The Black Dog

After dinner, spaghetti and garlic bread yum! Me and mom have a couple drinks, me and my spiced rum, tequila, and Dr pepper mix and mom's mix of Gold tequila and Diet Dr pepper. A cup of red wine for her after that drink, cause its better for you, and then dad usually has to help her to bed. That's fine though, she works all week, she's allowed to have a bit of fun on the weekends. Today was Friday! That means no work for two days!!! Wahoo! That calls for a third drink!! Better make this drink light I'ma getting really dizzy. It's also going to be my last for tonight. As I'm mixing my drink I feel like I'm forgetting something. Didn't I want to do something after I spent some time with dad,mom, and Alex. Oh well I'll remember later probably tomorrow, hopefully it's not too important. I sit down on the couch after making my drink and I don't remember much after that I must have dozed off because I wake up suddenly still on the couch. Alex was watching a different movie then when I sat on the couch, thankfully it looks like I finished my drink before I fell asleep. " Well I think I'm going to go to sleep now Alex."

I said sleepily.

"Finally..." He sighed looking bored.

" Oh shut up, you could have went to bed or woke me up, I wouldn't have cared." I growled, as I got up and cleaned my drinking cup out. it's a kinda small light up cup that I got last year for a souvenir from EDC(2019). The cup has a little light on the bottom of it that lights up when you put liquid in it, uh but I think the batteries or the little light bulb is dead because it does not light up anymore and I don't think I can change the batteries without breaking the cup so I've just left it alone. I put my cup on the drying rack and go unsteadly up the stairs. Alex had turned of the TV and was already brushing his teeth when I got upstairs.

So while he was finishing that I went to my room to put my phone away and change my day to day cat calendar. I brushed my teeth and said goodnight to my brother and climbed clumsily into bed, completely forgetting about what was waiting for me in my dreams.

....I sit up blinking and look around confused for a minute. I sit there for a minute so the world can stop spinning, still a bit drunk. While I was still trying to get my bareings something black streaked across my vision. I tried to find what it was that crossed my vision. I was in stone hallway that looked familiar.... gasp! My eyes went wide as I realized where I was. Fear started to creep into my senses and I instantly became sober. I pushed the fear back and got up frantically looking for that black creature that crossed my vision hoping beyond hope that it wasn't that spider creature from before.

This was a long hallway with no sign of rooms or turns. Wait I'm in a different place? This isn't the same place I was before...

I turned around to look down the other hallway of stone and blue fire torches and looked into blood red eyes of a giant black wolf. The presents of it hit me like a ton of bricks and I started shaking in fear. It's eyes were devoid of emotion as it continued to just stare at me. I slowly moved back a step. It continued to just stare at me not moving an inch, like it was waiting for me to do something just so it could pounce on me. I looked behind the giant black wolf, it was almost to big to look around. Wait definitely a 'he' I thought.

Anyway.... behind him looked like a set of steps. He growled at me suddenly finally moving and took a step towards me showing me his pearly white huge fangs. His eyes now held malicious intent warning me not to do anything stupid. He's guarding the stairs? It must be a way out! Then I had a idea. Now back in the real world, in my spare time I like to play video games and watch people on the internet play video games. All sorts of games: problem solving, creature collecting, mineing. And in my experience if there is a creature in the way you either make friends with it by feeding it something you've found or you play ring around the rosey because I don't think I have anything around to actually kill it. Also I don't think I'm quite that brave.....

I start to back away slowly keeping my eyes on him. He's stopped growling at me and is just stareing at me again. For a while as I keep backing up he stays on four legs. Then sits after I'm a good ten feet away still watching me. I turn around and continue walking.

I'll be back with a piece of that half eaten guy from before, I might not be able to make friends with the wolf but hopefully it will distract him long enough for me to slip by him. I stopped and turned my head to look back at him. he was a tiny black dot now. That would be awesome if he decided be a friend though I thought remembering the note. He did look a little skinny I thought. I faced forward again and started walking intent on finding that room with a half eaten corpse.