The next day I am given my uniform which appears to be made of some kind of reinforced Kevlar material along with a vest made of some kind of nano-ceramic plates along with a load bearing vest for ammo and equipment which I put on after which the armourer who introduced himself as Jack says "okay now you can pick yourself a sidearm out of this list "
"Do you have my 1911a1 that security confiscated when you guys found me along with any of my other gear"
"Oh yeah I think so one second" he says as he looks around and pulls out a sealed crate and places it on the table " There you go everything is in there which includes 1 nickel-plated Colt 1911a1 with three magazines, 1 M37 Ithaca 12guage shotgun with shell holder, 1 carbon steel Bowie knife with knuckle duster grip, and one gurka kurkri all freshly oiled and sharpened as befitting such beautiful weapons so is anything missing sir"
"Not that I can see so thank you for taking care of my gear for me if there's anything I can ever help with just ask okay Jack"
"I'll keep that in mind Mark now you need to go to lab 7 because they are apparently defrosting a caveman they found in a block of ice and want security there in case something happens"
"Alright on my way" after leaving the armory I run to Lab 7 and see the Scientists using an argon laser to very carefully cut up the ice being careful not to hurt the cave woman incased in the ice
After about 20 minutes the ice cracks and a fist just smacks one of the Scientists in the head knocking him out and after that the ice just explodes revealing the cave woman who is appearance is shocking to say the least because she's at least 6 foot tall with a deep tan red hair and green eyes along with teeth that appear to be much sharper than normal humans and is wearing an animal skin that I can't identify while holding a club made of some kind of bone which she is swinging around to keep people away from her
Right as the cave woman starts swinging the club around the four security team members in the room rush her with stun batons and catch poles to try to restrain her but right as they move towards her she whacks the closest security team member in the stomach with the club and then she picks him up and throws him at the other three knocking them over and runs for the door but I tackle her at the waist trying to knock her down but she counters me by elbowing me in the back so I back off and throw a front kick at her chest making her stumble after which I throw a quick jab at her face which she catches in her left hand grabbing it with an iron hard grip and hitting me in the stomach which I counter by kneeing her in the ribs the pain of which makes her drop the club and let go of my hand so I rush her and put her in a choke hold and after a couple of seconds she passes out so the other security team members quickly take her and strap her to the exam table in the lab
After about 20 seconds she wakes up and starts struggling and growling while also trying to bite anything that got close to her
To try to calm her down I say " Everyone back off you're scaring her" which they comply with after which I look at the cave woman and calmly say while pointing at my face " Mark me Mark" and then point at her and say " you" questioningly while smiling
She answers haltingly " Me Ook Ook you strong me like you" she says while looking at me and smiling at me and then says while looking at the others " Them me no like they try hurt Ook Ook"
"Don't worry Ook Ook I'll keep them from hurting you and that's a promise" she smiles and nods so I turn and walk to the others and say " There will be no experiments performed on her without me present am I understood" I say commandingly
"But wait you can't..." the head scientist Professor Clarkson says as he puts a finger up to ask a question but before he can say anything I draw me .45 and press the barrel to his forehead which makes him say "Nevermind you're the boss"
"Really you sure you don't have any problems with my decision"
"No sir I don't" and after he says that I uncock my .45 and put it in my holster and walk out of the room to give the director my report and after that I walk to the cafeteria and grab food for me and Ook Ook which she just rips to shreds really enjoying the cheesy meatloaf and potatoes for lunch while sitting shoulder to shoulder with me and smiling ear to ear and after that I put her to bed and sleep in a chair in the room to make her feel better while she sleeps in the lab