Getting reacquainted (part-4)

Ylerias opened her eyes as she found herself in familiar scenery, she could feel the soft breeze gently caressing her, the soft sound of water flowing couple with the rustling of leaves, she missed this place greatly.

"It has been a while child."

A voice she had heard so many times, a voice that she missed the most, a voice she longed to hear, and it finally came to her ears, making her stunned for a moment before her eyes found the speaker and then she promptly prostrated in front of a glowing blue orb as she spoke, "My lady it is an honour to be in your presence."

The blue orb moved from its position as it neared Ylerias, she suddenly felt as if someone was holding her near her shoulders as she looked up she heard Oena speak again, "Here let me see you, my child, it has been so long since I saw your face."

Ylerias smiled before she spoke frown, "I wish I could see you in your glory once again, but my powers have decreased so much."