"YOU'RE HURTING my pride, princess."

Neoma grinned, her eyes glowing red. "I like your guts, son."

Lewis turned to Neoma with a scolding gaze.

Neoma wisely avoided Lewis' gaze, pretending that she didn't just call another man her 'son' again.

[What can I do? I see men younger than me as babies.]

"I'm not sure if I want to be addressed as your 'son,' princess," the gutsy dude said, laughing. "My name is Manuel. I hope you remember my name."

"Well, I'm good at remembering people who impress me, Manuel," Neoma said, placing a hand on her hip. "How old are you? You look too young to die at my hands just because you wanted to test the limits of your physical strength."

Manuel laughed as if he was amused. "I'm twenty-four years old, princess. Am I not older than you?"

"A certain lunatic would kill you if I call you 'Big Brother,' so excuse me for addressing you by your first name."