It's dark in this jungle hellhole in the middle of nowhere in northern vietnam and my buddy Jerry died of infection last night and the flies are everywhere swarming his bloating corpse and that's when the guard pounds his fist on the door and says"Hey GI Joe get against da wall we gonna feed yo friend to da pigs hahahaha" and after saying that and getting against the back wall four vietcong troopers and one NVA officer walk in and while the troopers drag away Jerry the officer looks at me and says
"So it looks like there are only two of you americans left alive so if you want you and your friend to live all you have to do is give me some useable information so what do you say" he says as he looks at me as if he's one some kind of contest
Acting very defeated I say while fake sobbing " Alright Alright I'll tell you what you want to know but can we talk somewhere a little cleaner and could I possibly get a cigarette"
"Of course my new american friend right this way" he says as he hands me a cigarette and lights it for me
and leads me out of my cell and right as I get out of the door way I wrap my left arm around his neck and draw his pistol which is a tokerev tt33 and place it to his temple
"Alright you son of a bitch now you are going to lead me towards my friends cell and if you cooperate I just might let you live" and after saying that the officer leads me towards Clayton's cell but right before we get the door open a guard sees us so I put a bullet right between his eyes and then I open the door to the cell
"ugggh what chu sons of bitches want from me now I ain't gonna tell y'all nothin"
"Well Peanut I was kinda thinking we'd escape from this shithole but I can come back later if you're busy" I say with a grin on my face and help him to his feet
"So what's the plan you damned walking tank" Clayton says while picking up the guard's AKM and puts on his gear belt
"Well I was thinking we'd first kill this fucker here and maybe try to escape with as many people as we can find on the way out the door"
"But wait you said you would let me live if I led you to your friend" the officer says as he jumps to his feet
"Well to be honest I was gonna kill you anyway so yeah bye bye " I say as I snap his neck like a dry twig right as he started to run away from us
"Alright Tank what's the next step in your plan" Clayton asks me
"Simple next we have to get the other prisoners out then we tool up and we fucking murder anything that gets in our way so here you take the keys while I go get us some more weapons" and after handing over the keys I start moving towards where the guards always seem to come from and I spot two guards armed with an AKM and an RPD LMG moving towards me so I holster my pistol hide in a nearby shadow and right as they walk past me I sneak up to them and smash their heads together with a loud crunch sound after which I relieve them of their gear and drop it off for the others
After going further down the hall I spot a solitary guard standing in front of a doorway and place an AK bayonet to his neck and say "Nod if you understand me " he nods so I ask "nod yes if this is the door to the armory" he nods "good now give me the keys and I will let you live" he hands me the keys so I tie him up and leave him breathing and open up the armory door and whistle for the others and start handing out weapons and gear taking an RPK with plenty of ammo for myself and then we start heading for the exit
"Hey Tank I managed to get the word out we got help coming we just got to get to the river and then we will get rescued"
"Hell yes boys let's get the lead out" I say as all sixteen of us get moving out of the POW camp
As we get closer to the river the trooper next to me gets hit by a round from a sniper in the back so I grab the kid and yell " Sniper keep moving" and fire a burst towards where I heard the shot come from
As we get past the next layer of trees we see the river and the rescue party waiting for us so we bum rush it and load the wounded first and right as we're about to go Clayton takes a round to the shoulder and falls out so I jump out of the chopper and shoot the two closest VC troopers next to me with my RPK and toss Clayton up to the chopper and tell them to leave while I run into a temple wrapped in vines nearby and as I step near the alter inside I see a blue-black portal open in front of me but before I can do anything a chicom grenade lands in front of me and the explosion throws me into the portal and afterwards I wake up in the lab surrounded by people wearing plastic suits and pass out from my wounds and a dart in my next which basically brings us to now"