B2: Story 3* Eids Unusual Friends*

Eids is one of my classmate in the catholic school where I've studied in the province of Negros Occidental, we are in our third year in high school when she became my classmate. She's one of the most beautiful student in our class as well as intelligent. She's our class monitor, the one that keep the class records and check our daily attendance.

"; Rosanna Rho, Rosalie Rho, Rowena Rho?", our english teacher was checking the daily attendance..

" Absent ma'am!", it was Eids who answered.

" Eids, can you please inform these students to, talk to me when they attended your class, okey? they're always absent and I think for the whole six months of this school year II never met this three, are they related? they have the same last names ", Mrs.Siason asked Eids.

"Yes ma'am, actually they are sisters", Eids answered.

" okay, that's why they have sound alike first names", our teacher noticed.

Eids is a very kind and soft spoken girl, she's very friendly, always have a beautiful smile for everybody. I have a long list of good qualities of her in my mind but honestly We're not close as classmate, she has her own circle of friends and I have my own set of friends (Belle and Rose who are my classmates since our first year),but we're not enemy either.

" Tekia, let's go," Belle and Rose are ready to go, they're just waiting for me to finish putting my things inside my bag,

"After lunch we will play again spirit of the glass", Rose said.

" Aren't you afraid? yesterday I'm scared becaused the glass was giving us name when we ask who's on the glass", Belle said.

"Of course because we're asking them!",, Rose said.

" My mom said that's a bad game ,there's a tendency that a bad spirit might be trap in the glass and it will possess us";, Belle said.

"Don't be silly ,it's just a game ";, I told Belle.

" Why don't we try other game which is less evil? ", Belle said.

" What kind of game? a street games? we're matured for those games"; I complained.

" Hellerrr! we're fifteen but We can still play a chinese garter if we want ", Rose said.

"You're unfair, you know that I hate that game because I always lose because I have short legs", I complained.

" Because you're reluctant to play it you have lot of complaints that's why!";, Belle said. Every afternoon,after our class there were three of us who stayed at our friend Rose to eat lunch . She's one of my peer friend and distant relative and we're both aware of that relation because her parents told us both, besides their house is just a walking distance from our school and mine is far that's why I need to bring my packed lunch every morning to be spared from long walk and too much exposure from the sun if I go home in the afternoon.

We enjoy our games after lunch such as spirit of the glass, which scare them because they taught there's really a spirit who communicate with us, but actually it's me who push the glass in the letters to answer whatever questions we ask.

That's our daily routine as a high school student full of nonsense but exciting and fun. One tuesday afternoon when we arrive in school, we notice that Eids seems not her usual self.

" What happened to her? is she on drugs?", Belle asked.

" Hsssshh! don't say that! she's too kind, you're being unfair by accusing her of that nonsense", I told Belle.

" Just asking because look! she seems acting unusually strange", Belle insist.

" Yes, I agree with you,"Rose told Belle, because she's laughing and talking to somebody but we see no one with her. Actually she's seems hallucinating by the look of it. Every afternoon Eids is one of those who were staying in the school for lunch..

" She's been like that since we're eating lunch ", Margs said ,one of her friends said,

The next afternoon when we arrive at school after lunch we saw Eids as though she's very tired and distress..

" Hello! how are you?", Belle ask with concern, Rose and I were hidden at the back of Belle. Then I showed up and try to check her temperature by touching her forehead just like my mother did when checking ours when we have a fever. But she go berserk and wanted to kill me with her tiger looks..

" Don't touch me, stay away from me!", Eids said and push my hand away from her, my pride and ego was hurt because I don't know the reason of her anger, I just want to know if she is sick that moment. everybody present were in panic because Eids lost her consciousness and we don't know the reason why. There were some who called the principal ,then the principal instructed some male students to carry her to the principal's office. They called the school director the parish priest father Macs to give her blessing until she regain her consciousness and she was sent home.

We notice that there are particular days that she is acting strangely specially on tuesday and friday . On that same days she is so indifferent to me as though she hates me so much..

" Eids, I notice that you hate mewhy? I did nothing to offend you", one friday afternoon, I confront her.

" I just don't like you, that's what I feel", she angrily told me, but I notice a different voice of her, and she seems nervous. Upon hearing that I pity Eids for what's happening to her, now I understand why she's acting weird lately. I felt the desire to help her and the same warm feeling and courage I felt when I do the same to Gemma is back.

" Teks, I think she is not Eids, you're talking to an ' engkanto' ", Belle said.

" Really? everybody, can you please hold Eids! I just need to put my hands in her head for a short prayer", I told everybody who are present at that time.

" Don't worry it will not take long.", I added.

" No! stay away from me! don't touch me!", Eids was getting hysterical but she is too weak, only the hoarse voice with different accent shouting and threatening everybody was stronger than her body.

" Teks, are you sure you're doing the right thing?", both Belle and Rose has doubt on what I intend to do.

There are about fiften students in our room at that time but only five has the courage to do as I instructed they were too scared to hold her seeing her reddish eyes.. I put my hands in her head and say a prayer in my mind. I felt as though I am taken over by the holy ghost instantly.

" Leave her body now and never come back! leave! leave! leave!", I ordered angrily in my mind.

" No! she's my friend!", the hoarse voice answered vocally,. she responded vocally in everything I say in my voiceless prayer, so I assume she can clearly hear and understand what I'm praying in secret

" Leave in Jesus Christ name and never bother her again!", I say it in my mind. I just stop my prayer when I notice that she's no longer hysterical.

" Thank you Teks, I'm so tired", Eids said, then she told us about the three sisters whom she said is our classmates but later discovered by teachers are non existent, who are Rosalie,Rosanna and Rowena Rho who befriended her in school and they were bringing her to their house which is in a very far,far place that makes her too tired in walking.She wanted to stop going with them but they visit her even to her house and bring her anywhere they want that makes her too tired and stressful. After that incident she was back in being kind and beautiful until the schoolyear ended...