The old man (Part-1)

An older man looked up towards the sky as the rays of the morning sun caressed him.

The man sat motionlessly, with only his lips moving as he prayed.

It would have been a spiritually serene dawn if it were not for the massive amount of rapidly decaying corpses surrounding him.

"You! You abomination, you filthy decrepit waste of space! How dare you!"

A man in torn armour screamed at the older person, who paid him no attention.

The man, in broken armour, took a step before falling on his knees while vomiting a grey tar-like substance.

"You, ~cough~ how dare you betray your flesh and blood, your fam..."

A staff slammed into the speaker's chest, breaking what was left of his armour as well as a few of his bones.

"Can you filth not disturb my morning prayers, and please do not compare my blessed blood with filth like you."

