The next morning I wake up to hear nurse Peggy asking if I want to take a tour of the public sections of the facility.
"Yes ma'am please lead the way"
"Oh please call me Peggy and thank you for being so polite to me most people wouldn't be in your position"
"To be honest Peggy I see no reason to blame you for all these experiments those butchers have done to me because you have always been nice where as everyone else treats me like I'm just a number so I sincerely thank you for your kindness" after that I take a deep bow as if I was bowing down to royalty just like I remember someone important teaching me "this is the only way I can thank you Peggy"
"Thank you Mark that was beautiful and it almost suggests that you are far older than you look which bears checking later on"
"Sounds good to me as long as the examination isn't too invasive "
"Of course not besides your skin is pretty difficult to puncture anyways so no worries"
"Okay then let's get going on the tour then"
"Of course let's get going then"
After we get moving Peggy shows me a couple of the different experiments like a new combat robot designed for the military, nanotechnology experiments for prosthetics, and a block of ice from the Arctic circle that has unusual life signs coming out of it , and a new exosuit for hazardous work like firefighting. After seeing that stuff we head back to my cell where a plate with a nice steak and potatoes is waiting for me
"This wass some fancy stuff Peggy thanks for showing me around it was nice to get out for once"
"It was a pleasure Mark enjoy your meal"
"That's the plan pretty lady have a nice day"
After saying goodbye to Peggy I eat my steak and potatoes and flip on my TV and watch some cartoons for awhile and take a nap afterwards