
'sir she survived again'

' good...where is she?'

' she found the first set of stairs sir'

' wow already? she's only been there three times, right?'

' yes sir'

' hmmm she shows great promise, send Pep in'

' but sir!? a..are you sure we should in Apep!? she's only been in there three times! isn't it too early?'

' you're questioning my decision?'

' ah... no sir'

' good. if she can survive him, then she shows GREAT promise indeed'

.....I scrunched my eyes against the bright light of the morning sun, the light from outside my window waking me up. I didn't find any rooms, the hallway went on forever. Then I was in darkness and I heard two people talking. It sounded like they were talking about.... me? Why would they.... unless they know what's going on! I sat up in bed suddenly angry, I'm gonna rip their feet off and shove them in their mouths or butt, either would be good at this point. They sounded like doctors.

Speaking of, mom had booked me a monthly appointment to the doctor for 10am. I looked over at the Kat Klock, 8:30am. I should start getting ready then. huh... it's weird I get up this early in the morning by myself, I usually sleep in til 12 at least, oh well. I get out of bed and get ready for my appointment. As I'm going down the stairs I see mom about to go up them to wake me up.

" Oh you're already awake! that's new." she said surprised.

" I know right? Had another weird dream last night. But this time the sun woke me up." I said as we entered the kitchen.

"oh? Bad or good?" she asked worriedly.

" Bad, it's that same dungeon place I told you about last night while we were drinking." I said, getting out my chocolate puff cereal. "hey where's dad?" I asked looking around.

" Work," she sighed, disappointed. " They called him early this morning. I swear-"

" *gasp* mom! don't swear! that's not very lady-like!" I said just as she let out a huge burp.

"Yeah? well neither is that!" she laughed.

" Touche!" I said laughing as well.

" As I was saying before I was interrupted," she said glaring at me. I tried to look as innocent as possible while pouring the milk into my bowl. " I swear I'm going to get him to stay home for the weekend at some point." she said finishing her oatmeal.

" Good luck with that, he's more of a workaholic then you are ." I said as she rinsed her bowl out.

" Yeah... Oh! God look at the time! its 9:30, hurry and finish that and get your shoes on! Oh! and don't forget your phone your going to want something to do." she said as she hurried to put her shoes on and get her keys.

I finish drinking the milk and rinse the bowl out. I jerk at the pain in the back of my neck, almost dropping my bowl. Ow! I think the pain is getting worse, I'll have to tell my doctor about it. I put the now clean bowl safely on the drying rack, dry my hands and touch the back of my neck again. Nothing feels out of the ordinary but it hurts,huh.

"Sapphire! Hurry we are going to be late!" mom yelled by the front door.

" I'm coming!" I yelled back. I grabbed my phone and went to the front door to put my shoes on. In our house everyone's shoes are at the front door, we walk around the house in our socks so we can keep the carpet cleaner longer. I put my shoes on and we head out. Summer just started here, and the summers here in Vegas are hot! It was 101° yesterday, but today it's cooler, 99° perfect weather for swimming. We get to the doctor's office just in time. Mom starts filling out the paperwork just as I'm called.

"Well that was fast! Guess you don't need your phone after all. I'll see you when you get out, hopefully I'll be done with this when you get out." she said.

"Ok!" I say and follow the nurse to my room where she tells me to wait and that the doctor will be with me in a minute. I thank her and she leaves the room. I turn my back to the door and look at the pictures on the wall. 'Don't smoke, this is what it does to your body!'

yes I know I don't smoke. The big picture of the human body is usually what grabs my attention, it's the only poster that has information that I don't know and is pretty interesting. Huh... there seems to be something in the very bottom left corner of the poster. I start, that looks like- I blink and it's gone... I ..I must still be tired. I'm starting to see things. it looked like the Leviathan Cross for a second there. I heard the door close behind me and was about to turn around to say hi to my doctor....

... "So how was it?" mom asked as she finished filling out the forms and looked at me. I blinked at her not sure what was happening. " How was what?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes. " the doctor silly, what did he say about the pain in your neck? In fact what does he look like, is he sexy? I've never actually seen him, you always come out with a nurse. You seem out of it too but that because it's too early in to morning for you." she says with a smile on her face. " I think you get that from me, if you have some coffee in the morning it helps." she says. I widen my eyes, forgetting for the moment that I have no memory of the doctor checking me over, unable to resist making the obvious joke for me. I start hacking and coughing like I'm choking on a bad smell. Mom glares at me.

" Oh shut up, coffee is not that bad!" she says.

I continue to cough and hack more dramaticly making her glare at me some more and push me off my chair. I stop my act and laugh on the cold floor as she hands the papers in and goes to the entrance to leave. Still chuckling I follow. I've never liked coffee, the taste or the smell. if the smell is strong enough it can make me nauseous, so I stay away from it and drink tea instead. my preference? black tea with honey in it. Mom stopped on the way back home to get some gas and while I was in the car waiting for her I thought about the odd appointment. Why don't I remember what happened? I tried to go through my memory's and when I just about had it a knife of pain pierced through my skull. "OW!" I gasped and grabbed my head and waited for the pain to go away. As the pain eased I decided it was better to not think about it for the moment.

Well my life just keeps getting weirder and weirder.