[THIS type of Darkness is not that hard to purify.]

But wow.

It was probably because Neoma's purifying ability reached its peak after her enlightenment as the agent of the Goddess of Light.

[My OP-ness is starting to scare me…]

"Princess Neoma– eek!"

The commoner who tried to approach Neoma suddenly shrieked when Lewis stopped him by pushing his scabbard against the poor man's throat.

Lewis didn't even draw his sword and yet, it was enough to intimidate the commoner.

"You, deaf?" Lewis asked, his golden eyes glowing menacingly. "Imperial Princess. Ordered shut up."

The poor man immediately covered his mouth with his hands in fear.

[Gosh, Lewis and his bad habit of speaking incoherently to people he doesn't like.]

Fortunately, despite Lewis' confusing words, the poor man understood that he needed to shut his mouth.