The strange island (Part-3)

Xuelong had a frown on her face since Ryan gained his consciousness.

For a while, both Ylerias and her were very ill, but Ryan had lost consciousness, and from then, everything went downhill.

Ryan had a fever, and then his temperature climbed so high that he began to smoke, and then he began to bleed.

For a moment, Xuelong thought that Ryan would die, but then a miracle happened, and he survived, and never in her life she had felt so relieved.

But then the harsh reality struck them, as Ryan was not only spacing out now and then, but he was acting like a fool, and thus they all concluded that Ryan had suffered brain injuries.

Xuelong balled her fist hard as she spoke with a growl, "I do not know who but someone is responsible for this, and when I find the person, I am going to skin that person alive."

Michalina helped Ryan drink some water, who then spoke with a grown, "ugh, the water tastes so bitter, yuck."