The prisoner (Part-2)

Ylerias shook her head as she rejected Xuelong's idea as she spoke, "You do not put all your eggs in one basket, there are four of us, and as such we should divide into two teams, team one to the distraction and team two to deal with the weird hand."

"We do not have the strength nor the numbers to deal with them, and we need our mana back if we are to win."

Michalina bit her lips as she spoke, "So, what is the plan?"

"Team one will not only launch a distraction drawing the attention towards them, while team two would sneak in and deal with the hand."

Xuelong bit her lips as she spoke, "Your plan is risky, as they will use Ryan and Shakidra as a hostage."

"I know, but it would also mean we would not need to turn this place upside down to search for them."

"Though the most important part of the plan is for the second team to destroy the hand as fast as possible."