WebNovelStay Alive100.00%

The Chip?

' Alright how is she doing?'

'The Minotaur got to her, and broke the Chip. She's fine though.'

' What!? which one?'

' The big Black one sir'

' Have him beaten and moved up a floor, I can't have him messing with my plans, intentional or otherwise.'

' uh... Yes sir.'

' I want you to also replace the Chip and make sure NO ONE knows about it, I don't want the Seattle incident to happen again because of your stupidity. I will make sure your out this time.'

' Yes sir... It looks like she also might have found someone else in there.'

' What? Alive?'

' No she didn't get there in time.'

' hmm .. well let's hope she isn't too smart, for her sake.'

I woke up to sunlight in my eyes and blinked for a minute. Then remembered the voices in my dream. Why did it feel like they were talking about me? Why would someone purposely send me there? Man I can't wait to find someone who knows about this so they can answer my questions I thought grumpily.

The past few days had gone by peacefully with no nightmares, thank god, but dad was still bothered by the fact that I got hurt here without anyone knowing anything about it.

I tried to reassure him but I don't think it worked very well. My job fired me for having too meny days off of work, dispite having a doctors note. It's fine I think I'll find another job. hopefully one that doesn't get on my nerve all the time like that one did. I'll be dropping off my work clothes off after I get out of the hospital today with mom. I sit up in bed and think about the news report that I heard almost a week ago. So there are others in the same situation I'm in. I narrowed my eyes, hopefully next time I find someone I won't be too late. I was too out of it the day I saw it to hear the whole story but it was on again the next day and it said that the wife had just told him he was going to be a dad. I felt so sorry and guilty for the lady on the screen sobbing.

The police still hadn't found the creature that did it and I had the feeling they were just going to give up. Which is fine I got the creature that did it, they are looking for a creature that doesn't exist anymore, it's pointless. The detective that had been on the case, has been sent somewhere to a less 'stressfull' case and had been told to relax? Had he seen something that had caused him to seem stressed? The news report wasn't very clear on that, oh well I think it's none of my business, especially if his stress has nothing to do with what I keep seeing.

Just then, the door opens and Seth comes in.

" Hey, you're up. How you feeling? You haven't forgotten me again, have you?" He said grinning as he came over to me.

"ugh! stop.... of course I haven't and I'm feeling fine thank you." I pout at him.

Seth chuckles. " right sorry and that's good. Your mom is here and ready to pick you up. As soon as I'm done unhooking you from this machine she can do that."

" Awesome!" I say as I watch him do that. My mind starts to wander as he does this. wonder what kind of shampoo he uses, his hair is so smooth and soft looking. Or maybe it's conditioner that makes it look so nice?

Ah! he's going to notice you staring, stop! I think and shake my head and look somewhere else.

" ok that's all done! I'm going to have someone bring out a wheelchair or would you prefer a crutch?" he asked looking at me from the door.

"oh um crutch is fine." I say as I get my legs out of bed.

" ok your mom will be here in a minute with your clothes." he said smiling and left.

I waited for a couple minutes before mom pushed her way into the room with my clothes.

" Hey baby, how you feeling?" she asked as she handed me my clothes.

" ok I'll feel better when I get out of here." I say as I slowly put my clothes on.

" Did you want help?" she asked looking worried.

"Nah I got it." I say as I finish getting dressed.

"they are giving you a wheelchair to help you to the car, right?" she asked as she helped me limp to the door.

" no I asked for crutches, mom" I say as the door opens before we get to it.

It's Seth holding a pair of crutches.

" Would these help? I hope you don't mind if help you to your car?" he says handing the crutches over to me.

" oh! of course not. thank you, that's very kind of you!" mom says with a smile.

" No problem." he says looking happy.

He helps us to mom's car and says he'll help me into the car, so as mom goes around to her side he give me a little hug. I'm startled a little as he pulls out of the hug.

" Just hope you feel better soon is all." he says smiling." Call me if you need anything."

Then he walks away, I stare for a minute then get into the car. That was weird he didn't even give me his-

I sigh and check my coat pocket to find the piece of paper I was looking for. Really? you couldn't just hand me it? Wait this means he likes me? right? I blush thinking about that fact. Wait that doesn't put him in trouble does it? Would dad be ok with that? And the nightmares, I don't want him to think I'm insane. Then his face pops into my head. His gentle smile when I'm worrying about something. His kind voice calming me down. His beautiful blue eyes focusing on his clip board... I snap myself out of it. Awwwww.... After I figure out the nightmare thing, I'll call him I decide as I close my eyes for a little nap before we get to my old job.