Chapter 6


"Sometime, when you try to protect someone most. You end up hurting them most"

Kyosuke standing on roof. Rohan gently knock the door and comes on roof. As he come, he goes next to Kyosuke. They stand next to each other in distance for a while. It was twilight zone, sun were orange. The more quieter the place go, the more awkward it becomes for Rohan to start conversation. Suddenly, Kyosuke ask boldly

"You are traveling world, aren't you?"

It was quite a shock to Rohan, because he hasn't told anyone about this. Kyosuke continue to keep up the questioning

"Let me ask different question, how do you feel about Chika?"

"What do mean by that?"

"You see, I know chika form the very beginning. Even better than herself, and I know how she feels about you. I'll ask this again, how do feel about her? (Boldly!)"

"S-She is a good friend of mine… (Confused?)"

Kyosuke intensely glare at Rohan, as he continued

"Let me tell you something that I even didn't tell Chika. I know form the beginning those rumours weren't true, yet I keep distance with her. You know why?"

Rohan got little angry form what he heard. But at the same time he was also little confused

"Why? Do you have any idea, how much pain she was in?"

"Believe me, I know better than anyone, but It has be like this. I don't want her to trust me because..."

Rohan noticed, there is something reasonable. As so, Kyosuke tells the story

"Let me tell you a story. Story between, a selfish prince and a girl. Somewhere in japan, a boy born with an absolute beauty. He was so charming that world around him, treat him as prince. Everyday they praise him, behave good with him, follow him. Making boy be aware, that he is a prince, but the more people praise him, more he began hate them. He think starting of them as low life. Eventually prince become so self conscious, he doesn't even remember meaning of life anymore, but then. A girl came in his life. A girl who doesn't judge people by their faces. She were the first person in prince life, who actually treat prince like a normal boy. Slowly time passes by, prince who forgot the meaning of life, starting to see it again. For prince she was everything. Prince keeps her on top as a princess, but! Followers of prince won't allowed that. A common girl can't be with, absolute beauty. They get filled with agony, in that frustration, they build a devil fruit. As They force her to eat it. It was a fruit, that ripped apart inside of human, yet... she endure it. More than anything, prince were completely unaware of it. Because of devil's fruit, the girl's behaviour began to change little by little, and arrogant prince thought, she had fallen for him... Then one day a friend of the girl came to prince and thought the truth. Prince got chills trough his spine after listening it. He got furious on his followers, but he was disappointed in himself most. That's when prince decided, he had to be apart form that common girl, but it wasn't easy for him to leave a person whom he perish most, yet he kept trying. Until one day, when devil's fruit grow into big dark shadow that covered whole life of that girl. That's final time prince can protect the girl, and then… I done it. I cut all ties with her. Making her hate me. I have to feel the same pain she been through, for years… yet, she…"

Moment goes into completely silence. Rohan understand what story were about. Kyosuke also goes silent, then he said loudly

"Let me ask this one last time. How you do feel about her?"

Now, Rohan know exactly what Kyosuke actually meant by those questions. After hearing it again somehow Rohan got very nervous, but man standing in front of him wants the answer

"(How I feel about her?) I-I don't k-know? I-I just wants to be with her

After hearing that, Kyosuke stay completely quiet. After some thought, he replied…