I looked at my teenage body with frustration. This was soooo going to suck. I would need to go through puberty again, I also wondered how my physical age and mental age would fight each other to. Trying to maintain my image and most certainly failing I looked at the teacher in front of me which I somehow found myself before. I guess the system automatically took me to the start of the series without even giving me a chance to train for it. Luckily even as a level one Borderlands person I felt my strength to be above anyone else here at the scene even with their unfair chakra advantage boosting them. It seems Borderlands always remakes the body into its best possible physical state when reborn without magical shenanigans. With my Gamer's body I should be able to always maintain my peak strength, how nice. Listening in to the teacher as he called everyone up to take a test I started talking to some of my classmates around me looking for information about my new life.
Hey what do you think is going to be on the test. With my whisper the girl jumped out of her seat and fell into the floor from shock. Blinking a few times in amusement and almost having a full blown laugh at the girl I put my hand out to help her back up while acting sorry about scaring her. "Sorry about that." The girl seemed irritated for a second before going back to slightly shocked. "You can actually talk." That seemed to break the ice for our conversation so I flowed with it. "What do you mean I can actually talk. That's actually quite rude you know." That seemed to break her out of her spell and caused her to apologize a bit slightly lacking in the sincerity portion from her apparent shock that still took it's course on her.
It's just I've never actually seen you talk to anyone before. Usually you ignore everyone and just point at your throat acting like a mute who's shy and unresponsive. Well your kinda cocky to, so seriously what's wrong with you today. I actually thought you were mute until today. Realizing the system was most likely running this body before I arrived and knowing my personality would not match with the persona left behind by it at all from the description I heard. I decided to come up with complete and utter bull to explain my actions. "Well you see," I started letting my eyes drop and get quiet again worrying the girl. My mother was kind of abusive when I was little. It was because of that... My talk no justu seemed to be effective for the vast majority of those who were concerned about my lack of talking.
Unfortunately that brought up a whole lot I had no clue about concerning my situation. Was I an orphan? Did I accidentally just frame an innocent woman to cover my own situation. Luckily the system cared enough to help me out at this moment.
Detecting host's distress over system's terrible management and terrible foresight giving the host a past of an abusive mother who later dropped you in the orphanage instead of a normal orphaned child, which allowed you to get a ninja program and get accepted into the ninja academy as they saw potential in you since you could continue to live after seeing the evil side of the world.
Going with the systems plan and my own thoughts on the matter I made a fake story allowing the system to guide my emotions to make my lies one hundred percent believable and in a way it truly was, at least for my body. With that and the listeners I grew into a girl who was trying to bring back her own personality after having come across a major incident likely the day before that changed my outlook on life. Give or take I didn't say exactly what had happened encase people tried figuring it out. That way I could explain any abnormal actions I would take from here on out.
With this whole process I knew all about my past actions and thoughts previously shown and likely thought and everything else in between. At least from what other's knew of me and that was what truly mattered. Listening back to Iruka who started to get seriously annoyed yet also happy with my talking threw a piece of chalk at my desk as a lesson before I caught it in some sort of reflex contained within my body. Surprised by my own ability I couldn't help but be truly satisfied with my life at this current moment. I also wanted to have a bit of fun. Throwing the chalk back in what I expected to be a fail if I didn't have a amazing body, I turned the chalk into a slightly faster properly thrown projectile weapon. The teacher catching it looked at me in slight surprise before he went back to teaching after lecturing me a bit to at least pay attention even If I have actual skills usable in combat, because I wouldn't always be in a combat situation as a ninja ironically for a position of killing.
Learning quickly on how to survive this life I asked the system a few questions about my situation. The first concerned my skills with throwing weapons. To answer the hosts question in borderlands the people just simply shot and threw grenades through your gaming remote. However in reality they need to be skillful enough to do such things 100 percent of the time. As such you have gained the ability to use all guns, grenades, and projectile based weapons perfectly. This also include improve thrown weapons such as the chalk from before. The user also gains Jonin level taijustu and Jonin level blade wielding skills.
The things that limit you however are your raw stats and the variety of your powers as well as your cash. Right now you have a basic Chunin level of strength. Once the user has leveled up to level 50 you will gain the ability to use taijustu and blades at a master level in addition with Jonin Strength. Level 75 is Grandmaster with S-class strength and finally level 100 gives you Divine like skills on the level of Hagoromo. Unfortunately this system does not possess the strength to allow you to face Kaguya directly. If you wish to do so you'll need to obtain another system. Of course their are indirect methods however if you find yourself fearful of her. One such method includes making a few minions that are of equal strength to Hagoromo level. Back to the skills you have at hand. There is one major problems with your skills, and that is that they have no style to them unless you find one within the Gacha feature of this power. This means everything is made up of basic kicks, chops, punches and things like that until then. You have no specific moves or patterns you can call upon to assist you in defeating foes stronger or even of the same level as yourself.
"What about the knowledge needed to be a ninja?" I couldn't help but ask. Sadly the system had to be rhetorical about it such as only a Naruto system could possibly help if the conditions allowed it.
"Kiba also made it through the course. To bad it was only with a score that was barely better than Naruto who skipped almost every single class last year." "Hush you, are you seriously comparing a demon like him with a clan heir. Even if he's a terrible ninja you need to at least treat him with some respect."
I felt like strangling something at that moment as the girls gossiped around me dissing Naruto.
That's when I heard a small laugh from the system. "Oh you should have seen their faces. Don't worry about it. When tests occur you can let the system take over for you. You can of course do it yourself if you want; this of course includes studying books. It's completely up to you in other words if you want to use that function. Well until you get a system dealing with learning that is. That's when it will completely be on you.
Grumbling a bit half heatedly at the system for messing with me in the same way two old friends would give or take a couple small similarities. I found myself marveling at the fact that I had only known the system for what amounted to basically 24 hours. I guess anyone would find their savior interesting with them saving them from eternal boredom.
"It's time to begin the written portion of the test. When it has been passed out you may begin. Remember no cheating.
With that out of the way I let the system take over my body as I continued to explore other regions of my power on my own mentally. Skills gave me a menu that said
Senior Taijustu
Senior Kenjustu
Item's on Hand
Perfect Projectile Wielding
With this memorized I moved on to my perks. I also noticed one more called Free Falling that wasn't listed out earlier. Apparently I no longer took fall damage up to falls in distance around 40,000 meters in the air. However in the world that worked. Any height above that reduced the damaged by 95%.
Calling a few more commands internally out of the ones I would expect a system to have I finally found the next one I could use. It turned out I could keep copies of the creatures from borderlands within a separate home. Of course I had to earn them within a Gacha first. And depending on the card their would be a respawn or non-respawn system attached to them.
Obviously after finding this out I went to the Gacha where I saw that I had a lovely, not so lovely 0 Tokens. At least I was able to find out that I would gain a wheel for each world I have been to as well for each system I earn and I also gained a random one. The random one allowed me to get something random from any of my other wheels I had unlocked. It was with this message I read that tokens switched to a 3. One for the Borderlands, one for the system that gave me a system. And since I was in Naruto one for it.
Done with this and considerably excited I started trying out more commands so I would completely understand my power. Finally the only one left to work was Shop. Going into it I realized I had cash in the system. 500 dollars of whatever currency it was supposed to be. Realizing I had two shops I could enter I looked at the first one. This was a shop that covered whatever world I was in at that time. The second shop took care of all matters dealing with my borderlands system. Looking for something I could use I bought a cheap 15 damage pistol from the borderlands system with 50 bullets for the thing. On top of that I bought 2 grenade ammo which would become full grenades after going through a mod and a grenade mod which gave them 215 explosion damage. Unfortunately neither item had special effects as that would cost me to much. running out of cash I had to give up on getting a shield or something else from this system as well and instead cover my ninja identity so I bought 15 Kunai from my other shop that would increase my Kunai ammo. With this I only had 65 dollars left on my account for emergency gun ammo or a spare grenade depending on a future battle of mine.
With that I just let my mind wonder on how I could use this system properly and when I could start messing with people again. I couldn't wait for this written test to finish.