Apep (2)

At home, since it's Saturday, I don't have to do anything. So I went and brought my violin case out to play. I haven't played my violin in awhile so I had to do some warm ups first. But soon it's sweet, beautiful, and sad music fill my room. I let the beautiful music calm me for about a hour before I decided to put the violin away.

I went over to my night table to pick up my phone and check to see if my boss had called. Sometimes he calls asking if I can fill in for someone on the weekends, he doesn't do it all the time but it's always a good idea to check. No new calls, great that means I can relax for the rest of the weekend.

I put my phone back on the night table and then shift my attention to the small piece of paper. I pick it up and study it for a bit. Did I really see that symbol at the doctors? Or did I just imagine it... also why can't I remember what happened at the doctors?

I seemed to only be asking myself questions these past few days with no reasonable answers. Well I think the only way I'm going to get any answers is by making friends in my nightmares, maybe they will know more then me. Then a idea popped into my head. I closed my hand over the small piece of paper. I brought this back from my dream I thought opening my hand again to reveal the paper again.

What if I can bring things into my dream? It sounds insane but it might just work. So I start to prepare for tonights nightmare. I start by grabbing a bag and fill it a flashlight, pepper spray( that I haven't had the chance to use yet), a notebook and pencil to see if I can map the place out. So I can find the Black Dog faster when I find the half eaten corpse. Ummm.... oh! I got this for Christmas a long time ago and I keep forgetting about it, but now I finally have a use for it! My AWESOME aunt who's got money to spare gave it to me for Christmas 'cause she knew that I loved The Lord of the Rings.

If I can just find it I think digging through my closet. Ah ha! Frodo's Elfen Sword! I lay that next to my backpack, It won't fit in there I'm just going to have to hold it while I sleep or strap it to a belt. I also have Legoless's bow from the same aunt but no arrows so it will be kinda useless unless I make some arrows. That will take too much time, for the moment I'll just take the small sword. I then go downstairs and sneak my work shoes upstairs. They are steel-toed so I'll have more kicking power if I need it. Oh and this pretty hunting knife too. It's a pretty rainbow of blue colors on the blade. I couldn't stop staring at it so dad got it for me. I put that in the backpack and I've decided to put on regular clothes while I sleep and put my work shoes on. If this works it's going to be awesome!

" Sapphire! It's time for dinner!" mom yell up at me from the stairs.

"Ok! I'm coming!" I yelled back. I leave my room strangely excited for tonight.

.....I blinked slowly and sat up waiting for my eyes to adjust. That was fast I must have been tired. I was still in the long stone hallway that seemed to never end. I picked myself up off the floor and looked down, YES! It worked!

My feet were warm in my shoes, im holding my backpack and Elven sword in front of me, and the rest of my body is warm from the sweats I put on for 'bed'. I strap the sword to my hip and pull the backpack onto my shoulders and start moving forward. I walk down the gloomy dark hallway for about 15 minutes before I come to a left turn that was hidden and went that way. Unfortunately steel-toed shoes are not silent on stone as much as I tried so anything ahead of me was going to hear me coming. I soon came to another set of rooms, this time there were four rooms positioned like mine from before. I pulled my flashlight out and turned it on and looked into the first left room, empty. I turned to the right first room and shined my flashlight in there, a couple pieces of wood but nothing else, ok....

I could feel something was about to happen soon and I didn't like it. I pulled my sword out of it's sheath with my left hand and moved to the second left room. Nothing in that room either, I gulped and turned my flashlight to the last room. The light landed on something jet black with scales. I looked up not bothering to move the light and looked into two yellow slitted eyes stareing at me from the darkness. The giant snake filled up the entire room and this particular room seemed twice as big as the other rooms, like it was made for the snake. It's eyes narrowed at me and posed to strike hissing loudly. I started backing away quickly as I barely saw it as fangs come at me. My sword clanged loudly as it's fangs clashed together with it. The force of it threw me further up the hallway, I hit the wall and fell to the ground. I got back up painfully and faced the giant black snake again just as it struck again. At this point I had lost my flashlight and had the sword in both hands. It got me in it's mouth and tried to swallow me whole but I thrust the sword toward it's giant yellow eye before it could get me into position for swallowing. My sword pierced right through its head hitting it's brain, killing it. It slumped to the ground taking me with it and slamming my head against the stone floor. I lay there dazed for a good ten minutes before trying to get out of the snakes mouth. As I wiggled out of it's mouth and try to stand I cry out in pain. My left thigh has a big gash on it. Damnit! it's fang must have grazed me when it picked me up, ow! Fuck! I hope this isn't going to appear in reality as well. I prop myself against the snake and pull my sword out, a gooey black substance I assume is the snakes blood drips off of my sword and I clean it on the right side of my pants and put it back in it's sheath. I then take my sweater off and tie it around my thigh to try and stop the bleeding. I then limp over to the wall and sit by it. I just killed a giant snake! was that what the voices were mentioning uh pep I think.... I closed my eyes suddenly feeling sleepy...