To the Hospital

I woke up blinking, hoping that would take away the excruciating pain in my head and leg. Crap, how am I going to explain this to dad? I pull myself up into sitting position on my bed. ugh.... my head I groaned inwardly. I turned on the light on my night table and looked at my leg. The sweater that I tied to my leg in the dream was still there and dark with blood. Alright time to make the journey to my parents room I think as I get to my feet swaying a bit. I limp down the stairs slowly not wanting to make my injury worse.

Turn right after finishing the stairs go through the living room to the door at the end of the hall. I knock on the door to let them know I'm there.

"dad?" I said weakly opening the door slowly.

He turned on his light near the bed. " Yeah sweetie, what is it?" He said sleepily looking at me. I made it to the foot of his bed before my legs gave out and I lay on the edge of his bed.

"whoa, careful there." he said thinking I was just being clumsy.

I waited til' the dizziness faded before I said, " dad, I need to go to the hospital.."

" What!? what's wrong?" He said instantly worried and got out of bed to look at me.

"My leg a..and my head..." I whispered.

"let's go to the kitchen there will be better light." he said helping me up.

" wait.. the living room is closer.." I pleaded.

" ok, I'll get a towel when I get you settled." he said. I just nodded too tired to answer. he got me settled on the couch and ran to get a towel and first aid kit from the kitchen. He comes back and turns on all the lights in the living room before coming back to me. He sees the blood soaked sweater and his eye widen in surprise. he puts the towel under my leg and takes the sweater off gently and once he sees the huge wound ties the towel around my leg because the bleeding had definitely not stopped.

"what happened!?" he asked examining my face next. That was when mom came out of her room. "What's going on, what are you making so much noise for?" she mumbled looking over at us sleepily. "Sapphire's hurt! she has a huge gash on her leg and a nasty looking bruise growing on her head....." he looked at me in the eyes and asked me something but I couldn't hear him very well. Everything was starting to get dark..... before I blacked out, I saw dad's expression turn from worry to fear as he saw that I was about to pass out. I saw him yell something at mom and felt him pick me up. " sorry..." I whispered as everything went dark....

.....The feeling of clean new sheets against my skin woke me up and a conversation that was taking place beside me. My eye lids felt so heavy like they were made of lead. But I forced them open because I wanted to know what was going on. I was in a white room on a bed hooked up to some machines. My leg had been bandaged and so had my head.

" oh good! your awake!" said mom getting up from her chair. I turned to look at her and dad who stood behind her looking visibly relaxed now that he knew I was awake.

"what happened?" I asked them.

" you blacked out before we could get you to the hospital. how are you feeling?" asked dad.

" ok I think." I say

" good, how did you get hurt? the doctors said that they found snake venom in your leg." dad said looking worried again.

Ah that explains it, I didn't think a little hit on the head and a bit of blood loss would make me pass out. Of course the snake was also poisonous, being gigantic couldn't be the only challenge, just my luck... I thought grumpily.

" I don't know, I woke up in pain. when I realized my leg was bleeding I took my sweater off to help stop the bleeding and stumbled to your room." I explained. Oh yeah tell them I got it from fighting a giant snake in my dream they'd totally believe me and totally not put me in a mental institution. I'm going to have to be more careful in my dreams, I can't worry my parents and it hurts.

"well, you also have a concussion so they want you to stay for a day or two to watch you. Are you sure you don't know how you got hurt?" he asked confused.

" yes, I'd tell you if I knew." I said sincerely. if it made sense I completed in my head.

"ok well we're going to go home for the night. I'll see you in the morning Sapphire." he promised, " I'm happy you're ok." he said lovingly as he kissed my forehead.

"yes I'm glad too." mom says through tears hugging me. they both leave promising to see me tomorrow. I love them and I'm sorry to worry them even if it was unintentionally.

I close my eyes hoping to rest without any nightmares so I can recover fast....