Night Two

The day went by fast and no one could bring me down from my happy high. Not even the shriking baby from this morning, god my ears still hurt from that. Tacos was for dinner tonight, beef for Alex and me and turkey for mom and dad. With dad trying to get me to put more tomato on my taco and me complaining about moms gross avacado. I was getting ready for bed when I remembered last night's dream. I stopped brushing my teeth to look down the hall at my bedroom. Ugh there went my mood, well I probably won't have the same dream again. That almost never happens to me. I finished brushing my teeth and climbed into bed.

.....I opened my eyes, blinking slowly. Then I sat up quickly eyes wide. I'm still here! At the same corner I was about to be killed at. I don't feel the eyes on me and killing intent as before, but the ominous feeling is still there. I looked around wearily, I should find a exit before I'm eaten, I think to myself still not comfortable talking out loud. I pick myself up off the floor wiping my face and hands on my sleeve and pants. Eeewww what IS that?

It looks and feels like oil but is dryer. Ugh I'm going to try not to think about it, get out of here and take another shower. Around the corner I about died at, continued another hallway of ice cold stone bricks and dim blue fire torches barely lighting the way. As quickly and quietly as possible make my way through the hallway.

I soon come to two rooms like the one I started in. I go and peek into the right one. There is a resident, not alive, but there. He looks like he's been half eaten and half roting at the same time. Yeah I'ma go check out the other room now... as I slide away from the entrance and go to the left room. I peek into the room scared of what I might find. I don't see anything, wait there's something white on the ground. I carefully go and pick it up. It's a small piece of paper, it looks like it says something on it. But before I can see what it says, I feel the eyes on me again. A sense of doom washes over me as I just realized I've boxed myself in the room with whatever creature I encountered before. Slowly I turned around to the entrance, but saw nothing, ok. Then I heard a creaking sound from above me.

I looked up and something caught the corner of my eye. There in the top corner of the room is a jet black humanoid creature with blood red eyes. I'm shaking again, it's looking at me like a snake waiting to strike, it's long thin limbs are positioned like a spider in the top corner of the room. I knew it was going to be faster then me, like a snake is faster then a mouse, so I tried to creep away slowly. It narrowed it's eyes and made its way down the wall like a spider all while watching me. I'd reached the entrance with no door by now and slowly went to grab the torch. I knew it probably wasn't going to work but I didn't have any other weapon around, might as well try to bash its head in or kill it with fire! This creature seemed happy playing with it's food before eating it or it would have already killed me, it will be the last thing it does, hopefully?

I grabbed the torch and pulled it made a sound like it was lose, as soon as the spider creature heard the sound it launched itself and me screeching. I desperately tried to get the torch lose but the spider creature was too fast, just as it was about to land on me.....

I fell out of bed all tangled in the sheets and bonked my head on the floor.

"ouch." I mumbled under the sheets.

I untangled myself from the blankets and sat on the floor for a bit, once again relieved to not be dead. I looked over at my Kat Klock that mom got me for my birthday. 2:30am "ugh.... I need to go back to sleep. I have work tomorrow." I said to myself. I got my blankets back up on the bed and got back under them, but I didn't lay down. I sat up in bed trying to figure out what just happened. "why didn't I run?" I asked myself. " I might've made it. how'd I know it was faster then me?" hmmmm. It was then that I felt something in my hand. I looked down. it looked white. I moved to turn on my lamp by the bed and when I turned to look at the paper in my hand I froze. "What!?" my shaking hand dropped the small piece of paper. It was the same one from my dream.