Chapter 7


• ACT 1: WHY?

Few days later. Rohan sitting on his bench, looking at the sky, thinking about what Kyosuke said to him. Haruka sitting in front of Rohan. Curiously stares at him. At first she were teaching him, but after seeing him spacing out time to time, she got somewhat curious. Instead of asking, she grabbed half sleeve of Rohan, putting her hand on lips, as making a cutely face, as she said with a tiny voice

"Hey, is there anyone besides me you should be thinking about?"

The voice she made was so cute and beautiful, eyes of every boy were just stare at her, with red faces. After Rohan seeing it, his face got completely red like a tomato. He quickly come back to his senses, and back down as quickly as he can. Reaction of Rohan was so hilarious, Haruka eventually leads to laughing. Then later, everyone goes to their work, so do Rohan. Haruka asked Rohan quietly, grabbing his shirt again

"Hey! Hey! Tell me who was it? Don't tell me you were thinking about chika?"

"Chika? (Why should I?) No, I was just wondering about Kyosuke"

"…Eww! Don't tell me, you swing that way (Gross!)"

"Nooo! It's not like THAT!"

Haruka continue to tease Rohan later on. While in the moment, Rohan start thinking, about something

"Can I ask her? about what Kyosuke told me?"

Rohan stare at Haruka for a moment, but then he feel little bit of uncertainty

"There is something not right about her, it's like she's always putting an act. Somehow my instinct tell me, she is kind of dangerous person (Sigh!)"

"Hey! Did you just 'sigh' now? You did it, didn't you!? (YOU LITTLE!!…)"

Hearing those words, Rohan got by completely off guard, and starting to get nervous, as so he's start finding his diary that actually was in front him. Yet again seeing that Haruka start laughing, but this time it was even harder. Then suddenly an evil smirk appears on Haruka face. She made an exactly same face as before and said

"So, little Rohan don't want thought by me, huh? (Goes near Rohan's ear) I can teach you many thing, that she can't…"

After those lovely words, Rohan's brain got a short circuit as he fell down on his table. While so, one the student in class got chills for some reason, as he saw blood lust coming out of door, and it was coming form none other than hiding chika, grabbing one side of door. The grip was so tight it's actually breaking the door. The student got super terrified, and pretend he never saw it. Originally chika was the one who were going tutor Rohan, but for some work, she left that duty into her best friend hands, but now, she is super duper annoyed because she wanted to go in class and tutor Rohan, but for some reason she can't able to. All she's doing is, giving death glares and freaking out the whole class, except Those two. Rohan comes back to his senses and defend himself, but this time Haruka was rather, calm. Whom Looking outside the window. Suddenly gale of wind blow heavily making all the papers blow away. Rohan got stunned as he quickly start collecting papers, but in the exact the moment, Haruka ask a question

"Rohan! Do you love chika?"

Hearing those word again, Rohan gets completely froze. Chika standing outside of class also stopped for a moment, but then she starting to get redden, as she put her hands on her face, with sheer embarrassment. But as for Rohan, he goes back to his chair quietly, before saying anything, he remembered an spilt image of what Kyosuke told him. Then he replied with an odd face

"I-I Don't… I-I can't..."

Hearing that reply, both Haruka and Chika goes in complete silence. After that Haruka doesn't say anything, but as for Chika. She quietly walked away…

"Why? Why would he say something like that? And why I'm so frustrated about it?"

Chika said, as she put pillow on her and shout loudly

"Argh! He is biggest dummy in this world. If I saw him again, I going to kill him. (Hugs the pillow) But why would I do that?... Aarrggh! My head is going to explode"

"Chika! Don't shout. There are more people living here, you know?"

Hearing it form her mother, chika put hand on her mouth. Then suddenly message pop on her phone. It was form Kyosuke, calling her for a date this weekend. After seeing it, the only words comes out her mouth was
