

We arrived at the town at night, it's quite no one is around so we picked an abandoned house and slept the night there.

Light came inside the house and woke me up first, the two siblings are not asleep because they are undead, but well they kept their human appearance and intelligence, that's all i need. Although they can still die if they're shot through the head. And I'll fix that by arming my army with advanced armor.

Ah, they just stood there and it's creepy as hell, but not for me that's completely normal. Imagine how I spend most of 90 years alone with the undead at night, they circle me like a baby and protect me from any outside danger so I'm very much okay.

(A/N: Amy: the sister | Alex: the brother | Liam: the main character)

"Good morning, little brother or.." - Amy

"Yes liam, you should explain what happened yesterday since you seem perfectly okay.." - Alex

"Later, everything will be explained someday, now we got so much to do" - Liam

I stood up and made my way directly outside and it is very much refreshing, inhaling and exhaling. The air is so pure.

We kept walking towards what looked like a bar, we entered and found a few people inside so I closed the door, and told my brother to stand by the door and not let anyone go out.

"Amy come scratch each person, but leave two people out of it" - Liam

"Ook" - Amy

Then we started scratching people one by one without them noticing, there were 11 people inside. When a few minutes passed, everyone we scratched leaving two by people by the counter out of it started collapsing then started rising up again and kept looking at me. One person by the counter seemed scared at what's happening and I can smell his fear clearly.

So I commanded the 9 people to attack and eat and they did so, while the scared guy tried to run but my sister stopped him and dived in eating him. I guess she's impatient.

"Brother if you're hungry you should go ahead and eat, leave the door to me." - i said to Alex, and he did so since I noticed he's been drooling the moment we entered the bar.

Few hours have passed and blood is everywhere, the smell is suffocating. So I told them to stop what they're doing and clean up the bar, and told them this is going to be our base. Everytime someone comes in we serve him or her a scratch.

"What about food?" - a man asked, so i answered "ok here is the plan for now, at day we scratch, at night we eat"

"That's a great idea, since when did you become so smart?" - Amy

"Since yesterday, everyone gets to work..and for the love of god get some clothes those are bloody.." I said and everyone started doing their work while I sat in a corner doing what I do best, and that is sitting like a king!

Now I have 11 undead, that's too little but will change after a few days. Now let's get to planning for the future. This town will be one of mine from now on. Then I'll move to New York and enter a company and turn everyone inside to take over, it sounds easy but it's not. I'll do it no matter what to create the umbrella corp. And I'll follow the footsteps in the movies while having fun in the process. Haaaaa life is sweet but only sometimes when things go according to plan.

We kept working according to plan. People come in one day and join our community, and at night we leave the bar and gather to feast, but only my creatures go hunt humans for flesh. I stayed at the bar eating normal stuff. I can't bring myself to eat another human being, everytime i look at them biting a piece of meat off a human leg I get the feeling that I would vomit anytime.

After a week of following through the plan, in just this week we did fifty-fifty, 50% of the town is undead and the rest is flesh, I on the other hand I'm now in the sheriff office. I sent everyone to gather money, there is a lot in my office and they're still bringing more cash, so i sent my sister to bring me something to eat, she brought me a human arm but i couldn't hold it in and vomited.

"This.. bring me what humans eat, a burger or chips..anything but meat" - Liam

"So-sorry i thought.." - Amy

"You thought what?, never do that again" - Liam

She left after that with the human hand, and i'm still vomiting. After a few hours she brought me food so I took it and left the office eating while taking a seat in the streets. I ordered most of the cops to close town. If anyone comes in, turn him into food. And told them not to turn anyone else.

A town is enough for now, collect cash and get out leaving everyone in town to continue their somewhat normal lives till I give the order to come to me. And of course while I'm in this town this week some who turned undead got shot by few police officers but took a day for them to die. There were teenagers too. They locked themselves in school. I've been having trouble with how to get inside.

Been a long week that's for sure, sleeping now and then. But things are good for now at least.

But it's time for force, i take my phone out and call my brother. "Bro, bring 30 men to me, i'm at the police station"

"What are we gonna do now?" - Alex, still the same as ever so i replied "never talk to me like that, if you do i'll cut out your tongue" after that i hung up on him and waited for him to gather the thirty men for at least 5 hours.

"Ok everyone it's time to open up that school, each one of you arm yourself with weapons and armor" i said and then continued "Alex take 5 people with you and bring cars big ones, its hunting time"

Then they all dispersed to do their thing, everyone got into their cars and we marched to the school, it's a big building like any other school. After we arrived we turned the engine off and took cover in one of the buildings in front of the school to wait till night fell.