"I'M NOT your master," Nero said, pushing the White Lion off him. "You're heavy."

The de Moonasterios were known for their brute strength.

However, no matter how strong he was, he still failed to push the White Lion off him.

Fortunately, Zeru came to his rescue.

His Soul Beast was back in its beast form.

The ice phoenix was thrice the size of an adult eagle. To be honest, although Zeru was huge, he still didn't expect the Soul Beast to grab the White Lion's collar using its talons.

But it did.

Zeru managed to lift the White Lion and throw it away.

However, the next thing Nero knew, his Soul Beast was already howling in pain. The talons that Zeru used to lift the White Lion were now covered with Darkness.

Come to think of it, the White Lion's collar was strange.

"Zeru, come here," Nero said when he stood up, reaching for the ice phoenix's talons. "It's alright, I'll fix them."