"EOMMA, you're so cute as a baby!"

"Of course," Neoma smirked proudly after Greko showered her with compliments. "I was born pretty, son."

Greko, who was holding her in his arms as carefully as he could, giggled. "Eomma, your cheeks are so chubby. Can I bite them?"

She was about to tell her "son" that she still had the dignity of a royal princess to keep so she couldn't let him do that. Well, to be fair, she didn't mind. However, she was a royal princess. She didn't want other people to think that Greko was being rude to her since there were lions watching them discreetly.

Neoma was about to explain it to Greko when someone else beat to it.

Juri, who was standing by the door, cleared her throat. "Maknae-ah, you can't do that. In the first place, we can't even touch the body of a monarch casually."