The prisoner (Part-1)

Ciara looked at the long queue of excited people as she could not help but snort loudly.

Zhan looked curiously towards Ciara as she spoke, "Is there something funny?"

Ciara nodded as she spoke, "Yes, those people seem so excited for a simple election."

Zhan looked towards the queue before she spoke with a smile on her face, "Just like someone who is about to vote for the first time."

Ciara shook her head as she spoke, "No, they are even more excited than that, as they are like small children who have accompanied their parents to the voting booth."

Zhan let out a chuckle as she spoke, "You are right about that one, though it is refreshing to see grown-ups acting like children."


"Very, though, is the plan completed?"

Zhan grinned towards Ciara as she spoke, "Yes, the result is ready, and all according to your forecast."

Ciara chuckled as she spoke, "That is a great news, now if only my children would return soon."