The Leviathan Cross

That's impossible! You can't bring something back from a dream! The dream isn't real! Although I wish that when I was dreaming I would realize I was dreaming. I'm never aware when I'm dreaming that I'm dreaming. I have heard that you can train yourself to be aware that your dreaming but I never looked it up to find out how to do it though. Ok my thought process is straying, I'm tired, I need to just to see what's on the paper and go back to bed. I'll figure out what it means tomorrow. I grabbed the crumpled up piece of paper and uncrumple it. It's small no bigger then my hand and has a symbol and some writing. The symbol is a infinity sign with a line through the center and two lines on that line. Huh, wonder what that means? The writing says 'make as meny friends as possible and you will survive' I look at the writing confused. Make friends!? With what!? The walls? 'Cause the monsters and creatures would rather kill me then talk to me. Well I'll figure it out tomorrow, well later today, I thought looking at my Kat Klock. I put the piece of paper on my night table and try to go back to sleep.

..I didn't dream again last night, but I woke up tired like I didn't get any sleep last night. Because I was so tired I wasn't able to do a good job at work, thankfully my employer was nice and over looked it because he saw I looked more tired then normal. I told him I saw a spider in my room and couldn't find it after I went and got something to smash it with, and couldn't sleep after that, which is partly true. I got home and sat down at my desk and turned on my computer. While it was booting up I changed out of my work clothes and put on some sweat pants and a t-shirt. I sat down at my computer again and opened up a search engine and tried to look up the symbol on the paper from my nightmare. Loading.....

Ok, satanic symbols? The Leviathan Cross? Have I been in hell in my nightmare?

Ok let's look up Leviathan Cross.


ok, the cross of Satan? "depicted in the bottom is an infinity sign, and above is a double cross." yeah that's what that is. " the double cross symbolizes protection and balance between persons. The infinity sign underlines the constant and infinite nature and most likely symbolizes the eternal universe." um ok, blah blah blah satanic Bible .... mockery of the cross, blah blah blah, symbol for sulfur, um ok I'm just going to assume that symbol means I'm in a bad place. "Ow!" I mumble as I rub the back of my neck. it's been hurting since I woke up for work and it's been bugging me all day, so I probably have a red spot on the back on my neck from rubing it all day. I probably slept weird on it last night. It feels like something is poking my neck bone, huh I'll have it looked at if it keeps bugging me. I look at the little paper again.

Make friends huh, I'll try my damnist. Hopefully I'll find someone else in that maze of stone hallways and rooms. I mean I don't hope someone else is in the same position as I'm in, but it would be nice to have a friend in there.

I wonder..... was that guy that was half eaten... was he trapped there too and I was just too late in getting to him? Did that spider thing get him first? As I ponder this mom calls me down for dinner. I put the little piece of paper back on my night desk and decide to think about it later and go downstairs to eat.