As I make my way to requisitions I see Jack grabbing some crates marked [Experimental] which he places on the counter in front of him and says "Hey there Mark got some new gear that should help with your retrieval mission against that escaped Night Slasher"
"Alright Jack what cha got for me Jackie-boy"
"Well I have a Scar-H customized to fire darts filled with Carfentanil which is a tranquilizer meant for elephants and I attached a FN 40GL MK2 that uses custom shells that launch either an electrified net or a ketamine based gas shells and don't worry about causing an overdose on the creature because it processes toxins and tranquilizers very quickly but be careful yourself because if the tranquilizer touches your skin you can and probably will overdose"
"Sounds good how about transportation and protective gear"
"Well the retrieval team members going to be wearing MK4 exosuits for protection and OSHKOSH L-ATVs mounted with M240B gpmgs and spotlights along with a night ops equipped UH-60 black hawk that we strapped some powerful spotlights along with two M134 mini guns"
"Sounds good Jack I'll be on my way then because I need to catch this thing before it kills somebody else"
After leaving the requisitions office I run to the deployment locker room and see the retrieval squad strapping on their various gear and their exo-suits and one of the first things I notice about them is the large variety of unit tattoos they have including two army rangers, one navy seal, one GIGN commando,two French Foreign Legion troopers, and a Chinese Special Forces Operative who is the only woman of the group and as I walk in the GIGN commando shouts in a thick French accent "Commander on deck" to which all the others snap to attention just like the professional operators they are
"All right people I am Captain Mark Chang and it's my and through extension your job to catch a creature that escaped from the labs called a night slasher and it is preferable that we catch it alive"
the Navy Seal who's nametape reads Jackson asks " what kind of beast is it and does it have any weaknesses sir"
"Night slashers have large claws, strong teeth, and are invisible to the naked eye but they are sensitive to light and electricity which is why you all have tasers along with your retrieval gear any more questions lady and gentleman"
Everyone nod in the negative so the retrieval squad all hop in the L-ATVs while I take off my boots and put them in my pack before I take off at a run following the signal from the creatures tracking device using the wrist mounted PDA I was given and following the strange scent the creature puts off
"This way guys" I say as I run due North towards the creatures trail catching up to it after about 20 minutes where I see it straight in front of me feasting on a large buck and as I observe it I take note that it is more than eight feet long with coal black fur, obsidian like claws, and eyes as red as the fires of hell itself with the basic shape of a wolf but it's head has an armor plated appearance like a dinosaur and six inch incisors
Figuring that I don't have much time before it starts moving again so I have everyone take up positions and then I fire two darts right into the soft part of it's neck which makes it whirl towards me and start to rush me but right before it gets to me everyone turns n their lights which makes it almost look like it's burning and surprisingly start to shrink and while it keeps stumbling towards me I fire a net shell from my rifle electrocuting it and almost immediately I fire as ketamine shell and the squad pins it down until it stops struggling and then we carefully place it into a reinforced cage and put it into the chopper where they take it back to the lab
"Well alright boys now that's exactly how a mission like that should go now how wants to go get hammered I'm buying" and as soon as I finish talking every single person's hand shoots up so we all head back to HQ to stow our gear and go to the nearest bar where I drink everyone but our chinese member under the table