Getting reacquainted (part-5)

Eleanora clung to Marcel as if he was her lifeline as she spoke, "What is happening with him? He looked so sick and then he suddenly started to bleed all over."

Marcel hugged his wife as he spoke, "I know, I know.", he then looked towards Angela as he pleaded to her, "Lady please tell us what is going on with him."

Angela sighed as she spoke, "Sir, you arrived with the group led by Lady Xulong, were you not?"

Marcel nodded as he replied to her, "Yes I did."

"Then do you know what an Apostle is?"

Marcel once again nodded as Isabella spoke, "Yes, I have heard she is like the right hand of God of war and she works on his behalf."

Angela nodded as she spoke, "Yes you are right, and what do you think about it, and please be honest."

Beth scoffed as she spoke, "There is only one true God and he is mentioned in the bible."