No Nightmare?

Both men looked at me in surprise. The man I was asking about looked a bit hurt as well as surprised. " Honey, that's Seth, remember? Seth Fisher?" he said worried. I looked down and shifted through my memory's.

"oh.. yea, right. you were talking about him at dinner, he made a joke that you had to tell us about." I said looking back up at them. They looked at each other.

"confusion, loss of certain memory's in this case," dad looked at me. " honey do you have a headache too?" he asked.

" Um a little, my head feels really heavy and I'm tired. Can I sleep?" I asked dad.

" yes Sapphire. As soon as Seth is finished cleaning you up." he said. Seth had already got up to get the supplies.

"... hire...." oh whoops dad said something I thought. " oh sorry dad, what was that?"

" Wow I haven't seen you this tired since you worked double shifts that one time." he said worried. " don't worry he'll be done soon and you can go to sleep." he said as he put his hand on mine. " oh looks like one of the nurses forgot to turn off the TV." he says as he picks up the remote. " Nah, it's ok, I like the noise dad." I say as the news comes on.

Breaking News

A man was found dead in his backyard today. The coroner says he died from a fatel bite to the neck. The man's name was Teddy Foley and he did not own any animals which is why his death confused police. It is reported that they found a hole under his fence but that it wasn't big enough for the stray dog that would've done this. One officer says ' I feel sorry for the family, we are going to do everything we can to find that mutt.'

Detective Zero Peyton, who was assigned to this odd case, had this to say about it. ' most wild dog's stay away from humans so it's either gone mad or it has rabies. I advise you to make sure your home is safe and be weary of any stray dogs that you see until we find the dog we're looking for.' -

"ah you don't need to be watching this, you need to relax not stress yourself out more." dad said as he put down the remote.

I was staring at the TV in horror, that's the same guy from my nightmare! Dad had come over to me once he saw my face and peered worriedly into my eyes.

"you ok Sapphire?"

I got ahold of myself and looked back at him. Deciding to think about it later I said.

"yeah, sorry just tired I guess."

" There all done!" said Seth. he had gotten back and had been cleaning up my head and switching the pillow while I was distracted.

"Thank you, Seth." I say as I lay down and close my eyes.

"Your welcome Ms. Spade, rest well." Seth said as he left.

"sleep well Sapphire, I love you." said dad as he left as well. " Love you too dad..." I whispered and drifted off to lala land.

"Did you see anyone in my daughters room when you checked in on her?" said Mr. Spade.

Mr. Spade had cornered Seth outside Sapphire's room to talk. Seth did not see this ending well.

" No! And no one has visited besides you and the Miss's." said Seth.

" That was a fresh cut on her head and you don't know how it got there?" Mr. Spade growled.

"Yes that's what I'm saying, I'm just as confused as you are Spade." Seth said, then he got a idea. "Oh! Wait let's check the security camera. that should tell us what is going on."

Mr. Spade paused for a minute. " are we allowed to look at those?" he questioned.

"Only one way to find out." Seth said as he headed to the security room with Mr. Spade following closely behind.

I was suddenly at a long table with many tea pots and tea cups. Flowers adorned the table making the tea set look elegant. Also on the table were single serving cakes. I looked excitedly to the person on my right who wore a green top hat with a ribbon on it.

" Can we start the tea party now, Mad?" I asked excitedly bouncing on my seat.

" Not yet March she isn't here yet." he said giving me a amused look. "Still eyeing that cheesecake, March?"

" Of course! What else would I be eyeing? The time?" I closed my eyes as I laughed. I opened them only to see that Mad had grabbed my precious cheesecake. As I gaped at him he said," don't you know today is opposite day?"

" No it isn't! Mad give it back! It's mine! You can't have any!" I yell as I snatch it away from him...

I opened my eyes to someone shaking me awake. "wha.....? what's going on?" I ask sleepily. It's dad and Seth again, I look between them confused.

" Maybe you should tell us? What can't we have?" asked Seth amused.

" You were making a lot of noise, so we came running. you ok?" Dad said looking at Seth unamused, then at me worried.

"Ah sorry, yeah I'm fine, just a silly dream." I reassured them.

" ok, if you're sure...." He said, " What were you yelling about though?"

" Ah....cake.." I mumbled blushing and looking away.

"Oh!" Dad laughed, his crows feet showing.

" That one huh? Are you hungry?" he asked still chuckling.

" No! I would like to go back to sleep!" I pouted. Seth looked between me and dad amused. " do I get to hear about it?" Seth asked.

" Sorry Seth I made a Dad promise." dad said as he shrugged at Seth. " Now no more yelling and go back to sleep, ok?" Dad said as they left the room again. But before the door closed dad poked his head in one last time.

"do you want me to bring some cake for you when you wake up next?" he asked grinning at me. " Goodnight! Dad!" I yell at him as he closes the door quickly behind him. I can hear him chuckling all the way down the hall. God I wish he had never found out about that. Well back to sleep I think as I close my eyes. Wait I think slowly I didn't go back to that place? But I'm too tired and before I know it I've already fallen back asleep.