"AH, IT'S over."

Nero was relieved when Zeru, his ice phoenix, said that it was over.

The sounds of fighting outside the ice igloo had disappeared, too.

[Mother did well.]

"Get rid of this," Nero said while tapping the ice wall with his fingers. "I need to talk to William."

"Alright," Zeru said, then he stood up and put his hands together. After that, the ice igloo slowly melted until it disappeared. "Do you need me for something else?"

He shook his head. "You may take a rest now. I'll just summon you when I need you again."

The ice phoenix just bowed to him, then he disappeared.

He turned to William, who was wiping the black substance off his hands using a white handkerchief. "Did Mother kill the god who wanted to see me?"

"Mona doesn't have the authority to kill gods," William reminded him. "That guy with violet hair. He came and killed the God of Recollection."