Chapter 112

A/N: Sorry if chapter today is bad. I am completely exhausted now. I'm going to sleep. G'nite.

Walking down the streets, Huang Yu had a spring in his step as he made his way down the streets of Star Luo.

With the blue-collared shirt and the long, grey pants that he wore, he looked particularly attractive to younger and older women alike.

"Excuse me, but would you like to have some tea with me?"

Huang Yu paused in his steps.

Turning to the source of the voice, he was met with the sight of a girl around 15 years of age.

With the burning blush that was on her face, Huang Yu was sure that her actions took every bit of courage that was available to her at that moment.

Nevertheless, Huang Yu declined curtly. He wasn't one to hurt the self-esteem of innocent young women, but he already had a girlfriend.

Dai Yun'er didn't count okay? Almost sowing discord between continents due to her brattish actions didn't really seem innocent to him.

Of course, he did add oil to the fire when he slapped her but…

Since there was already a fire, what's a little bit more gonna cause huh?

Huang Yu waved the girl goodbye for the sake of courtesy. Then, he walked off once more in search of Gu Yue.

The two of them hadn't managed to spend any really meaningful time together after they confessed.

This wasn't really their fault though.

The two of them each had their own responsibilities to fulfill. Gu Yue wasn't like most of those Xianxia female love interests where the meaning of her life was only for the sake of their lover.

Oh no, she was something pretty foreign to those female leads.

She had something called an *uh hum* I don't know...

Personality maybe?

Wow! Pretty out of this world isn't it!?

Huang Yu himself had many responsibilities he had to fulfill. And thus, he had been training every day with Hui Mie.

He was getting ragdolled hard, but at least he made quite a bit of progress!

And so, Huang Yu and Gu Yue had made a date together to finally get a chance to hang out together.

Tensions running too high was never a good thing. A bit of relaxation would do wonders for their continuous growth.

While cultivation was supposed to clear one's mind, nothing beat actual human companionship.

Continuing his journey to the meeting area the two of them had decided upon, Huang Yu tried to whistle the Game of Thrones theme.

The keyword was 'tried'.

And he failed spectacularly.

— — — —

"You're here!"

Huang Yu let out a smile as he arrived in front of Gu Yue.

"Hey! I hope I'm not late. You look like you've been waiting for quite a while."

"Ah, don't worry about it. To be honest, I just arrived as well."

"Really? In that case, shall we go now?" Huang Yu said as he held his hand out to Gu Yue.

She couldn't help but let out a beautiful smile as she held onto his outstretched hand.


As the two of them walked around together hand-in-hand, people in the surrounding couldn't help but stare.

A beautiful couple with such extraordinary temperament would naturally be the centre of attention.

Sensing this, Gu Yue couldn't help let out a smug grin. She held onto him tighter as if sending a message to everyone looking.

'Look at this! He's mine!!"'

Gu Yue had returned to her black-haired disguise form. When she went out with Huang Yu, she didn't want to blow her cover by being with him in her other form.

After all, her purple eyes were her most unique feature. Since there would be no way for Na'er to be in Star Luo, the less dumb ones may connect the dots.

One may argue that no one would probably see them together at Star Luo. However, you could never be too careful

"Huang Yu? Gu Yue? Is that you?"

Case in point.

Huang Yu almost let out a sigh as he saw several figures approaching him and Gu Yue.

"Hey, Xie Xie. What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Xie Xie replied with a slightly aggressive tone.

Despite his rationale, he couldn't help but feel a bit of blame against the two of them for leaving Shrek Academy during a time where Tang Wulin had just disappeared.

Not only that, they didn't even show the least bit of sympathy when Tang Wulin had disappeared.

Sure, they had looked sad, but their eyes didn't display even a hint of sorrow.

When Xie Xie suddenly felt Yuanen's soft hand pulling on his sleeve, he hurriedly unclenched the fist that he hadn't even realised that he had clenched.

"So, if you guys have nothing to say, we'll be leaving first. We have something to do. "

Huang Yu waved his hand to them as he walked off with Gu Yue's hand locked around his.

His eyes made contact with Ye Xinglan for a brief moment, seeing the complication in her emotions.

However, he chose to immediately look away. She may or may not have misunderstood his actions years ago, but he didn't want to continue to mislead her.

Watching Huang Yu walk off with Gu Yue, Ye Xinglan closed her eyes before she took a deep breath.

Xu Xiaoyan saw this. A wry smile appeared on her face before she placed a hand on Ye Xinglan's shoulder.

"C'mon Big Sis Xinglan. There are other fish out in the sea. Huang Yu already has Big Sis Yue."

Hearing Xu Xiaoyan's attempt at consoling her, Ye Xinglan looked at her with gratefulness in her eyes. She nodded her head before walking back in the direction of the hotel.

The other students of Shrek Academy could only shake their heads as they watched this.

— — — —

As the sun disappeared below the horizon, darkness took reign upon the world.

Throughout the day, Huang Yu and Gu Yue had roamed the shopping plaza at Star Luo.

After a few purchases, Huang Yu found the wallet in his spatial ring a lot lighter than before despite the load he was carrying being several times heavier.

Checking up on it, he really had no more tears left to cry.

Unless he went and took some funds from Nox, he would really need to ask some people to stand to the left and right.

At a park nearby the plaza centre, Huang Yu and Gu Yue had done with their shopping for the day as they just enjoyed being around each other.

Hand in hand, the two of them strolled down the narrow path.

The path was particularly dark, with only streetlights to provide bits of illumination.

"Huang Yu…"


"Can you carry me?" Gu Yue asked coquettishly. "My feet hurt."

"Oh? The supreme million year old Silver Dragon King feels that her feet hurts? The horror?!!"


Gu Yue snorted in anger before she turned away from him. She removed her hand from his as she took a few steps away from him.

"Hmph, I don't want to talk to you anymore."

As Huang Yu heard this, he let out a boisterous laugh. He shook his head.

Taking several glances towards the fuming Gu Yue, Huang Yu let her cool off for a while before he poked her on the shoulder.

"Hey, you still mad bruh?"

"Yes. Very mad."

Huang Yu couldn't help but sweatdrop. However, he quickly composed himself as he cleared his throat.

"This lowly one apologises to your Excellency for his misdemeanours. What would it require for the venerable Silver Dragon King to seek it in her heart to forgive this lowly one?"

Gu Yue nearly burst out in laughter when she saw the look on his face. She wasn't truly angry with him, but she had a role to play now.

"Hmph. You must pay for it with ten minutes of labour. You shall carry me back to the hotel, is that fine?"

Her voice contained a tone of brilliant majesty. If not for the content of her speaking, many would definitely feel the urge to prostrate themselves before her.

"Ah, in that case, this one shall obey."

Before Gu Yue could get a word off, she was swept off her feet by a pair of muscular arms.

She suddenly felt her body pressed onto a muscular figure as a smell that she found pleasant entered her nose.

Gu Yue couldn't help but blush when she looked up at his smiling face.

She let out another snort, but this time one of humour before he nuzzled her face to Huang Yu's body.

This mood was meant to be romantic, but it was ruined when Huang Yu opened his mouth once more.

"Gu Yue, have you gained weight? Your body feels softer tha—"

Huang Yu wasn't able to finish his words as Gu Yue sprang up and chomped on his shoulder.

Unfortunately, the one that suffered in the end.was Gu Yue

Perhaps biting into a body that durable enough to handle Gods wasn't necessarily the best idea.

— — — —

Sitting on top of a skyscraper, Hui Mie closed his eyes.

Opening them once more, a look of sorrow entered his eyes. His hands brushed his hair a bit before he jumped off the building.

Stepping on an invisible platform in the air, Hui Mie shook his head in self-derision.

"Sheng Ming, if I hadn't attempted to seize control of the Divine Realm back then, perhaps the two of us would still be alive."

"Our son, he has all grown up now…."

"I really wish you were here with me to see how he is now..."

"Then maybe we could be a proper family."

"You were always the one that children liked more…"

Hui Mie let out a sigh before he disappeared like a mirage, as if he was never there to begin with.