roasted alive AGAIN by a demon. The voices, the screams of a thousand cultists were inside my head.
He dropped me like a sack of potatoes, my body motionless and with empty eyes as he continued to tie loose ends. I was slithering on ground in pain, suffering from the million voices inside my head as I screamed.
Yang didn't know what the hell was happening right now. First, Onyx tried to kill her, learning that Mark was the FUCKING BATMAN, and Onyx became a giant demon that just incinerated Mark alive.
Yeah, she was definitely high on Dust right now.
She frantically searched for a Scroll, anything! But she couldn't, the darkness and the lack of lighting was worsening her senses as she had to rely on her own Aura reserves to keep. Going.
She went back into the warehouse where she was kept by Onyx earlier. An explosion rang off in the distance. She flinched, calming herself down with deep breaths. She steeled herself, silently entering the lion's den.
She saw everything. What Onyx had been up to, there were pictures, photos, and her own HAIR on display. She cupped her mouth, trying not to puke from the disgusting horrible sight.
"This is just... Onyx, what have you done...?" She muttered in disbelief, thinking that Onyx, her best friend would do such a thing. She gulped and held on, searching for a mobile scroll that she could use.
She later noticed the cages. They were all empty. Onyx said that he kidnapped women just like her because of his stalker-like personality. But that wasn't him. It was... that evil bastard.
"Onyx would never do this." She stated, disgusted at the sight.
"He would." Her eyes widened when she turned around her back, watching as the blond girl that looked similar like her was in bandages. She couldn't see her face in the darkness.
"Hey, are you alright? What happened to-" CLANG! Her eyes darted at the object beneath her, a bloody broken handcuff that was used on the cages. She slowly faced up, her lilac eyes stared at the broken purple eyes.
"He did this to me. He took my family away." Yang stared at the girl in shock and sadness when the girl stared at the scarred hands that were tortured by the same hands that she held with warmth.
Her purple eyes glared with hatred that made Yang fear for her life. The tortured girl raised her arm up and pointed at Yang.
"Because of you." She spat out like it was the only disgusting thing in the world.
"I-I'm sorry-" She tried to apologise but she was interrupted.
"Sorry doesn't cut it. What am I going to now...? They're going to see me like this, and they think I'm a monster...! I can't... I can't let my little sister see me like this... B-but, he made me into this....! It's all your fault. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!" The girl lunged at Yang with pure hatred, not listening, just pure rage.
Yang was slammed down from the charge. The girl held her hands and clawed through Yang's face as she tried to shove her away. Yang kicked her to the gut, ignoring the fact that her hair was ruined from that bitch.
She was pissed, too. She lashed out with fury as her eyes went red. She had a job to do.
"Killing me isn't going to solve anything! I have a sister, just like you! I know the responsibility of being the oldest sibiling. They look up to us because we're family. Ruby wouldn't have wanted this either. Your sister wouldn't too... I won't let you do something that'll break your little sister's heart. For your sister's sake. And yours...." She tried to calm her down. The girl breathed as her purple eyes remembered the sister. She gripped tightly on her palms as she walked slowly to Yang.
"Kek!" She spat out blood when the sharp glass dug her stomach. Yang knocked the girl unconscious as she fell down, bleeding from her wounds as she held it down. Her vision was starting to darken...
'Sorry guys... Looks like I was too weak to hold that off, huh...? I'm sorry Dad. I'm sorry Uncle Qrow. I'm sorry Blakey... You too, Ice Queen... I'm... I'm...' She coughed out blood when her vision was dark.
"I'm... sorry... Rubes.... I had... a Yang with my run..."
Urgh... fucking shut up. Can't I have 2 mins of rest without hearing the words 'kill' and 'one of us?'...? I would rather hear 'blood for the blood god' for 10 hours than hearing this.
As I groaned and lifted myself up, everything was on fire.
"It's the fucking apocalypse upon Remnant. How un-fuckingably wonderful..." I rest my eyes for 2 minutes and the end of the world already started without me? Then again, it could be more than a little two minutes...
"You had one job."
I whipped my face to see F crossing his legs at my face. I scowled and shoved his legs away, in which he crossed his legs again. I let out muffled screaming as I lifted myself up.
"What the hell happened?" I asked to F. F watched the chaos and the end of the world with disinterest. He casually waved his hands as if it wasn't a biggie.
"Some outside interference fucked Remnant. It's not ENTIRELY your fault, by the way. Satan shouldn't be existing out here in the PG realm..." F grunted as the nearest building got bombed and toppled into debris.
"Okay, it's not ENTIRELY my fault. How wonderful..." I sarcastically quipped. F plucked a healing vial from his pockets and stuck a needle on my neck to my displeasure. I cracked my neck.
"This is all the help I can do. I gtg!" F ran into his Tardis and demateralised. I rolled my eyes. How wonderful to see the world is in chaos and in flames. This is what EXACTLY I wanted to prevent from happening again.
Where's Yang?
I ran over to the warehouse where Yang was kept. Maybe I could find her there...? And- oh shit. 'Yeah... that's a body. A very dead body that has been killed for...' I reach to Yang's corpse and smelled her hand.
For about a few weeks...? So I've been lying there for the past few weeks while chaos esued. I need... something. Something I could time-travel so to stop everything from happening...
And I just realised that her eyes were staring at me. Giving an awkward look to Yang (even though she's dead) I slowly dropped her arm and closed her eyes. Rest in Peace. You may be the worst character, but you don't deserve this kind of shit.
Now what?
I don't think RWBY invented time-travel 'yet', because this is an AU of sorts. I really need a time machine to stop all of this from happening again. Where to find records of suspicious people in history of Remnant that could've been time-travelling?
The Library.
Oh hey, it's a white van. It's probably a rape van.
Right, I give no fucks about driving a suspiciously white van in the middle of an apocalypse while listening to... what was it? I leaned closer to the dial.
..... Whatever this cheap music is.
It's the only radio channel that turns on music in the apocalypse, while every single fucking other channel is all about death and fucked-ness of the world is. Worst of all, it had to be the shitest music genre that had to be turned on the radio.
Disco music.
I don't mind any type of music unless it is good, but this is just straight up shit. Not hating on the disco music, but Remnant's style of disco music. Then again, it isn't called 'disco music' in Remnant, so I'm saying disco music generally sucks-
Yeah, I hate disco music.
Finally I was in Vale. 'They' sure trashed the place down, seeing that it was all rubble and debris and there was no one in sight that was alive. When I meant 'They', I mean...
I don't know what the fuck are these. Hellgrimm?
As it was lunging for me, I decapitated it's head off clean with the tanto sword, as the Hellspawn Beowulf dissapated into ashes or black shit. I was lucky there was only one.
Fuck my life.
Long story short, I "tactically retreated" from the pack of Hellspawn Beowolves and managed to escape from them using my stealth skills. I quietly moved building to building on the rooftops.
"Now where's that fucking library..." I searched the holomap of my armcomputer. It didn't work due to the fact of the constant buzzing and lag of the whole map, I 'lightly' tapped it a few times, the whole thing went to zero.
"FUCK!" I cussed, not giving a shit about getting attention. The armcomputer was useless now. I needed to find... a map. The closest map I could find, or I could just go to the sewers and go to my batcave.
I went down, zipping on the ground to open the nearest manhole I could find. As I lifted it up, I deadpanned at the fucking unfortunate situation I was dealt with.
The whole sewer tunnel was filled with Grimm water. All you fans know from the post-Volume 3 bullshittery, Grimm water is BAD. Grimm water produces Grimm (I don't see how that works) and I immediately shut the lid before I could kill myself.
Swimming isn't an option. Looks like I'll have to go on foot...
In a fucked up place like the apocalypse, there's bound to be bandits, rapists, looters, and raiders running around the place. I doubt anyone would actually go into this place, let alone go inside a danger-zone.
Because that's basically suicide. But then again, desperate needs for survival in the apocalypse. People are either going to be crazy or brave enough to get themselves some grub.
Now, where's the lucky store I could find a map-
'A pack of Hellgrimm sniffed the area. It was empty. Then, they caught a scent of human. They sniffed the area, searching for little humans to much on.' If that's what they don't think, I'm either a god of hiding or luck.
I am hanging on the ceiling, covered from the darkness added to my dark armor. The pack of hellgrimm were literally beneath me, sniffing the scent of human flesh. I prepared my tanto sword as I slowly unsheathed it.
Motherfucka's gonna get a drop like a fucking piano that's for sure-
Suddenly the roar of the Alpha Male calls them in. I let out my breath, releasing my hold on the ceiling I was in. Why were they suddenly so interesting in something else? Welp, it's not my problem...
"Help! Somebody help us!!" A boy's voice calls the whole fucking area into alert.
"Uuugggh...!" I groan as I rub my eyes in pain. I am THIS close to leaving those idiots dead, but... you know, people might be helpful and they could find me a map...
"BUT I'm pretty sure I could find a map alone..." I muttered, feeling no regret of leaving that kid to his death. It's very logical, of course. If I stupidly toss myself into the mess they made, I'm going to have to deal A LOT of shit to survive, in which I don't have.
Which increases my chances of failing to save the goddamn world. If I left them, that increases my chances of success because the children will lure all the monsters to them, while I find a map and find a goddamn library.
Stupid children. Falling into their own mess they created.
Anyway, whoopdedoo, gotta find a map for my search for time-travel...
It was the end for them. Her little sister was in danger, and he might as well call for someone, just someone that could help them.
But nobody came.
A Helldog went close to Blanca, growling and slithering its maw to the frightened little sister. Albus grit his teeth and blew a hole into the son of a bitch's skull. Amarilla held his sister tight, ignoring the blood coming from her eyes.
"Someone's going to save us, right? Albus... I'm scared....." Her little sister shivered underneath him. Albus held her tight and mentally cursed at the remaining 3 shots on his revolver.
"Don't worry, Blanca. I'm here. And I won't leave you...!" The roaring got louder, as the makeshift fortress that Albus made was beginning to crumble down. Albus squeezed his eyes shut, holding tightly of his sister.
'Please... if there's a god... I'll pray for anyone... please save my sister....' He chanted, praying for any god out there to save them from their mistakes. The doors smashed open, and Albus waited for the touch of death.
But... it never came.
Albus cracked open one eye to see what was happening. A ray of light was warming them both, but Albus gripped the revolver tightly on his hands as he moved outside. Both siblings went outside to see the damage...
"What the fuck..." Albus' response was the blankest look he could muster because the shit he was seeing was ridiculous.
"Language, Albus... what do you see? Are the monsters gone?" Blanca asked curiously, because she was blind. Albus sweatdropped and tried to make what the hell was going on.
"Um. Uh..." Albus tried to explain.
How the hell was he going to explain the pack of Helldogs were defeated by a old bearded man with long hair and he was god to damn honest HAIRY, and he was musclar and jacked to the point his skin sparkled? On top of that, he was dressing up as a woman in a bikini while trying to swoon over the Helldogs. The helldogs said 'fuck that' and left immediately, leaving the musclar man flexing by himself.
His heart withered when the man winked at him. He endured, not leaving his sister alone with this- whatever it was alone. He guarded his sister as he pointed the revolver at the monster determinedly.
"Who are you...?" He carefully asked.
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
Both siblings heard the crunchy biscuit getting devoured by someone or something. Albus slowly turned around at the corner of his eye, gulping as he whipped his revolver at the fucking bastard-
An awkward moment went passed the two of them. A "certain" mysterious man, brown haired as well as brown eyed, quietly munched on some biscuits while stopping when a gun was pointed at him.
The man averted his eyes at the cookie jar, then back to Albus. Albus didn't know what to say anymore. The man slowly moved the jar on his lap to the table and brushed off the bits from his navy blue pants as well as his brown blazer.
"Sorry, I was kind of hungry and I got something to eat. You kids want some?" The man casually asked to the siblings as he nudged his head at the counter. Albus was dumbfounded and said fuck it.
He pulled the trigger and blew the man's brain off.
"OH SHIT!" I ducked under the bullet and dived behind the counter for cover. I regret saving those orphans. Orphans suck. I ducked underneath the counter and recalled their hair color. Platinum blond.
Since it was a few weeks ago, I'm guessing they aren't from Schnee family or something. I nudged my face on the floor to see a dead, rotting body. Probably the baker or something. Don't know why he's got the chef hat...
I don't like it.
"Think fast!" I tossed the chef hat to the air and the kid fired. Oh, boy. They're fucking screwed now!
It's Goofy time, little shits!
I grasped the rolling pin on the ground and I was about to smack these mothafockin-
I toppled over, my head going backwards as the kid shot me. I saw the kid, clearly afraid and seeing the expression on his face, this was his first kill. The kid dropped the revolver in disgust, hugging tightly to the blindfolded sister.
"Pfft!" I spat the bullet from my teeth to their absolute shock and despair.
Yeah, I caught the bullet with my fuckin teeth, you got a problem with that?!
"Now, you little shits are fucked." My head glanced over my body menacingly as I lifted myself up and glared at them. I cracked my knuckles. Both siblings quivered like crazy more I went closer to beat these little shits-
"WAHHHHHH!!!" The girl cried, catching me off-guard from the sudden act. Now both siblings were in a mess of crying tears of fear, begging that they haven't done anything wrong. What was I doing? They were kids, not baby imps from hell.
There's a clear difference where one of them needs to get killed.
"SHUCH YO ASS UP, LI'LL MAGGOTS! You wanna call an airstrike from these fuckers if you continue crying? No? Then shut up!" I grabbed the two kids into my arms and ran, far from the bakery.
This. Sucked. Ass.
"I'm Albus, and she's my sister, Blanca. We're siblings." Albus explained. I'm glad he isn't the one waving a goddamn magic wand around, because I'm sick of Harry freaking Potter.
I groaned as I rubbed my eyes. "Yeah, no shit. What the hell were you two doing in here? You're like... fucking 10? What were you thinking?! I don't care about why you came here, but I need something from you." I demanded to the siblings. Albus hesitantly shook his eyes.
"What's that?" He carefully asked. I crossed my arms and sighed.
"Info. Information of the whole map of Vale. You know libraries? Big place for lots of shelves. Lots and lots of shelves with a fuckton of books. Do you know where they are?" I asked, no- demanded. The siblings looked hesitant.
I sighed and groaned. "What do you want kid? Food? Family? A life from this hellhole? All I can give is some pointers in surviving the apocalypse, and trust me. They are VERY useful." I stated with some confidence. After all, I survived a couple of zombie apocalypses, demon invasions as well as aliens, etc...
Blanca, the other sibling wanted to ask something. "We want to find mommy. Do know where she is?" She asked. Ah, a mother's love. Everyone needs a good mother in their life, especially childhood.
"If she looks like you, then no. I haven't seen your mother." I honestly answered. Blanca lowered her head down, trying to burst into tears of her mother possibly being killed in action.
"But I can help you find her. I'm trying to find something as well, so it's like this. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. You help me find what I need, and I'll help you find your mother. Okay?" I lied. Sometimes you gotta lie to children to get what you want. Blanca beemed, shreding a single tear from her blindfold saying a small 'thank you'.
"What's your name, mister?" Albus, being the smart child asked. I nudged my head around. Using kids to save the world. Isn't that what Ozpin was trying to do?
"Mark. Just Mark, kiddo." I replied, and a new 'friendship' was born.
"So, this is the library?" I looked at the ruined building. Both siblings nodded. Yeah, "both". It was kind of weird to think about it, seeing that one of them was blind and she knew it was a library...
Maybe she had extrasensory or something?
"Right, you two. Help me find some books that relate to any weird stuff. Sightings, aliens, weird shit, any of it. If I find all of those books were sci-fi, I'm going to kill you." I warned, rushing pass the library and hastily searching for sightings of time travel. Or maybe history.
I skimmed past the history books with ease. Nothing. Next book. I walked while reading the history books to notice the kids reading sci-fi comics. I blinked owlishly. Shrugging off the childish behaviour, I studied everything the history books could give me off.
Kings and Queens- trash. Vale vs Mantle having a dick measuring constest- trash. Mysterious sightings of the Earl? Waitwaitwait-
I flinched when I heard a loud noise coming from the library. Slowly, the shelves toppled and fell like dominos while I watched them with odd sense of amusement. The books fell and fell, as the dust cleared, I noticed the twins caught red-handed of their actions, sheepishly smiling.
I deadpanned at them.
"Right, nothing so far! I have nothing out of this dusty ruined library. I wonder who fucked it up?" I wondered oh-so saracastically. The twins blushed, averting their eyes away from my withering glare.
The library was my only lead to finding a time machine. I couldn't possibly make one out of scraps, considering my level of intellect does not match to Doc Brown. Even I had the intellect, where was I going to get enough power to generate 1.21 gigawatts of electricity?
Dust may be powerful, but its not enough to par the likes of plutonium.
I groaned, rubbing my neck in nurturing my stress. I sat down on the bench, watching as the once sunny morning cloud into dark stormy skies. I can't just give up. The world's going to end, and it's not a place worth saving.
"So uh, Mark... what were you trying to find?" Simba, no- "Albus" asked in curiousity as to what I was trying to find. I rubbed my eyes. Even if I tell them, it doesn't matter.
"A fucking time machine. I need to travel back in time to prevent all of this from happening again." I replied. Albus went silent and thought about the concept of time machines.
"Isn't time travel, like, impossible and not real? You see those in sci-fi, and sci-fi isn't true. It's just fake." Albus stated the reliablity of my logic. Yes, yes. Time travel doesn't exist because it's sci-fi.
"And you're saying super-speed and cloning isn't real? Kid, the world is fucking weird. I was here in Vale, batting an army of robots that committed human genocide upon the people, and I see a girl 5 times your age using a giant red scythe for a weapon. None of that makes any sense." I ranted, recalling my past experiences with the Fall of Beacon. Albus blanched out, getting my logic.
"And you might as well hope that time machines exist, kiddo. I don't want to live in a world like this for the rest of my life." I finished, leaning on the bench and continue life as a whole.
"... I want to change the world, too. Where faunus and humans like each other, and we don't waste time trying to be mean and be mean at the Grimm. They are the ones who took everything from us..." Albus said. I raised an eyebrow at that.
"Well, if they were more men like you, Albus, the world would've been a better place... No more fighting. No more-" I stopped. No more. The War Doctor's famous quote for ending all suffering. Afterall, I had his sonic screwdriver-
"I am a fucking idiot for not realising this sooner. They even made a goddamn cameo of his fucking scarf in the very first episode!" Oooh shit. Motherfucking love of Christ, there was hope. There was hope for making this place less. Fucking. Chaotic.
"Hey, Albus! Where was the latest art gallery in Vale?!" I shouted at Albus to his suprise and shock. Albus blinked when I shook him hard, before I realised and awaited for information.
"Uh... it was in-"
I was running. Running fast as I could. I didn't care about anything. I could make this place less of a shithole it is now. Run, baby, run! Move those legs, motherfucker!!!
I crashed through the art gallery, swiping off the glass pieces from my clothes. Where was he? Where was he? My eyes darted around the place. I didn't realise it, but I had one glass shrapnel stuck on my stomach and I was bleeding heavily.
"No... No... NononononononNOOOO!!!" I couldn't find HIM. The man who could solve anything. I let out a sigh, believing I was done. The world's fucked and I can't do anything about it, and I'm dying...
I sat my ass down and watched the painting in front of me in silence.
I was dillusioned from hope, refusing to believe despair. Afterall, despair is what I feared, hated, and fought against... and I guess it's over now.
"What are you doing, dear boy? Crashing through the window and breaking and entering?" My heart skipped a beat when I heard that man's voice. That beautiful, old and laughable voice.
"Do you want a jelly baby per any chance?" The Curator smiled, handing me a jelly baby. Goddamn, I was so happy to see Tom Baker's face. Oooh, god.
I'mma lie down here for a second. Maybe a couple of minutes...