"Shit shit shit it's closing in on us where are we going Peggy" Dr Jones says while gasping for air
"We are going to sector 2 where we are going to let out subject 82196 codenamed the Beast" Nurse Peggy Johnson says with conviction
"Are you fucking nuts that thing is way more dangerous than #13 we can't-"
"Shut up he is our only chance and we're here now so be quiet because if we're lucky he'll kill #13 first before he even notices us and hopefully he doesn't want to kill any of us because if you hadn't noticed there were 12 people in the office when #13 escaped and now there is 4 just you, me, Jack the janitor , and Carol from accounting and unfortunately none of us have any weapons so zip it doctor Jones"
As the group gets to the door Peggy pulls out a keycard and swipes it just as #13 rounds the corner showing all nine feet of it's cybernetically enhanced zombified flesh and right as it see the group it roars with a "screeeeee" and starts running towards the group and right as they get the door closed it drags Jack through the door and starts to rip him apart while eating his organs bit by bit
After watching Jack get eaten Peggy looks at the others and says " this is it our one chance " and looks out the observation window of the lab to see "The Beast" sitting on his cot with his oddly slim looking 6 foot 7 inch 320 pound frame nearly crushing the poor thing with rapid fire Gauss guns watching his every movement in case he tries to escape
After a minute "the beast looks up at everyone else and says " so what next you assholes you wanna pump more drugs into me ,give me some ridiculous challenge,or do you just want to watch me sit here"
Peggy says nervously " None of those I just need you to please help me because Experiment#13 is about to break down the door and kill us"
"I told you not to make that unholy monstrosity but of course no one listens to me and besides why should I help you what's in it for me"
At that Dr Jones says into the mic " help us out and I'll get you anything you want within reason"
"Fine but I want real food not this nasty protein paste, a decent bed, and a tv with cable and to top it off I'd love it if Nurse Peggy handled my medical stuff as my personal Nurse"
"Well that's all pretty easy to get for you to be honest and as long as you don't try to escape and kill #13 I'll get Peggy assigned tommorow along with all of your other stuff"
" Well then doc we've got a deal but know this if you fuck me over I will break out of hear and paralyze you from the neck down now turn off the guns and let me out"
After the Beast finished talking the Gauss guns turn off and the door opens revealing #13 standing there with the remains of poor Jack on the floor behind it and without a sound both of the experiments jump towards each other with the Beast meeting #13's clawed armor plated arm with his bare hands which sends the cyborg sliding back into the hallway and giving the Beast the chance to pick up a flathead screwdriver off of Jack's tool belt and jump at#13
Right after he jumped he jabbed the screwdriver into an oil hose in #13's arm causing it to go dead and spray oil everywhere and right after the arm goes dead the screwdriver then was reversed and rammed straight down into 13's left knee after which the screwdriver was rammed into 13's right temple and scrambled about a big destroying it's brain killing it instantly with a shower of sparks and a loud clank
"ok doc it's safe to come out now and remember don't forget our deal or you'll regret it"
"got it be-"
"My name isn't Beast or 82196 the only thing I remember about my previous life is that my name is Mark now clean up that unholy abomination and let me go back to sleep"
"I understand Mark"