"IF WE fought three years ago, you could have killed me," Paige said while stabbing the spike attached to the end of her white parasol in Lukas' chest– hitting his heart and his Mana Core. "But unfortunately for you, the past three years have been good to me."

Traveling the world had been beneficial to her when it came to learning magic.

Different continents, new learnings.

But of course, a person of the West Continent like her would always return to her hometown.

"I can tell that," Lukas, who was barely recognizable because of the Darkness that covered his entire body, said while smirking. But his smirk disappeared as soon as he coughed up a huge chunk of what seemed to be blood mixed with Darkness. "But I'm glad that to see you again, Paige Avery."

"I can't say the same for you," she said while shaking her head. "I almost didn't recognize you since you already threw away your physical body."