I wake up in the morning somehow on the floor with Ook Ook curled around me with a blanket wrapped around me and her smiling without a care in the world while still sleeping and I really hate to wake her up but I have to work so I slowly slide away and quietly leave the room
After leaving Ook Ook's room a scientist with a name tag that says Garrett walks up to me and says " Hello sir I am Dr Garrett and I am the anthropologist in charge of Ook Ook's care and the research into her physiology"
"Oh hi Doc how can I help you today"
"Well to put it simply I first would like to ask you how did she sleep because I first want to figure out her patterns of behavior such as sleeping and things of that sort because her health is my main concern especially because of her uniqueness Sir"
"Well that's good to hear Doc especially because if you were to try anything unethical as far as painful experiments I'd probably just kill ya and feed you to one of the many dangerous creatures we have here but that shouldn't be a problem right Doc"
"Of course not Sir I'm not stupid enough to piss you off but before I forget I also came over here because the director needs you in his office as soon as possible"
"Alright tell him I'm on my way" after saying that I make my to the director's office where I see him playing golf in his office with a nine iron
"Hello there Mark how are you settling into your new job here" the director says with a very fake smile
"How about you cut to the chase because I would rather do anything else other than talk to the guy who okay'd experiments that were performed on me against my will ya asshole"
The fake smile dropping from his face he says " straight to business then that works for me and I would rather do things that way anyway, so I called you up here because a creature escaped from an auxiliary facility and you are the only person who might be able to catch it before it kill any innocent people"
"Okay then if lives are actually at risk then fine but what am I chasing after, what gear should I get to catch it, and what's my payment for a successful capture/elimination of the target"
"Given the fact that this target has already killed 7 people and is for sure going to keep killing your payment if you retrieve it alive is 100,000 us Dollars or 50,000 if you have to kill it which is standard and the creature is a night slasher it's a mutant hybrid of several vicious creatures that we were studying because of it's unique ability to cloak while in shadows and as far as gear goes you'd want an electrified net launcher, a tranquilizer gun, as much gear that makes light as possible because bright light weakens it"
"Understood where's it heading towards so I can catch it"
"It's following it's instincts and heading towards the largest population center it can find which would be Fort Leonard which is a company town 40 miles from here and thankfully the security team there is prepared but I'd rather this be kept quiet if possible because this could look bad for me if the news gets released, so do we have a deal"
"Sure but I have a couple of conditions"
" Which are what"
"1 I get some kind of living space outside of this facility with all the modern amenities which you can just put in the woods nearby if you want, 2 Ook Ook the cave woman gets assigned to my care along with Nurse Peggy, 3 the scientists will follow my orders as far as creatures go on the threat of a beating or death, and 4 if needed I will take experimental equipment into the field if I feel it would help no matter how classified the gear any objections Director"
"Not particularly because we were just finishing up with your lodgings anyway because General Abernathy gave us your old dossier which made it easy because we just had to fix up a nice big lodge that has a bunker underneath and as far as the cave woman and Nurse take them it's not a big deal and I would expect you to use the gear and as long as you don't lose it go right ahead and give any feedback on the gear"
"Sounds like we have a deal Director"
"Sounds like we do "
After we finish talking we shake hands and I walk towards requisitions for my gear