A week after my tour of the facility I am told by Dr Jones that a general from the Marine corps for an inspection and to see some of our new tech to see if there is anything the military would want so I say " What the hell does that have to do with me ya damn pecker wood"
"What it means is that you are going to be polite and on your best behavior and for God's sake get a shave and a haircut you look like a damn hobo"
"And what if I don't ya jackass what could you possibly do to me" I say while standing up and crossing my arms
"I could take away all of your amenities if you wanna play that way" Dr Jones says with an evil grin
"Yeah that's not that good of a threat not after my visit to the Hanoi Hilton in the 60s"
"Fine have it your way GUARDS!!" as he says that 7 guards in exo-suits run in and surround me while armed with catch-poles and Tasers so as to restrain me
20 minutes later at the facility entrance Major-General Clayton Abernathy walks up to the facility entrance and sees Director Phil Alpin waiting at the front door of the facility with a creepy smile on his face
"Hey there General how's it going ya have a nice trip"
"Boy we in the ass end of nowhere the trip is always god awful so what ya got for me"
"well general we have some new stuff for you to check out if you're interested"
"Boy I wouldn't come out here if I wasn't interested"
As the General and the Director enter the building The General ask " what's that" as he pointed at an exam room
"oh yeah that's a dinosaur fighting a Sasquatch we weren't sure about who would win in a fight"
"not sure if I see the point of that but what about that one" the General asks as they get to another exam room
"oh that's the x95 photon projector one of the items I wanted to show you it fires bolts of energy at ranges of up to one mile but it requires a large power supply so it will only work on a tank" as he says that there's a loud bang and the sound of glass shattering from two rooms down
"what the hell is that director" the General asks as he draws his Glock 17 from it's holster and aims in the direction of the noise
"oh damn I think it's 082196 a super soldier we created he's very powerful but he's got an attitude problem unfortunately sir"
"well let's go look then I wanna see what's happening"
upon hearing that the director jumps up and says" No way are you insane"
"kinda I've spent most of my life in the Marines insanity comes with the territory"
After saying that the general walks carefully up to the broken window and sees 6 men in exo-suits trying to overpower a big man using catch-poles and Tasers with a 7th man unconscious on the floor after being thrown through the window after looking at the test subject General Abernathy says " Holy shit Mark is that you"
"Yeah is that you peanut"
"God damnit my name is Clayton you son of a bitch"
" you looking old Clayton"
"well no shit it's been almost 47 years since you disappeared into that temple"
"damn so that makes me 70 now "
"you know what you ain't getting experimented on no more buddy . hey doc get him a job as security and I'll deal with the paperwork for more funding okay"
"but he doesn't listen to me General Abernathy"
"honestly I'm surprised he hasn't killed you already now get him outta there"
"yes sir I can assign him to the fast reaction team"
After we finish talking I follow an intern to my new room and go to sleep early so I can get ready for tomorrow when I meet my team