Dawn of a New Era(Part-1)

Ciara inspected the armour before her as she spoke, "Power armour? I thought you were making exoskeletons for us."

"I was, but with the latest level up, I learned how to make power armour, and since they are better than exoskeletons, I am making them."

"As long as it provides an edge, I am okay with it."

Ryan smiled at her as he finished adjusting the power armour.

"There it is done."

Ciara was about to speak when the guns on top of the walls started firing, drawing her attention.

Ryan sighed as he spoke, "The attacks are getting too frequent."

"Ryan, you..."

Ryan shook his head as he spoke, "There is no need to sugarcoat it. We three have stayed here too long, and now our presence draws unwanted attention."

"Ylerias and Xuelong are leaving tomorrow, and the very next day, I will leave."

"Your private hunt?"

Ryan gave a barely noticeable nod as he spoke, "Yes, to get rid of my crippling nightmare."