After describing the nightmare that was my time in the POW camp to the company psychologist he thanks me for my time and I leave the room to go check out how Ook Ook is doing with learning english and I see she is doing well for a beginner and she seems to be happy in the facility especially when me or Peggy are there to watch or help out with anything she has difficulty with
As I walk into the room Ook Ook looks over and sees me and leaps a full 20 feet to me shouting "Strongarm" which is the name she gave me because I was the only person able to hold her back when she first woke up after being defrosted
"hahaha how's it going Ook Ook are you behaving for the nice Doctor"
"Yes Strongarm Ook Ook is being nice to doctor"
"That's good honey now go on and finish your lessons and I will bring back some snacks for you when your lesson ends okay"
"Yes Ook Ook finish lessons then snacks with Strongarm yay!!"
After giving Ook Ook a hug and leaving the room I go check the other experiments and see nothing out of the ordinary so I head to the security hub to check out the cameras which requires a fingerprint scan and retinal identification to enter the hub and once I get inside I see Tim the guy who watches the cameras on this shift and ask " Anything strange going on Tim"
"Oh yeah hey boss there might be something going on because the cameras in sector 1 are coming up as static and Oh shit sections 2 and 3 just fizzled out as well what should I do sir"
"Well son it looks like we've been infiltrated hit the intrusion alarm and deploy the SRT team while I go ahead and try to head them off before they get to anything dangerous" I say as I load my M37 with slugs and make sure my 45 is loaded before leaving the hub and telling the first two security officers to make sure no one gets near the hub before I head for sector 4 because they seem to be headed in that direction
While going past Ook Ook's classroom I see the doctor who was teaching her english slumped against the door with a bloody lump on his head so I check him for a pulse and finding that he's still alive I call for a medic on my position and check the room and almost immediately see that someone had a nasty little dust up because there was a dead man on the floor with a pencil in his neck while there's all sorts of furniture tossed around the room and a couple of 9mm shell casings on the floor and along with all of this Ook Ook is missing
After leaving Ook Ook's classroom I sprint down towards what sounds like some kind of struggle and see 7 people with high-tech equipment dragging Ook Ook towards an exit and right as I ready myself to tear into them I hear a click behind me and as I turn I see a man of Northern european decent looking at me with a suppressed USP chambered in 9mm aimed at my face who says to me in accented english "Freeze and drop guns american"
"Or what asshole ya gonna shoot me" I say as reach for my 45 but right as I get it out of it's holster he double taps me right in my four head making me stumble backwards but right as he starts to walk past me I grab him by the back of his head and smash his head against the wall until brain matter is spread against the wall which startles the remaining 7 men into letting go of Ook Ook who smashes one of them in the head which distracts them momentarily
Right as they all look at Ook Ook and the guy she clobbered I stab the first one in the neck with my bowie knife and then while they start to turn towards me I kick the second one in the chest knocking him back at least 10 feet then Ook Ook stabs the third one with my bowie knife that she retrieved from the first corpse and the remaining 4 raise their rifles which look like some kind of m4 varient but right as they fire I leap into #4 and use him as a shield while using his USP to headshot #s 5 and 6 and toss it at #7's face breaking his nose and while he's distracted I grab him by the neck and snap his spine like a dry twig leaving just #4 looking terrified up at me and figuring he has some good info I call security to come secure the survivor who I've just tied up with some 550 cord and take Ook Ook home while going to the infirmary to get these bullets out of my damn forehead