The old man (Part-2)

 The older man walked swiftly through the dark and slippery corridor while chanting prayers to douse the inferno of anger rising in his heart.

He closed his sight at the gruesome sight of a half-eaten toddler's head.

'I should have prolonged their suffering, but I must focus on my task.'


As he dove into the deeper parts of the defunct mine, he could hear screams and howls, which made his anxiety climb.

'Damn it.'

He swore inwardly and ran as fast as he could through the slippery ground.

Bellas had seen better days as he slumped against the wall, trying hard to breathe as his broken bones screamed while his blood began to pool around him.

'This is it then; if I had access to my magic, I would have butchered these creatures.'

'At least those kids will live another day, but would it not be merciful if they had died today instead of suffering in this wretched world?'