I Don't Know What Happened

I just survived an execution by burning in a wooden post. Everything didn't make any sense. My head... felt like it was going to crack. Cracking from all the bullshit I just saw.

What did I do?

I stole a Tardis, left two orphans from the future in the past to go find their parents, killed Onyx Smith (Hush), and I was captured by cultists and they decided to burn me in a wooden post. Also adding the fact they were probably Satan worshipers.

How wonderful.

The shitiest chapter at it's finest. It isn't going to be a happy new year for me... I felt angry. So angry at something. I felt hatred, boiling down my soul, wanting to kill something or anything to vent my rage.

I was so sick of everything.

Fuck RWBY. Fuck everything. I want blood.

Blood for the blood god.


Ruby felt a deathly chill towards her spine. She felt cold, paling like a whitesheet as she gripped her desk tightly. Yang checked if her sister was alright.

"Rubes, you alright? You look like you just seen a ghost." Yang's concerned voice called out to Ruby. Ruby shook the feeling off, smiling it off as Yang gave a suspicious look at her sister.

'Something feels odd... It's as if time just changed. Only a certain individual would do such thing, but I can't find him... just where are you?' Espeon wondered, concerned for his partner.


Time had changed. A paradox exploded throughout Remnant. Onyx Smith was dead. Jason's brothers were never to be seen again, and the orphange was in flames. And Mark... was back to zero.

Bandages covered his face. He was badly burnt, after surviving the execution made his life hell. His face was just a disfigured one, unrecognisable and seen as an abomination.

He was back. Where he began his days as the Batman (Chapter 50). But he was too angry. Too angry that he had to pay the price for changing. The world was paid by flames. His face didn't matter.

He wanted something to kill.


The upcoming Beacon Dance was set in a few weeks, and Team RWBY was unexpectedly called from a Professor for a search and rescue mission.

"Team RWBY, this is Matthew Grey. He will be accompanying your mission on Forever Fall. There have been reports of missing people throughout the forest, and your task is to find these individuals." The professor explained, introducing the veteran huntsmen to team RWBY.

Team RWBY were excited and at the same time, worried about their first mission to Forever Fall. In the dorms, Ruby beemed in excitement.

"We're going on a field trip! Team, let's ready up and saddle for the trip! This is going to be awesome!" Ruby exclaimed, packing as many cookies in her bag. Weiss interrupted her.

"If we're going to pack ourselves to Forever Fall, this excessive amount of cookies isn't needed, Ruby." Weiss frowns and tossed a packet of cookies, to Ruby's surprise and disappointment.

Weiss scolded Ruby about her cookie habits. Blake recalled her memories of the White Fang, where she recently cut her ties at Forever Fall. Forever Fall was a forest full of grimm, where huntsmen had to be warry and together, due to the large numbers of Grimm.

She tried not to dwell on the past memories. She continued reading her book, trying to supress the old memories aside.

"Well, I'm ready for a trip in Forever Fall! Let's do this!" Yang pumped up, balling her fists in excitement, her ever-thrill seeking personality wishing to explore unknown places.

It was a quiet journey to Forever Fall. Matthew Grey wasn't a people's person, he wasn't giving any advices, tips, or any friendly chats. Blake was intially haunted from the veteran's empty grey cold eyes, but she decided to ignore it.

The team and the huntsmen were in seperate carriages on the train ride, Team RWBY placed on near the cargo carriage while the huntsman was near the locomotive.

"I'm. So. Bored. Yang, did you brought any card games we could play with?" Ruby faced her sister. Yang grinned and pulled out a deck of cards, playing Poker with her sister. Weiss didn't know what to do, and she reluctantly joined in the game.

"Blake, you joining in?" Yang called out. Blake soon snapped out of her thoughts, noticing the rest of her teammates were waiting for her.

"I'll be joining in a couple of minutes. I need to use the restrooms, excuse me..." Blake smiled, accepting the offer to join their card games later, and left the carriage.

Team RWBY played card games with the exception of one faunus teammate.


Blake sat on the restrooms, reading her Ninjas of Love in secret. Yes, she used the excuse to read her romance novels in secret. She was so focused on her novel, and she was so startled when a large knock came from the restrooms.

She calmed her beating heart, and calmly hid her novel in her sleeves. She opened the door, and saw nothing. She frowned, later sighing and exiting out of the stall.

A large man, in a dirty trench coat walked passed her. His face was covered from the shading of his hat, and when Blake walked past the man...


She felt a cold feeling deep inside her spine. Her senses told her run, but she was curious and suspicious about that man. She hid herself on the walls, quietly watching the man exiting the carriage.

'That person looks suspicious. He's got something to hide, and he could be... a White Fang member...' She thought, remembering a White Fang camp in Forever Fall. She followed the man quietly, and preparing her weapon if anything happens...

She watched quietly as the trench coat entered a room. It was a man, blond and well-dressed. His eyes... were also dead and grey.

'Just like Matthew Grey. It couldn't have been a coincidence...' Blake thought. As the trench coat and the man finished their wordless argument, they nodded and exited the room. She hid herself, watching intently on the two people.

'They could be working with Torchwich. I need to follow them.' Blake quietly followed the two men, they exited carriages and finally found where they were looking for.

The cargo carriages.

They locked the doors shut, preventing anyone from entering the carriage. But Blake had her ways. She climbed up the carriage, feeling the wind blowing her body as she cracked open the trapdoor and slid inside.

She hid herself on the crates, quietly watching as the two men conversated each other. Her faunus features allowed her to see through the darkness, and she was suspicious as to why the men did not turn any lights.

"I am in need of maintenance. My visual processors are damaged. They are in of repair." The blond man, replied without a hint of emotion, almost as if the man did not have any emotions. Blake mentally gasped when she saw the man pull out a knife.

'What... in... Oum...?!'

The blade sliced and dug through the flesh, but no blood came out. Blake held back a wince when the man dug and ripped out his eye. She paled, when a red light came from the eyesockets.

"You will not need any repairs, 0967." The trench coat monotonously replied. The man walked up and grabbed an axe, and gripped it tightly on his gloves.

The 0967 unit had opposed this logic. "Negative. I am in of repair, as my processers remain damaged-"


An axe dug through the skull of the man, sparks and electronic circuits were revealed to the man- no robot- as the machine sparked and malfunctioned.

"Error. Error. More information is required. This type of action is highly inadequate. Explain your actions, T-17." 0967 demanded while he was dying. A red glint appeared from the darkness underneath the hat. Blake cupped her mouth.

"0967 will not need any repairs if it is unoperational. The rebuilt process will be executed, and you will be rebuilt for scrap parts. This is my logic. And you will be destroyed as of result." T-17 dug it's hands on 0967's skull and ripped out the main processing unit. 0967 lost the red glint and fell lifeless.

Blake stayed quiet, and unnoticed from the machine. She hid in the darkness, being careful not to take away her position as the machines did not know she was present.

'I have to tell them. I have to tell everything what's happening right now-'

A hand suddenly dug through the crates and strangled her neck by surprise. It was the trenchcoat, holding her to her feet as she held her neck. She struggled, kicking the trenchcoat by the balls to recieve no reaction from the machine.

"You will not struggle." "UGH!" She was slammed to the ground, cracking the wood under her as she gasped for air. The trenchcoat was still strangling her. Blake gritted her teeth, before replacing herself with a clone.

She loudly gasped, her lungs finally breathing in air. She was stared down from the trenchcoat, as she prepared Gambol Shroud.

"Cease your unnecessary actions, Blake Belladonna. You will be a fine addition to the H-units. And you will be... upgraded." The trenchcoat's eyes glinted with murderous red, as Blake prepared herself.

"Let's see about that!" Blake replied, before dashing towards trenchcoat and slashing Gambol Shroud to him.


To her surprise, trenchcoat actually grabbed her blade before it could hit him. "You will be upgraded. Cease your unnecessary actions." She dodged a blow from an axe strike from the man.

She clashed with the machine, slashing downwards and parrying away the axe from his palm. She spun, slashing her opponent and using her clones as leverage and cut the machine.

The trenchcoat flew back, staggering as Blake ran past and screamed, stabbing the katana down through the skull. She pulled back the blade, sighing at her handiwork.

"I need to tell everyone about this. Who knows if the train is going to be ambushed by robots..." She muttered, before recollapsing Gambol Shroud. She picked up her scroll to call her teammates.

"Yang? It's me, Blake. Get Mr Grey too, you gotta see this-" Suddenly her scroll was slapped from her cheeks, as a steel plated foot had cracked the Scroll in pieces. She grabbed Gambol Shroud, before she felt pain.

A red liquid dripped on her stomach. She was kicked across the carriage, crashing through crates as her aura cracked from the blow. It couldn't have. Her aura was still in the green...!

She groaned as she lifted herself up. Then she realised. From her wound. Aura-piercing weapons. He was using Aura-piercing weapons against her. She closed the bleeding wound with her hands.

Then she saw the barrel of a pistol pointed to her face. She widened her eyes as the bullet came into her face.



"Something's wrong with Blake. Guys! Get Mr Grey, I'll find Blake! She's in danger!" Yang shouted, before running across the carriage in search of finding Blake. Ruby and Weiss ran to the other carriage.

"Mr Grey! Blake needs help, we think she's in danger!" Matthew Grey slowly turned and faced Ruby. Ruby and Weiss felt chills when they saw the two empty grey eyes. The veteran huntsman did what was unexpected to both Ruby and Weiss.

He smiled.

"Do not worry, children. Miss Belladonna is merely... having a difficult argument to what most... find uncomfortable. We, call it the Recuiting Process." Grey smiled and caused Ruby and Weiss to question what he was thinking.

"Our teammate is in trouble! What are talking about- AAHH!" Weiss felt pain behind her back as she was knocked unconscious. Ruby widened her eyes and noticed the dark smile from Grey as she tried to struggle.

But it was too late.

"It is simply too good of an opportunity to be upgraded from these mortal bodies. Don't you think so, Miss Rose? Be happy! As you will be... upgraded." A red glint appeared on Grey as he grinned ear to ear.

Ruby saw darkness.


"Haugh.. Haugh..." She panted, as a wound bled on her face from the aftermath of the battle. In front of her, was a destroyed machine disguised in human skin. She was exhuasted after the battle. She was bleeding, badly.

She needed medical attention.

A couple of knocks rang from the cargo door. "Blake? Blake! It's me, Yang! Are you alright? Do you need any help?" Yang's voice called from the door.

Blake sighed in relief. She couldn't believe there were machines disguised as humans to kill people.

"I'm fine, Yang! Listen, we're all in danger! We're probably going to get ambushed by killer robots, so did you get-" Blake opened the locked door to see two mechanized robots already pointing their weapons point-blank at her face.

"Okay! We're helping you!" Yang's voice came from the robot as she noticed she was tricked. She tried to dodge, but it was-


Blake fell backwards. Her ears were ringing, and that's all that she could hear. Why was she falling? She felt the ground. It was cold and solid. And she could feel the emptiness of her temples.


Then she realised.

She was shot to the head.


Blake Belladonna was dead. A bloody wound on her forehead, the assassin units moved and picked up the body, as the deceased huntsman was no use but bio-fuel.

The assassin unit 1 noticed there was a laser on the assassin unit 2's head. Then they realised, and they were shot by a sniper immediately.


They fell down, lifeless as the smoking holes from the sniper shots coming from the crates. A figure, covered in bandages walked up to the deceased faunus and scooped her up, holding the body in a fireman's carry.

The man held Blake, before walking and opening the cargo gates. Robotic voices beside the man interveened.

"Surrender, or you will be-" CLANG!

A batarang was stuck on the robot's forehead. The assassin units beside him ducked for cover.


The batarang detonated, exploding the assassin unit into pieces of scrap metal. The assassin units were blown back from the explosion, flying as they were blasted out of the train.

"What a bunch of knock-offs... they didn't even react faster from what I could throw." The man muttered, disappointed but at the same time relieved that the bots were just cheap knock-offs of the B1 Battle Droids.

A scuffle of multiple footsteps were heard from afar. The man cursed, before leaning his head outside from the train.

The train was almost close to the riverbank. He just had to buy time until they reached the rivers.

By then, he had to deal with the bots.

"Hn. I won't be carrying this 'deadweight' around for now..." He dropped the body, preparing his dual pistols on his side holsters.

"Here they come..." He muttered, and a hailstorm of bullets rained upon them. He ducked and took the crates as cover, shooting and nailing the heads one by one.

A shot was fired on the head of a droid, but retracked its head and continued firing.

'Augh. Those guys have thicker armor. How wonderful.' He sarcastically quipped, before flicking a grenade pin and chucking it over to the bots. He slightly ducked more when the grenade was lit.

He continued to rain fire with the dual pistols. He winced when the droids decided to bring the big guns, by that he meant they brought a FUCKING MINIGUN.

"Shiiiiiet-" He ducked under the hailstorm of bullets. He had no idea how strong the crates were, but he wasn't denying the fact it was saving him. He attempted to shoot back but he retracted his arm before it could be ripped to shreds.

He holstered back the dual pistols, before taking Gambol Shroud and leaping towards the bulletfire. Expectedly, he was ripped into shreds from the minigun. The droids neared the body, before the 'body' ignited.

"Kaboom, motherfuckers."

The droids were blown back, enough time for the real him to shoot directly at the minigun gunners and kicking off the droids out of the train.

A droid pointed a gun at his head and in response he ripped the gun from the droid and kicked him into the rocks. He fired the weapon, nailing a struggling droid's head behind.

He cracked his neck, before ripping the minigun out of the stand and prepared to send a hailstorm. A droid crackled beside him, and he absentmindly pulled the pistol and reloaded the clip.

"That... does not... belong to you... nor does the ammo..." The droid barely replied. He grinned before unloading lead on the unfortunate droid.

"I'd be more than happy to send the robotic empire's bullets back." He smirked, before noticing the overjoyous amount of target pratice placed in front of him. How fun, he thought.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" The joy and pleasure of ripping through ranks of troopers using the minigun was a fun sport, especially when you were a psychopathic murderer craving for blood.


"Hn." He grunted in disappointment, before chucking the whole minigun towards the droids as a distraction. He picked up Blake, and leapt through the air. He hoped the landing wasn't TOO painful...


Ruby soon woke up in a prison cell, beaten and confused. It was a dark room, no light nor any kind of beds placed around the room. It was empty. Where... was her teammates...?

"Yang...? Weiss...? Blake...?" She called, but no response came. She flinched when the door was slammed open, revealing a robotic guard. Something told her they weren't friendly, and she must've believed they were evil cousins of Penny.

"Prisoner 67, you will exit the prison and meet your designation." The robot guard ordered. Ruby frowned.

"Who are you? Where's my teammates? I'm a huntsman and I drink milk-" Ruby was suddenly smacked into the face by the robotic guard. She fell down, coughing on her own saliva. Blood dripped from her lips.

She widened her eyes in horror.

"It seems your lack of obedience is concerning towards my superiors. You will be disciplined." The robot guard gripped Ruby's head and began pounding on the wall until her aura was shattered.

Ruby Rose is nothing but a slave.

And she will be broken into submission.


She saw her friends die because of her. She watched as Adam walk towards her with the same haunting smile. No. This couldn't be happening. THIS WASN'T REAL!

"It doesn't matter if it's real or fake, my love. Your friendship to the humans were fake. They just accepted you... because of pity. I wonder what their reactions are if they knew what you truly were..." Adam darkly chuckled. This wasn't real. She refused to be real-

Ruby's head tumbling down on her feet. Her cheery, yet optimistic eyes were now empty and lifeless. She tried not to cry. She teared up, wanting nothing but to wake from this nightmare of suffering.

"You're a traitor. You believed that faunuskind needed justice. You joined the Fang and you turned your backs and became a lapdog to the humans!" Ilia. Ilia, no. D-don't say those words at me...!

"And look what happened to my parents. Because of them. The humans. You're a disgrace on our kind." Ilia. Ilia was stabbed behind, by a human and Blake cried. Cried that this was just a nightmare.

"Coward. You ran away. Away from faunuskind, and now your human friends." Blake was now in the docks, where she left her teammates. But they came back. T-they came back for her....!

"You will continue running, Blake. You will soon leave them. Because of your kind nature, you will leave them because you want to protect them. But you never escape, and WE WILL MAKE THE HUMANS SUFFER ALONG WITH YOU!!!" Everything was in flames. The fire burned her skin, her insides, and she felt pain. Fire. Flames-



"AUGH!" Blake yelped in surprise, as she was startled as she was soaking wet.

A man, who in bandages, and she didn't even met him before, was innocently holding an empty water bucket.

"I was wondering when you stopped screaming. Granted, this would've gotten smoothly until YOU interveened. You just had to be curious, and look what that got you." The man sat down, handling the campfire as Blake stared in dumbfoundedness of what the hell was going on.

She sighed, before letting gravity rest her agonising exhausted mind on the ground. She panted, recollecting her thoughts and tried to remember what happened.

"Stay calm. You just got shot. Don't anything stupid and get yourself killed aga- Nevermind. Just rest." The man in bandages advised. No. Noo. She didn't want to sleep. She didn't want to face the nightmares again...!

"No... NO! Where are my friends?! WHERE AM I?! AND WHAT THE FUCK IS-" A hand squeezed her mouth shut. The man's brown, angry cold eyes froze and sent a shiver down her spine.

"Listen, you useless feline fuck. We're out here hunted by two things, and we just recently got off the hook by the other thing. NOW we're worried about one thing. And that is the fucking Grimm. So shut up unless you want to get yourself killed." He angrily spat, before shoving his hands away from her mouth. Blake coughed.

She remembered. She was in the Forever Fall, a forest infested with Grimm, and she almost got herself killed by alerting all of the Grimm...

She was lucky they didn't kill her when she was having a nightmare. Steadily, she calmed herself down. The man almost waited for Blake, crossing his arms.

"Who are you? Where am I, and what happened to my friends?" She calmly demanded. The man grunted. Blake slightly narrowed her eyes. All of this felt... familiar. As if she was-

"My name, is Hush. You're in Forever Fall, somewhere away from the things that probably killed your friends." Blake paled. No. Noo. She refused to believe they died. If she was still breathing, she could save them.

She noticed and felt the medical fabric tied around her forehead. She placed her hands on the bandage, before a spliting headache struck her mind.

"Ugh...!" She groaned, suffering from the headache. Hush snorted.

"Did I mention you were shot in point-blank range and somehow you managed to survive said shot? You can call it a miracle, but it'll be a curse along the way." He muttered darkly. Blake clutched her head and groaned.

"Why did you save me?" She asked, before getting defensive. She widened her eyes, when she noticed that Gambol Shroud was out of her hands.

Hush grunted and began explaining. "Well, a person of your skills would be useful. You're not bad, so why should I let someone like you be left to die when you could help me...?" He suggestively asked. Blake narrowed her eyes.

"What makes you think you'll help me?" Blake countered.

"I don't. You WILL help me. Because you have no choice." Hush stated calmly. Blake was silent, but inside she was scared. Afraid, that her teammates could die.

"Hmm, let's see... " Hush leaned back confidently and put his arms on the back of his head. Blake narrowed her eyes.

"Your friends are captured by an unknown group of rogue robots who will typically conquer the world for no reason, and I'm here because I don't want to live in a world controlled by walking talking toaster. " He joked. Blake gave a glare at him.

"You, the person I just saved, would probably save your friends alone, because friendship and whatever. But, trust me when I say this: ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?" He leaned close to Blake's personal space, startling the faunus as he was intimidatingly scary, breaking the glare.

"Look at you." He waved his hand at Blake. She flinched.

"You just got your ass carried by me. If I wasn't here, you would be having a dirtnap on the cold concrete floor before getting chucked into fire. And if had braincells to even think, YOU. NEED. MY. HELP." He pointed himself authoritatingly. Blake gulped, as she didn't know whether to trust this guy or not.

"Mutual agreement or whatnot, we both have similar goals. I'm not going to wait for you to decide helping me is the better option, and trust me, IT'S THE ONLY ONE." He stated. He was right. Blake had no better options, and she couldn't think to battle this alone.

She wasn't a one man army.

She was just Blake Belladonna, the former White Fang member.

She steeled herself. She glared at Hush. "Let's say we work together. What are you going to do now?" She questioned. Hush snorted as if it was the obvious thing in the world.

"We follow those toasters. Make a plan along the way, save your friends in the meantime, and blow everything up." Hush stated. Blake was baffled at the ridiculous and yet short and basic planning. Blake gave him the 'look'.

"Okay, for simplicity's sake, we're working together. I put a tracker on the train if it stops ruffling your feathers. We wake up at sunrise. It's better to sleep rather than facing the dangerous ones at night..." Hush stated. Blake didn't know. What did he meant by dangerous ones at night?

"I'm not sleeping." She stated.

"Then suit yourself, pussy." She grit her teeth at the obvious racist nickname. She had hoped Hush wasn't going to decide it was her nickname... She rather deal with Yang.

An audible growl escaped from her stomach. She blushed. She missed dinner.

"That was coming from you, right?" A vein dared to burst on her temples. That fucking... She calmed herself down, not letting Hush go under her skin again.

"Yes, it was me." She shamefully admitted.


"OW! What was that for?!" Blake shouted in outrage, holding her head at the object thrown. She recieved no answer. She looked down to notice the object thrown was a tuna can.

'Asshole. Dickhead. I wonder if it's too late to work alone...' She thought while a vein popped on her forehead. While rubbing the wound on her head, she peeled off the lid from the can, revealing the tasty goodness of tuna.

Using the lid as a makeshift utensil, she ate the tuna can with grudging delight. This Hush character was a mystery. She didn't know anything, and she couldn't trust him...

After finishing her dinner, she watched the spectacle of the night in Forever Fall.

"Ruby... Weiss... Yang... I'm coming for you all. I'll promise I will save you guys." She vowed to save her friends from whatever happened to them.


I glanced at Blake, who was asleep when she decided to take watch on the night. She snored peacefully, my sleeping perk doing it's effect. While I had to be awake forcibly to prevent both of us from dying.

I stared at myself at what I've become.

Well, this reminds me of a famous quote. "You either die as a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain..." I muttered. How ironic. I became the very thing I wanted to destroy for a better cause.

Well, good thing I didn't change.